blob: f45f29e3c0e12d28aa8154c1602e3160d427c3b8 [file] [log] [blame]
/* pr 13484 */
#include <stdio.h>
int x;
void foo()
printf("This is foo\n");
int main()
return 0;
/* Ensure the new file will have more sections. It may exploit code not
updating its SECTION_COUNT on reread_symbols. */
# define VAR0(n) __attribute__ ((section ("sect" #n))) int var##n;
# define VAR1(n) VAR0 (n ## 0) VAR0(n ## 1) VAR0(n ## 2) VAR0(n ## 3)
# define VAR2(n) VAR1 (n ## 0) VAR1(n ## 1) VAR1(n ## 2) VAR1(n ## 3)
# define VAR3(n) VAR2 (n ## 0) VAR2(n ## 1) VAR2(n ## 2) VAR2(n ## 3)
VAR3 (0)