[gdb/testsuite] Fix gdb.ada/literals.exp with aarch64

On aarch64-linux, I run into:
(gdb) print 16#ffffffffffffffff#^M
$7 = 18446744073709551615^M
(gdb) FAIL: gdb.ada/literals.exp: print 16#ffffffffffffffff#
while on x86_64-linux instead, I get:
(gdb) print 16#ffffffffffffffff#^M
$7 = -1^M
(gdb) PASS: gdb.ada/literals.exp: print 16#ffffffffffffffff#

We can easily reproduce this on x86_64-linux using:
$ gdb -q -batch -ex "set lang ada" -ex "set arch i386" \
  -ex "print 16#ffffffffffffffff#"
$1 = -1
$ gdb -q -batch -ex "set lang ada" -ex "set arch aarch64" \
  -ex "print 16#ffffffffffffffff#"
$1 = 18446744073709551615

With i386, we have:
(gdb) p int_bits
$3 = 32
(gdb) p long_bits
$4 = 32
(gdb) p long_long_bits
$5 = 64
and so in processInt we hit the fits-in-unsigned-long-long case where we use
as type long long:
      /* Note: Interprets ULLONG_MAX as -1.  */
      yylval.typed_val.type = type_long_long (par_state);

With aarch64, we have instead:
(gdb) p int_bits
$1 = 32
(gdb) p long_bits
$2 = 64
(gdb) p long_long_bits
$3 = 64
and so in processInt we hit the fits-in-unsigned-long case where we use
as type unsigned long:
        = builtin_type (par_state->gdbarch ())->builtin_unsigned_long;

It's not clear why for ada we're using long long for the
fits-in-unsigned-long-long case.

Fix this by using unsigned long long for the fits-in-unsigned-long-long case,
meaning the new reference output is 18446744073709551615 instead of -1.

Tested on x86_64-linux.

Bug: https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=29416
2 files changed