blob: a982530fa9cc486f69d0ae3b71cae25ff0e49198 [file] [log] [blame]
.*\.so: file format elf32-or1k
Disassembly of section \.plt:
[0-9a-f]+ <\.plt>:
[0-9a-f]+: 85 f0 00 08 l\.lwz r15,8\(r16\)
[0-9a-f]+: 44 00 78 00 l\.jr r15
[0-9a-f]+: 85 90 00 04 l\.lwz r12,4\(r16\)
[0-9a-f]+: 15 00 00 00 l\.nop 0x0
[0-9a-f]+: 85 90 00 0c l\.lwz r12,12\(r16\)
[0-9a-f]+: 44 00 60 00 l\.jr r12
[0-9a-f]+: a9 60 00 00 l\.ori r11,r0,0x0
[0-9a-f]+: 15 00 00 00 l\.nop 0x0
[0-9a-f]+: 85 90 00 10 l\.lwz r12,16\(r16\)
[0-9a-f]+: 44 00 60 00 l\.jr r12
[0-9a-f]+: a9 60 00 0c l\.ori r11,r0,0xc
[0-9a-f]+: 15 00 00 00 l\.nop 0x0
Disassembly of section \.text:
[0-9a-f]+ <_start>:
[0-9a-f]+: 03 ff ff f8 l\.j [0-9a-f]+ <.plt\+0x10>
[0-9a-f]+: 15 00 00 00 l\.nop 0x0
[0-9a-f]+: 03 ff ff fa l\.j [0-9a-f]+ <.plt\+0x20>
[0-9a-f]+: 15 00 00 00 l\.nop 0x0