blob: e79a70ce221e0971487f5e92b5775ebd599fd24e [file] [log] [blame]
.set noreorder
.type fun, @function
.weak fun
.type obj, @object
.weak obj
.ifdef prot
.protected fun
.protected obj
.ifdef hidn
.hidden fun
.hidden obj
.ifdef intr
.internal fun
.internal obj
.section, "ax", @progbits
.globl foo
.ent foo
.frame $sp, 0, $31
.mask 0x00000000, 0
.fmask 0x00000000, 0
.cpload $25
lw $25, %call16(fun)($28)
lw $4, %got(obj)($28)
jr $25
addiu $4, 4
.end foo
# Force some (non-delay-slot) zero bytes, to make 'objdump' print ...
.align 4, 0
.space 16
.section, "ax", @progbits
.ent bar
.frame $sp, 0, $31
.mask 0x00000000, 0
.fmask 0x00000000, 0
.cpload $25
lwl $25, %call16(fun)($28)
lwr $4, %got(obj)($28)
jr $25
addiu $4, 4
.end bar
# Force some (non-delay-slot) zero bytes, to make 'objdump' print ...
.align 4, 0
.space 16