blob: c419e00a7b2f0cf881cf81a2aa5a8eecc0ce0744 [file] [log] [blame]
# Create a mergeable section full of a single value.
# Create page references relative to instances of the value
# that are large distances apart.
# The mergeable entries collapse to one, so even with the
# large distances in the original file, we should end
# up with a single page entry.
.globl foo
.ent foo
.rept 4
lw $4,%got_page(1f)($gp)
addiu $4,$4,%got_ofst(1f)
.section .rodata.cst4,"aM",@progbits,4
.rept 0x8000
.word 123456
.end foo
# Make sure the loadable size of the library is large.
.section .bss
.globl g
.space 0x800000