blob: cd6d19e85dca545772921a9e246debbee73c9431 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Contributed by Oracle.
This file is part of GNU Binutils.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston,
MA 02110-1301, USA. */
#include "config.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include "gp-defs.h"
#include "Command.h"
#include "DbeSession.h"
#include "MemorySpace.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "StringBuilder.h"
const char *Command::DEFAULT_CMD = "default"; // token for default
const char *Command::ALL_CMD = "all"; // token for all
const char *Command::ANY_CMD = "any"; // token for any
const char *Command::NONE_CMD = "none"; // token for none
const char *Command::HWC_CMD = "hwc"; // token for all HWC
const char *Command::BIT_CMD = "bit"; // token for any bit-generated metric
const char *Command::DEFAULT_METRICS = "ei.user:name"; // if no .rc files read
const char *Command::DEFAULT_SORT = "e.user:name"; // if no .rc files read
static char *fhdr, *cchdr, *lahdr, *iohdr, *sdhdr, *lsthdr, *lohdr;
static char *methdr, *othdr, *mischdr, *deflthdr, *andeflthdr;
static char *selhdr, *filthdr, *outhdr, *exphdr, *obj_allhdr;
static char *unsuphdr, *indxobjhdr;
static char *helphdr, *rahdr, *ddhdr, *typehdr, *typehdr2;
// This is the list of commands, which governs the parser scan, as
// well as the help command.
// A line with the tag NO_CMD is skipped in parsing, but is used
// to provide subheadings for the help
// The HELP line must be the last one in the list of commands
// to be shown by "-help"; The HHELP line must be the
// last one to be shown by "-xhelp"
// The LAST_CMD line must be the last one recognized by the parser
// The ordering of this list should match the ordering in the man
// page, and the subheader lines should match the subheadings in
// the man page.
static char *desc[LAST_CMD];
static Cmdtable cmd_lst[] = { // list of commands
// User Commands
{ NO_CMD, "", NULL, NULL, 0, &fhdr},
{ FUNCS, "functions", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[FUNCS]},
{ METRICS, "metrics", NULL, "metric_spec", 1, &desc[METRICS]},
{ SORT, "sort", NULL, "metric_spec", 1, &desc[SORT]},
{ FDETAIL, "fsummary", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[FDETAIL]},
{ FSINGLE, "fsingle", NULL, "function_name #", 2, &desc[FSINGLE]},
{ NO_CMD, "", NULL, NULL, 0, &cchdr},
{ GPROF, "callers-callees", "gprof", NULL, 0, &desc[GPROF]},
{ CSINGLE, "csingle", NULL, "function_name #", 2, &desc[CSINGLE]},
{ CPREPEND, "cprepend", NULL, "function_name #", 2, &desc[CPREPEND]},
{ CAPPEND, "cappend", NULL, "function_name #", 2, &desc[CAPPEND]},
{ CRMFIRST, "crmfirst", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[CRMFIRST]},
{ CRMLAST, "crmlast", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[CRMLAST]},
{ CALLTREE, "calltree", "ctree", NULL, 0, &desc[CALLTREE]},
{ NO_CMD, "", NULL, NULL, 0, &lahdr},
{ LEAKS, "leaks", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[LEAKS]},
{ ALLOCS, "allocs", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[ALLOCS]},
{ HEAP, "heap", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[HEAP]},
{ HEAPSTAT, "heapstat", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[HEAPSTAT]},
{ NO_CMD, "", NULL, NULL, 0, &iohdr},
{ IOACTIVITY, "ioactivity", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[IOACTIVITY]},
{ IOVFD, "iodetail", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[IOVFD]},
{ IOCALLSTACK, "iocallstack", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[IOCALLSTACK]},
{ IOSTAT, "iostat", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[IOSTAT]},
// PC, line, source and dissassembly commands
{ NO_CMD, "", NULL, NULL, 0, &sdhdr},
{ HOTPCS, "pcs", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[HOTPCS]},
{ PDETAIL, "psummary", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[PDETAIL]},
{ HOTLINES, "lines", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[HOTLINES]},
{ LDETAIL, "lsummary", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[LDETAIL]},
{ SOURCE, "source", NULL, "func/file #", 2, &desc[SOURCE]},
{ DISASM, "disasm", NULL, "func/file #", 2, &desc[DISASM]},
{ SCOMPCOM, "scc", NULL, "com_spec", 1, &desc[SCOMPCOM]},
{ STHRESH, "sthresh", NULL, "value", 1, &desc[STHRESH]},
{ DCOMPCOM, "dcc", NULL, "com_spec", 1, &desc[DCOMPCOM]},
{ COMPCOM, "cc", NULL, "com_spec", 1, &desc[COMPCOM]},
{ DTHRESH, "dthresh", NULL, "value", 1, &desc[DTHRESH]},
{ SETPATH, "setpath", NULL, "path_list", 1, &desc[SETPATH]},
{ ADDPATH, "addpath", NULL, "path_list", 1, &desc[ADDPATH]},
{ PATHMAP, "pathmap", NULL, "old_prefix new_prefix", 2, &desc[PATHMAP]},
{ LIBDIRS, "preload_libdirs", NULL, NULL, 1, &desc[PATHMAP]},
// Index Object commands
{ NO_CMD, "", NULL, NULL, 0, &indxobjhdr},
{ INDXOBJ, "indxobj", NULL, "type", 1, &desc[INDXOBJ]},
{ INDXOBJLIST, "indxobj_list", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[INDXOBJLIST]},
{ INDXOBJDEF, "indxobj_define", NULL, "type \"index-expr\"", 2, &desc[INDXOBJDEF]},
// Deadlock detection commands
{ NO_CMD, "", NULL, NULL, 0, &ddhdr},
{ DEADLOCK_EVNTS, "deadlocks", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[DEADLOCK_EVNTS]},
{ DEADLOCK_SUM, "dsummary", NULL, "{deadlock_id|all}", 1, &desc[DEADLOCK_SUM]},
{ NO_CMD, "", NULL, NULL, 0, &lsthdr},
{ EXP_LIST, "experiment_list", "exp_list", NULL, 0, &desc[EXP_LIST]},
{ SAMPLE_LIST, "sample_list", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[SAMPLE_LIST]},
{ LWP_LIST, "lwp_list", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[LWP_LIST]},
{ THREAD_LIST, "thread_list", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[THREAD_LIST]},
{ CPU_LIST, "cpu_list", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[CPU_LIST]},
{ NO_CMD, "", NULL, NULL, 0, &filthdr},
{ FILTERS, "filters", NULL, "filter-specification", 1, &desc[FILTERS]},
{ DESCRIBE, "describe", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[DESCRIBE]},
{ NO_CMD, "", NULL, NULL, 0, &selhdr},
{ SAMPLE_SELECT, "sample_select", NULL, "sample_spec", 1, &desc[SAMPLE_SELECT]},
{ LWP_SELECT, "lwp_select", NULL, "lwp_spec", 1, &desc[LWP_SELECT]},
{ THREAD_SELECT, "thread_select", NULL, "thread_spec", 1, &desc[THREAD_SELECT]},
{ CPU_SELECT, "cpu_select", NULL, "cpu_spec", 1, &desc[CPU_SELECT]},
{ NO_CMD, "", NULL, NULL, 0, &lohdr},
{ OBJECT_LIST, "object_list", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[OBJECT_LIST]},
{ OBJECT_SHOW, "object_show", NULL, "obj1,...", 1, &desc[OBJECT_SHOW]},
{ OBJECT_HIDE, "object_hide", NULL, "obj1,...", 1, &desc[OBJECT_HIDE]},
{ OBJECT_API, "object_api", NULL, "obj1,...", 1, &desc[OBJECT_API]},
{ DUMMY_CMD, " ", NULL, NULL, 0, &obj_allhdr},
{ OBJECTS_DEFAULT, "objects_default", NULL, NULL, 1, &desc[OBJECTS_DEFAULT]},
{ OBJECT_SELECT, "object_select", NULL, "obj1,...", 1, &desc[OBJECT_SELECT]},
{ NO_CMD, "", NULL, NULL, 0, &methdr},
{ METRIC_LIST, "metric_list", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[METRIC_LIST]},
{ GMETRIC_LIST, "cmetric_list", "gmetric_list", NULL, 0, &desc[GMETRIC_LIST]},
{ INDX_METRIC_LIST, "indx_metric_list", NULL, NULL, 1, &desc[INDX_METRIC_LIST]},
{ NO_CMD, "", NULL, NULL, 0, &outhdr},
{ OUTFILE, "outfile", NULL, "filename", 1, &desc[OUTFILE]},
{ APPENDFILE, "appendfile", NULL, "filename", 1, &desc[APPENDFILE]},
{ LIMIT, "limit", NULL, "n", 1, &desc[LIMIT]},
{ NAMEFMT, "name", NULL, "{long|short|mangled}[:{soname|nosoname}]", 1, &desc[NAMEFMT]},
{ VIEWMODE, "viewmode", NULL, "{user|expert|machine}", 1, &desc[VIEWMODE]},
{ COMPARE, "compare", NULL, "{on|off|delta|ratio}", 1, &desc[COMPARE]},
{ PRINTMODE, "printmode", NULL, "string", 1, &desc[PRINTMODE]},
{ NO_CMD, "", NULL, NULL, 0, &othdr},
{ HEADER, "header", NULL, "exp_id", 1, &desc[HEADER]},
{ OBJECTS, "objects", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[OBJECTS]},
{ OVERVIEW_NEW, "overview", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[OVERVIEW_NEW]},
{ SAMPLE_DETAIL, "sample_detail", NULL, "exp_id", 1, &desc[SAMPLE_DETAIL]},
{ STATISTICS, "statistics", NULL, "exp_id", 1, &desc[STATISTICS]},
{ NO_CMD, "", NULL, NULL, 0, &exphdr},
{ OPEN_EXP, "open_exp", NULL, "experiment", 1, &desc[OPEN_EXP]},
{ ADD_EXP, "add_exp", NULL, "experiment", 1, &desc[ADD_EXP]},
{ DROP_EXP, "drop_exp", NULL, "experiment", 1, &desc[DROP_EXP]},
{ NO_CMD, "", NULL, NULL, 0, &deflthdr},
{ DMETRICS, "dmetrics", NULL, "metric_spec", 1, &desc[DMETRICS]},
{ DSORT, "dsort", NULL, "metric_spec", 1, &desc[DSORT]},
{ EN_DESC, "en_desc", NULL, "{on|off|=<regex>}", 1, &desc[EN_DESC]},
{ NO_CMD, "", NULL, NULL, 0, &andeflthdr},
{ TLMODE, "tlmode", NULL, "tl_mode", 1, &desc[TLMODE]},
{ TLDATA, "tldata", NULL, "tl_data", 1, &desc[TLDATA]},
{ TABS, "tabs", NULL, "tablist", 1, &desc[TABS]},
{ CALLFLAME, "callflame", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[CALLFLAME]},
{ TIMELINE, "timeline", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[TIMELINE]},
{ DUALSOURCE, "dsrc", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[DUALSOURCE]},
{ SOURCEDISAM, "srcdis", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[SOURCEDISAM]},
{ NO_CMD, "", NULL, NULL, 0, &mischdr},
{ DUMMY_CMD, "<type>", NULL, NULL, 0, &typehdr},
{ DUMMY_CMD, " ", NULL, NULL, 0, &typehdr2},
{ IFREQ, "ifreq", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[IFREQ]},
{ PROCSTATS, "procstats", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[PROCSTATS]},
{ SCRIPT, "script", NULL, "file", 1, &desc[SCRIPT]},
{ VERSION_cmd, "version", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[VERSION_cmd]},
{ QUIT, "quit", "exit", NULL, 0, &desc[QUIT]},
{ NO_CMD, "", NULL, NULL, 0, &helphdr},
{ HELP, "help", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[HELP]},
{ NO_CMD, "", NULL, NULL, 0, &unsuphdr},
{ HELP, "-help", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[HELP]},
{ DUMPFUNC, "dfuncs", NULL, "string", 1, &desc[DUMPFUNC]},
{ DUMPDOBJS, "ddobjs", NULL, "string", 1, &desc[DUMPDOBJS]},
{ DUMPNODES, "dnodes", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[DUMPNODES]},
{ DUMPSTACKS, "dstacks", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[DUMPSTACKS]},
{ DUMPUNK, "dunkpc", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[DUMPUNK]},
{ DUMPMAP, "dmap", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[DUMPMAP]},
{ DUMPENTITIES, "dentities", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[DUMPENTITIES]},
{ IGNORE_NO_XHWCPROF, "ignore_no_xhwcprof", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[IGNORE_NO_XHWCPROF]},
{ IGNORE_FS_WARN, "ignore_fs_warn", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[IGNORE_FS_WARN]},
{ DUMP_PROFILE, "dprofile", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[DUMP_PROFILE]},
{ DUMP_SYNC, "dsync", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[DUMP_SYNC]},
{ DUMP_IOTRACE, "diotrace", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[DUMP_IOTRACE]},
{ DUMP_HWC, "dhwc", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[DUMP_HWC]},
{ DUMP_HEAP, "dheap", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[DUMP_HEAP]},
{ RACE_ACCS, "r_accs", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[RACE_ACCS]},
{ DMPI_FUNCS, "dmpi_funcs", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[DMPI_FUNCS]},
{ DMPI_MSGS, "dmpi_msgs", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[DMPI_MSGS]},
{ DMPI_EVENTS, "dmpi_events", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[DMPI_EVENTS]},
{ DMEM, "dmem", NULL, NULL, 1, &desc[DMEM]},
{ DUMP_GC, "dumpgc", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[DUMP_GC]},
{ DKILL, "dkill", NULL, NULL, 2, &desc[DKILL]},
{ QQUIT, "xquit", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[QQUIT]},
// use xquit for memory leak detection in dbe; it's
// like quit, but deletes all data loaded
{ HHELP, "xhelp", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[HHELP]},
{ WHOAMI, "whoami", NULL, NULL, 0, NULL},
// these are not recognized at this point
{ LOADOBJECT, "segments", "pmap", NULL, 0, &desc[LOADOBJECT]},
{ LOADOBJECT_LIST, "segment_list", NULL, NULL, 0, &desc[LOADOBJECT_LIST]},
{ LOADOBJECT_SELECT, "segment_select", NULL, "seg1,...", 1, &desc[LOADOBJECT_SELECT]},
{ LAST_CMD, "xxxx", NULL, NULL, 0, NULL}
Command::get_command (char *cmd, int &arg_count, int &cparam)
int i;
int len = (int) strlen (cmd);
bool got = false;
CmdType token = UNKNOWN_CMD;
arg_count = 0;
cparam = -1;
if (*cmd == '\0') // - command
return STDIN;
if (*cmd == '#') // comment
return COMMENT;
if (strcmp (cmd, "V") == 0 || strcmp (cmd, "-version") == 0)
return VERSION_cmd;
if (strcmp (cmd, "-help") == 0)
return HELP;
if (strncmp (cmd, NTXT ("-whoami="), 8) == 0)
cparam = 8;
return WHOAMI;
if (*cmd == '-')
for (i = 0;; i++)
if (cmd_lst[i].token == LAST_CMD)
if (!strncasecmp (cmd, cmd_lst[i].str, len) ||
(cmd_lst[i].alt && !strncasecmp (cmd, cmd_lst[i].alt, len)))
// Is it unambiguous?
if (!strcasecmp (cmd, cmd_lst[i].str)
|| (cmd_lst[i].alt && !strcasecmp (cmd, cmd_lst[i].alt)))
// exact, full-length match
token = cmd_lst[i].token;
arg_count = cmd_lst[i].arg_count;
return token;
if (got)
got = true;
token = cmd_lst[i].token;
arg_count = cmd_lst[i].arg_count;
// Did we find it?
if (token != UNKNOWN_CMD)
return token;
// See if it's the name of a index object
if (dbeSession)
int indxtype = dbeSession->findIndexSpaceByName (cmd);
if (indxtype >= 0)
// found it
cparam = indxtype;
return INDXOBJ;
return token;
const char *
Command::get_cmd_str (CmdType type)
for (int i = 0;; i++)
if (cmd_lst[i].token == LAST_CMD)
if (type == cmd_lst[i].token)
return cmd_lst[i].str;
return "xxxx";
char *
Command::get_err_string (Cmd_status err)
switch (err)
case CMD_OK:
return NULL;
case CMD_BAD:
return GTXT ("command bad");
return GTXT ("command ambiguous");
return GTXT ("Invalid argument to command");
return GTXT ("argument to command is out-of-range");
return GTXT ("invalid command");
return NULL;
Command::print_help (char *prog_name, bool cmd_line, bool usermode, FILE *outf)
char *fmt, *msg;
int i;
StringBuilder sb;
enum CmdType nc;
init_desc ();
if (usermode) // show the hidden ones, too
nc = HELP;
nc = HHELP;
if (cmd_line)
fprintf (outf, GTXT ("Usage: %s [ -script script | -command | - ] exper_1 ... exper_n\n"),
fprintf (outf, GTXT ("An alternate spelling for a command is shown in [], where applicable.\n\n"
"Those commands followed by a * may appear in .rc files.\n\n"
"Those commands followed by a $ can only appear in .rc files.\n\n"));
fmt = fmt_help (nc, ' ');
for (i = 0;; i++)
// check for end of list
if (cmd_lst[i].token == LAST_CMD)
if (cmd_lst[i].token == NO_CMD) // this is a header line
fprintf (outf, NTXT (" %s\n"), *cmd_lst[i].desc);
if (strlen (cmd_lst[i].str) == 0)
// this is a real command line
sb.setLength (0);
sb.append (cmd_lst[i].str);
if (cmd_lst[i].alt)
sb.append ('[');
sb.append (cmd_lst[i].alt);
sb.append (']');
if (cmd_lst[i].arg)
sb.append (' ');
sb.append (cmd_lst[i].arg);
msg = sb.toString ();
fprintf (outf, fmt, msg, *cmd_lst[i].desc);
free (msg);
// check for end of list
if (cmd_lst[i].token == nc)
// construct format for printing help
char *
Command::fmt_help (int nc, char head)
int len, max_len, i;
static char fmt[BUFSIZ];
max_len = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nc; i++)
len = (int) strlen (cmd_lst[i].str);
if (cmd_lst[i].alt)
len += (int) strlen (cmd_lst[i].alt) + 2;
if (cmd_lst[i].arg)
len += (int) strlen (cmd_lst[i].arg) + 2;
if (max_len < len)
max_len = len;
snprintf (fmt, sizeof (fmt), NTXT (" %c%%-%ds %%s\n"), head, max_len + 1);
return fmt;
Command::init_desc ()
if (desc[0] != NULL)
desc[FUNCS] = GTXT ("display functions with current metrics");
desc[HOTPCS] = GTXT ("display hot PC's with current metrics");
desc[HOTLINES] = GTXT ("display hot lines with current metrics");
desc[FDETAIL] = GTXT ("display summary metrics for each function");
desc[OBJECTS] = GTXT ("display object list with errors or warnings");
desc[COMPARE] = GTXT ("enable comparison mode for experiments *");
desc[PRINTMODE] = GTXT ("set the mode for printing tables *");
desc[LDETAIL] = GTXT ("display summary metrics for each hot line");
desc[PDETAIL] = GTXT ("display summary metrics for each hot PC");
desc[SOURCE] = GTXT ("display annotated source for function/file");
desc[DISASM] = GTXT ("display annotated disassembly for function/file");
desc[SCOMPCOM] = GTXT ("set compiler commentary classes for source *");
desc[STHRESH] = GTXT ("set highlight threshold for source *");
desc[DCOMPCOM] = GTXT ("set compiler commentary classes for disasm *");
desc[COMPCOM] = GTXT ("set compiler commentary classes for both source and disasm *");
desc[DTHRESH] = GTXT ("set highlight threshold for disasm *");
desc[METRIC_LIST] = GTXT ("display the available metrics and dmetrics keywords");
desc[METRICS] = GTXT ("set a new list of metrics");
desc[SORT] = GTXT ("sort tables by the specified metric");
desc[GPROF] = GTXT ("display the callers-callees for each function");
desc[CALLTREE] = GTXT ("display the tree of function calls");
desc[CALLFLAME] = GTXT ("request calltree flame chart -- not a command, but used in the tabs command");
desc[GMETRIC_LIST] = GTXT ("display the available callers-callees metrics");
desc[FSINGLE] = GTXT ("display the summary metrics for specified function");
desc[CSINGLE] = GTXT ("display the callers-callees for the specified function");
desc[CPREPEND] = GTXT ("add specified function to the head of the callstack fragment");
desc[CAPPEND] = GTXT ("add specified function to the end of the callstack fragment");
desc[CRMFIRST] = GTXT ("remove the first function from the callstack fragment");
desc[CRMLAST] = GTXT ("remove the last function from the callstack fragment");
desc[LEAKS] = GTXT ("display memory leaks, aggregated by callstack");
desc[ALLOCS] = GTXT ("display allocations, aggregated by callstack");
desc[HEAP] = GTXT ("display memory allocations and leaks, aggregated by callstack");
desc[HEAPSTAT] = GTXT ("display heap statistics report");
desc[IOACTIVITY] = GTXT ("display I/O activity report, aggregated by file name");
desc[IOVFD] = GTXT ("display I/O activity report, aggregated by file descriptor");
desc[IOCALLSTACK] = GTXT ("display I/O activity report, aggregated by callstack");
desc[IOSTAT] = GTXT ("display I/O statistics report");
desc[RACE_ACCS] = GTXT ("dump race access events");
desc[DMPI_MSGS] = GTXT ("dump mpi messages");
desc[DMPI_FUNCS] = GTXT ("dump mpi function calls");
desc[DMPI_EVENTS] = GTXT ("dump mpi trace events");
desc[DMEM] = GTXT ("debug command for internal use");
desc[DUMP_GC] = GTXT ("dump Java garbage collector events");
desc[DKILL] = GTXT ("send process p signal s");
desc[DEADLOCK_EVNTS] = GTXT ("display deadlock events");
desc[DEADLOCK_SUM] = GTXT ("display summary for the deadlock event");
desc[HEADER] = GTXT ("display information about the experiment");
desc[OVERVIEW_NEW] = GTXT ("display the overview of all loaded experiments");
desc[SAMPLE_DETAIL] = GTXT ("display the current sample list with data");
desc[STATISTICS] = GTXT ("display the execution statistics data");
desc[EXP_LIST] = GTXT ("display the existing experiments");
desc[DESCRIBE] = GTXT ("describe recorded data and tokens available for filtering data");
desc[OBJECT_SHOW] = GTXT ("set load objects to show all functions *");
desc[OBJECT_HIDE] = GTXT ("set load objects to hide functions *");
desc[OBJECT_API] = GTXT ("set load objects to show API (entry point) only *");
desc[OBJECTS_DEFAULT] = GTXT ("reset load objects show to defaults");
desc[OBJECT_LIST] = GTXT ("display load objects, functions-shown flag");
desc[OBJECT_SELECT] = GTXT ("set list of load objects whose functions are shown");
desc[SAMPLE_LIST] = GTXT ("display the list of existing samples");
desc[SAMPLE_SELECT] = GTXT ("set a new list of samples");
desc[THREAD_LIST] = GTXT ("display the list of existing threads");
desc[THREAD_SELECT] = GTXT ("set a new list of threads");
desc[LWP_LIST] = GTXT ("display the list of existing LWPs");
desc[LWP_SELECT] = GTXT ("set a new list of LWPs");
desc[CPU_LIST] = GTXT ("display the list of CPUs");
desc[CPU_SELECT] = GTXT ("set a new list of CPUs");
desc[OUTFILE] = GTXT ("open filename for subsequent output");
desc[APPENDFILE] = GTXT ("open filename for subsequent appended output");
desc[LIMIT] = GTXT ("limit output to the first n entries (n=0 for no limit)");
desc[NAMEFMT] = GTXT ("set long/short/mangled names for functions *");
desc[VIEWMODE] = GTXT ("set viewmode user|expert|machine *");
desc[EN_DESC] = GTXT ("enable descendant processes on|off|regex matches lineage or program name $");
desc[SETPATH] = GTXT ("set search path for annotated src/dis");
desc[ADDPATH] = GTXT ("add search path for annotated src/dis *");
desc[PATHMAP] = GTXT ("remap path prefix for annotated src/dis *");
desc[LIBDIRS] = GTXT ("set path where the gprofng libraries are installed");
desc[SCRIPT] = GTXT ("read er_print commands from script file");
desc[PROCSTATS] = GTXT ("display processing statistics");
desc[ADD_EXP] = GTXT ("add experiment or group");
desc[DROP_EXP] = GTXT ("drop experiment");
desc[OPEN_EXP] = GTXT ("open experiment or group (drops all loaded experiments first)");
desc[VERSION_cmd] = GTXT ("display the current release version");
desc[HELP] = GTXT ("display the list of available commands");
desc[QUIT] = GTXT ("terminate processing and exit");
desc[DMETRICS] = GTXT ("set default function list metrics $");
desc[DSORT] = GTXT ("set default function list sort metric $");
desc[TLMODE] = GTXT ("set default timeline mode, align, depth $");
desc[TLDATA] = GTXT ("set default timeline visible data $");
desc[TABS] = GTXT ("set default visible tabs $");
desc[RTABS] = GTXT ("set default visible tabs for Thread Analyzer Experiment $");
desc[INDXOBJ] = GTXT ("display index objects of a specified type with current metrics");
desc[INDXOBJLIST] = GTXT ("display list of index objects");
desc[INDXOBJDEF] = GTXT ("define a new index object type *");
desc[INDX_METRIC_LIST] = GTXT ("display the available index object metrics");
desc[IFREQ] = GTXT ("display instruction-frequency report");
desc[TIMELINE] = GTXT ("request timeline -- not a command, but used in the tabs command");
desc[MPI_TIMELINE] = GTXT ("request mpi-timeline -- not a command, but used in the tabs command");
desc[MPI_CHART] = GTXT ("request mpi chart -- not a command, but used in the tabs command");
desc[DUALSOURCE] = GTXT ("request dualsource tab -- not a command, but used in the tabs command");
desc[SOURCEDISAM] = GTXT ("request source/disassembly tab -- not a command, but used in the tabs command");
desc[DUMPNODES] = GTXT ("dump pathtree node table");
desc[DUMPSTACKS] = GTXT ("dump Experiment callstack tables");
desc[DUMPUNK] = GTXT ("dump <Unknown> PCs");
desc[DUMPFUNC] = GTXT ("dump functions whose name matches string");
desc[DUMPDOBJS] = GTXT ("dump dataobjects whose name matches string");
desc[DUMPMAP] = GTXT ("dump load-object map");
desc[DUMPENTITIES] = GTXT ("dump threads, lwps, cpus");
desc[DUMP_PROFILE] = GTXT ("dump clock profile events");
desc[DUMP_SYNC] = GTXT ("dump synchronization trace events");
desc[DUMP_IOTRACE] = GTXT ("dump IO trace events");
desc[DUMP_HWC] = GTXT ("dump HWC profile events");
desc[DUMP_HEAP] = GTXT ("dump heap trace events");
desc[IGNORE_NO_XHWCPROF] = GTXT ("ignore absence of -xhwcprof info in dataspace profiling $");
desc[IGNORE_FS_WARN] = GTXT ("ignore filesystem (nfs, ...) warning $");
desc[HHELP] = GTXT ("display help including unsupported commands");
desc[QQUIT] = GTXT ("terminate processing and exit");
desc[LOADOBJECT] = GTXT ("display the address map with current metrics");
desc[LOADOBJECT_LIST] = GTXT ("display segments, indicating which are selected");
desc[LOADOBJECT_SELECT] = GTXT ("set a new list of segments");
desc[FILTERS] = GTXT ("define a filter");
fhdr = GTXT ("\nCommands controlling the function list:");
cchdr = GTXT ("\nCommands controlling the callers-callees and calltree lists:");
lahdr = GTXT ("\nCommands controlling the leak and allocation lists:");
iohdr = GTXT ("\nCommand controlling the I/O activity report:");
rahdr = GTXT ("\nCommands controlling the race events lists:");
ddhdr = GTXT ("\nCommands controlling the deadlock events lists:");
typehdr = GTXT ("equivalent to \"memobj type\", or \"indxobj type\"");
typehdr2 = GTXT (" where type is a memory object or index object type");
sdhdr = GTXT ("\nCommands controlling the source and disassembly listings:");
lsthdr = GTXT ("\nCommands listing experiments, samples and threads:");
lohdr = GTXT ("\nCommands controlling load object selection:");
obj_allhdr = GTXT (" the special object name `all' refers to all load objects");
methdr = GTXT ("\nCommands that list metrics:");
othdr = GTXT ("\nCommands that print other displays:");
outhdr = GTXT ("\nCommands that control output:");
mischdr = GTXT ("\nMiscellaneous commands:");
exphdr = GTXT ("\nCommands for experiments (scripts and interactive mode only):");
deflthdr = GTXT ("\nDefault-setting commands:");
andeflthdr = GTXT ("\nDefault-setting commands that only affect gprofng GUI");
selhdr = GTXT ("\nCommands controlling old-style filters/selection:");
filthdr = GTXT ("\nCommands controlling filters:");
indxobjhdr = GTXT ("\nCommands controlling the index objects:");
unsuphdr = GTXT ("\nUnsupported commands:");
helphdr = GTXT ("\nHelp command:");