blob: 2bcbdf8e8867bd2854b953907ee0c50d335a2a14 [file] [log] [blame]
; Test (no_)register_prefixes a bit. Register prefix may or may not be
; mandated when we get here.
; Ambiguous. Depends on default.
move.d r5,$r5
move r4,$ibr
move.d $r4,[r10+1]
jsr r10
move.d [r0],$r7
; Non-ambiguous, with a prefix.
push $srp
move $irp,$r4
move.d $r4,[$r0+$r10.b]
move $ccr,[$pc+r16]
.syntax no_register_prefix
; Some invalid with mandated register prefix; check that they pass.
push srp
move.d r4,[r0+r10.d]
move $ccr,[$pc+r16]
; Ambiguity interpreted one way...
move.d r5,$r5
move r4,$ibr
move.d $r4,[r10+1]
jsr r10
.syntax register_prefix
; Ambiguity interpreted the other way.
move.d r5,$r5
move r4,$ibr
move.d $r4,[r10+1]
jsr r10