blob: d5f377123ab7e456ba6b8c1ea1a4559920210d6f [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Contributed by Oracle.
This file is part of GNU Binutils.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston,
MA 02110-1301, USA. */
#include "config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <fcntl.h> // creat
#include <unistd.h> // sleep
#include <pthread.h> // pthread_exit
#include <sys/wait.h> // wait
#include <locale.h>
#include "DbeApplication.h"
#include "Histable.h"
#include "ipcio.h"
#include "Dbe.h"
#include "DbeSession.h"
#include "DbeThread.h"
#include "DbeView.h"
int ipc_flags = 0;
IPCTraceLevel ipc_trace_level = TRACE_LVL_0;
int ipc_single_threaded_mode = 0;
char const *ipc_protocol = NULL;
DbeThreadPool *ipcThreadPool;
extern int currentRequestID;
extern int currentChannelID;
extern BufferPool *responseBufferPool;
extern bool cancelNeeded (int);
extern void reexec ();
/* Simple implementation of support for cancel of open experiment. Since we have only one cancellable
operation supported at this moment, we are using just a global variable.
As we support more and more cancellable ops we need a more sophisticated data struture such
as a mt-safe array to keep track of all cancellable requests/channels and update the supporting
routines - setCancellableChannel, cancelNeeded (in setCancelRequestedCh */
int cancellableChannelID = 0xFFFFFFFF;
int cancelRequestedChannelID;
static const char *table_name (int);
#define VSIZE(v) ((long long) ((v) ? (v)->size() : 0))
inline const char*
bool2str (bool v)
return v ? "true" : "false";
inline const char*
str2str (const char* v)
return v ? v : "NULL";
inline const char*
str2s (const char* v)
return v ? v : "";
inline DbeView *
getView (int index)
return dbeSession->getView (index);
extern "C"
typedef void (*SignalHandler)(int);
* Fatal error handlers
static int fatalErrorCode = 1;
static int fatalErrorCounter = 0;
static void *fatalErrorContext = 0;
static siginfo_t *fatalErrorInfo = 0;
static char *fatalErrorDynamicMemory = NULL;
extern "C" void
fatalErrorHadler (int sig, siginfo_t *info, void *context)
if (fatalErrorCounter > 0)
{ // Need synchronization here
//sleep(10); // Wait 10 seconds to make sure previous processing is done
return; // exit(fatalErrorCode); // Already in processing
fatalErrorCounter = 1;
fatalErrorCode = sig;
fatalErrorContext = context;
fatalErrorInfo = info;
// Free reserved memory
if (fatalErrorDynamicMemory != NULL)
free (fatalErrorDynamicMemory);
fatalErrorDynamicMemory = NULL;
// Get process ID
pid_t pid = getpid ();
// Create dump file
char fname[128];
snprintf (fname, sizeof (fname), "/tmp/gprofng.%lld", (long long) pid);
mkdir (fname, 0700);
snprintf (fname, sizeof (fname), "/tmp/gprofng.%lld/crash.sig%d.%lld",
(long long) pid, sig, (long long) pid);
// Dump stack trace in background using pstack
char buf[256];
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "/usr/bin/pstack %lld > %s.pstack",
(long long) pid, fname);
system (buf);
int fd = creat (fname, 0600);
if (fd >= 0)
// Write error message
dbe_write (fd, "A fatal error has been detected by er_print: Signal %d\n",
dbe_write (fd, "Protocol Version: %d\n", IPC_VERSION_NUMBER);
close (fd);
wait (0); // wait for pstack
//sleep(10); // Wait 10 seconds to make sure processing of fatal error is done
// Exit with correct status
exit (fatalErrorCode);
// SIGABRT Handler
extern "C" void
sigABRT_handler (int sig, siginfo_t *info, void *context)
fatalErrorHadler (sig, info, context);
pthread_exit (&fatalErrorCode);
// SIGSEGV Handler
extern "C" void
sigSEGV_handler (int sig, siginfo_t *info, void *context)
//if (fatalErrorCounter > 0) sleep(1); // Wait 1 second
fatalErrorHadler (sig, info, context);
pthread_exit (&fatalErrorCode);
// SIGTERM Handler
extern "C" void sigterm_handler (int sig, siginfo_t *info, void *context);
struct sigaction old_sigterm_handler;
volatile int term_flag;
int error_flag;
extern "C" void
sigterm_handler (int, siginfo_t *, void *)
if (fatalErrorCounter > 0)
//sleep(10); // Wait 10 seconds to make sure processing of fatal error is done
//return; // Fatal error processing will exit it
pthread_exit (&fatalErrorCode);
term_flag = 1;
#define ipc_log ipc_default_log
#define ipc_request_trace ipc_request_log
#define ipc_response_trace ipc_response_log
static const char *ipc_log_name = NULL;
static const char *ipc_request_log_name = NULL;
static const char *ipc_response_log_name = NULL;
static FILE *requestLogFileP = stderr;
static FILE *responseLogFileP = stderr;
static hrtime_t begin_time;
static long long delta_time = 0;
ipc_default_log (const char *fmt, ...)
if (!ipc_log_name || !ipc_flags)
if (ipc_trace_level >= TRACE_LVL_3)
hrtime_t cur_time = gethrtime ();
unsigned long long time_stamp = (cur_time - begin_time) / 1000000 + delta_time;
fprintf (stderr, "%7llu: ", time_stamp);
va_list vp;
va_start (vp, fmt);
vfprintf (stderr, fmt, vp);
va_end (vp);
fflush (stderr);
extern "C" void sigint_handler (int sig, siginfo_t *info, void *context);
struct sigaction old_sigint_handler;
extern "C" void
sigint_handler (int, siginfo_t *, void *)
ipc_log ("SIGINT signal happens\n");
ipc_request_log (IPCTraceLevel trace_level, const char *fmt, ...)
if (!ipc_request_log_name || !ipc_flags || trace_level > ipc_trace_level)
fprintf (responseLogFileP, "thr: %llu ", (unsigned long long) pthread_self ());
if (ipc_trace_level >= TRACE_LVL_3)
hrtime_t cur_time = gethrtime ();
unsigned long long time_stamp = (cur_time - begin_time) / 1000000 + delta_time;
fprintf (requestLogFileP, "%7llu: ", time_stamp);
va_list vp;
va_start (vp, fmt);
vfprintf (requestLogFileP, fmt, vp);
va_end (vp);
fflush (requestLogFileP);
ipc_response_log (IPCTraceLevel trace_level, const char *fmt, ...)
if (!ipc_response_log_name || !ipc_flags || trace_level > ipc_trace_level)
fprintf (responseLogFileP, "thr: %llu ", (unsigned long long) pthread_self ());
if (ipc_trace_level >= TRACE_LVL_3)
hrtime_t cur_time = gethrtime ();
unsigned long long time_stamp = (cur_time - begin_time) / 1000000 + delta_time;
fprintf (responseLogFileP, "%7llu: ", time_stamp);
va_list vp;
va_start (vp, fmt);
vfprintf (responseLogFileP, fmt, vp);
va_end (vp);
fflush (responseLogFileP);
#ifdef IPC_LOG
ipc_dump (char *s, Vector<bool> *v)
if (v == NULL)
ipc_log (" Vector<bool> %s is NULL\n", str2s (s));
ipc_log (" Vector<bool> %s size=%lld\n", str2s (s), VSIZE (v));
for (int i = 0; i < v->size (); i++)
ipc_log (" [%d]: %s\n", i, bool2str (v->fetch (i)));
ipc_dump (char *s, Vector<String> *v)
if (v == NULL)
ipc_log (" Vector<bool> %s is NULL\n", str2s (s));
ipc_log (" Vector<String> %s size=%lld\n", str2s (s), VSIZE (v));
for (int i = 0; i < v->size (); i++)
String str = v->fetch (i);
ipc_log (" [%d]: '%s'\n", i, str2str (str));
ipc_dump (char *s, Vector<Obj> *v)
if (v == NULL)
ipc_log (" Vector<Obj> %s is NULL\n", str2s (s));
ipc_log (" Vector<void *> %s size=%lld\n", str2s (s), VSIZE (v));
for (int i = 0; i < v->size (); i++)
ipc_log (" [%d]: 0x%08llx\n", i, (long long) (v->fetch (i)));
#define ipc_dump(s, v)
static MetricList *
readMetricListV2 (int dbevindex, IPCrequest* req)
MetricType mtype = (MetricType) readInt (req);
Vector<int> *type = (Vector<int>*)readArray (req);
Vector<int> *subtype = (Vector<int>*)readArray (req);
Vector<bool> *sort = (Vector<bool>*)readArray (req);
Vector<int> *vis = (Vector<int>*)readArray (req);
Vector<char*> *cmd = (Vector<char*>*)readArray (req);
Vector<char*> *expr_spec = (Vector<char*>*)readArray (req);
Vector<char*> *legends = (Vector<char*>*)readArray (req);
MetricList *mlist = dbeGetMetricListV2 (dbevindex, mtype, type, subtype, sort,
vis, cmd, expr_spec, legends);
return mlist;
static void
setCancellableChannel (int chID)
cancellableChannelID = chID;
/* Add more entries here for other cancellable operations */
static void
checkCancellableOp (char *inp, IPCrequest* req)
if (!strcmp (inp, "setFilterStr"))
setCancellableChannel (currentChannelID);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "openExperimentList"))
setCancellableChannel (currentChannelID);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getFiles") || !strcmp (inp, "getFileAttributes"))
setCancellableChannel (currentChannelID);
req->setCancelImmediate ();
/* This is what used to be the core of ipc_mainLoop before asynch ipc.
Read the details of the request from the request buffer: name, args etc
do the work by calling the appropriate dbe routine(s) and write the
response to a response buffer and queue it up in the response queue */
ipc_doWork (void *arg)
IPCrequest *req = (IPCrequest *) arg;
currentRequestID = req->getRequestID ();
currentChannelID = req->getChannelID ();
req->setStatus (IN_PROGRESS);
String inp = readString (req);
if (inp == NULL)
ipc_log ("NULL ipc command received, exiting\n");
return 0;
ipc_log ("ipc: %s Req %x Ch %x\n", inp, req->getRequestID (), req->getChannelID ());
checkCancellableOp (inp, req);
if (!strcmp (inp, "initApplication"))
bool nbm = readBoolean (req);
String arg1 = readString (req);
String arg2 = readString (req);
Vector<String> *arg3 = (Vector<String>*)readArray (req);
ipc_log (" nbm: %s, arg1: '%s', arg2: '%s'\n", bool2str (nbm), str2str (arg1), str2str (arg2));
ipc_dump ("arg3", arg3);
// set the session to be interactive
dbeSession->set_interactive (true);
if (nbm)
theApplication->set_name ("analyzer-NBM");
theApplication->set_name ("analyzer");
// XXX Why does it reset the install directory???? Or a licensing directory???
// Vector<String> *res = theDbeApplication->initApplication (arg1, arg2, &setProgress);
Vector<String> *res = theDbeApplication->initApplication (NULL, NULL, &setProgress);
writeArray (res, req);
free (arg1);
free (arg2);
destroy (arg3);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "syncTime"))
long long anl_time = readLong (req);
hrtime_t cur_time = gethrtime ();
long long time_stamp = (cur_time - begin_time) / 1000000;
delta_time = anl_time - time_stamp;
ipc_log (" syncTime %llu %llu \n", anl_time, delta_time);
writeString (NULL, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getInitMessages"))
Vector<String> *res = dbeGetInitMessages ();
ipc_log (" returned = %lld msgs\n", VSIZE (res));
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "reExec"))
ipc_log (" started reexec()\n");
reexec ();
else if (!strcmp (inp, "dbeCreateDirectories"))
String arg1 = readString (req); // path
ipc_log (" arg = %s\n", arg1);
String res = dbeCreateDirectories (arg1);
writeString (res, req);
free (arg1);
free (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "dbeDeleteFile"))
String arg1 = readString (req); // path
ipc_log (" arg = %s\n", arg1);
String res = dbeDeleteFile (arg1);
writeString (res, req);
free (arg1);
free (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "dbeReadFile"))
String arg1 = readString (req);
ipc_log (" arg = %s\n", arg1); // path
Vector<String> *res = dbeReadFile (arg1);
writeArray (res, req);
free (arg1);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "dbeWriteFile"))
String arg1 = readString (req); // path
String arg2 = readString (req); // contents
ipc_log (" arg1 = %s arg2 = %s\n", arg1, arg2);
int res = dbeWriteFile (arg1, arg2);
writeInt (res, req);
free (arg1);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getExpPreview"))
// XXX add another argument == DbeView index
String arg1 = readString (req);
ipc_log (" arg = %s\n", arg1);
Vector<String> *res = dbeGetExpPreview (0, arg1);
writeArray (res, req);
free (arg1);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getFileAttributes"))
String arg1 = readString (req); // filename
String arg2 = readString (req); // format
ipc_log (" arg1 = %s arg2 = %s\n", arg1, arg2);
String res = dbeGetFileAttributes (arg1, arg2);
writeString (res, req);
free (arg1);
free (arg2);
free (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getFiles"))
String arg1 = readString (req); // dirname
String arg2 = readString (req); // format
ipc_log (" arg1 = %s arg2 = %s\n", arg1, arg2);
String res = dbeGetFiles (arg1, arg2);
writeString (res, req);
free (arg1);
free (arg2);
free (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getOSFamily"))
writeString ("Linux", req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getRunningProcesses"))
String arg1 = readString (req); // format
ipc_log (" arg = %s\n", arg1);
String res = dbeGetRunningProcesses (arg1);
writeString (res, req);
free (arg1);
free (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getCurrentDirectory"))
char buf [2048];
String res = getcwd (buf, (size_t) sizeof (buf)); // Get current directory
writeString (res, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getHomeDirectory"))
String res = getenv ("HOME"); // Get HOME directory
writeString (res, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "setCurrentDirectory"))
String arg1 = readString (req); // dirname
ipc_log (" arg = %s\n", arg1);
int res = chdir (arg1); // Change directory
writeInt (res, req);
free (arg1);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getLocale"))
String res = setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); // Get locale
writeString (res, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "setLocale"))
String arg1 = readString (req); // locale
ipc_log (" arg = %s\n", arg1);
String res = setlocale (LC_ALL, arg1); // Set locale
writeString (res, req);
free (arg1);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "readRCFile"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
String arg2 = readString (req); // file name
ipc_log (" arg1=%d, arg2=%s\n", arg1, arg2);
String res = dbeReadRCFile (arg1, arg2); // Read RC File
writeString (res, req);
free (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "dbeGetExpParams"))
// XXX add another argument == DbeView index
String arg1 = readString (req);
ipc_log (" arg = %s\n", arg1);
String res = dbeGetExpParams (0, arg1);
writeString (res, req);
free (arg1);
free (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getExperimentsGroups"))
Vector<Vector<char*>*> *groups = dbeGetExperimensGroups ();
writeArray (groups, req);
destroy (groups);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "setExperimentsGroups"))
Vector<Vector<char*>*> *groups = (Vector<Vector<char*>*> *)readArray (req);
ipc_log (" groups.size = %lld\n", VSIZE (groups));
char *msg_str = dbeSetExperimentsGroups (groups);
writeString (msg_str, req);
free (msg_str);
destroy (groups);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "dropExperiment"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
Vector<int> *arg2 = (Vector<int>*)readArray (req);
ipc_log (" arg = %d, exps = %lld\n", arg1, VSIZE (arg2));
char *res = dbeDropExperiment (arg1, arg2);
writeString (res, req);
free (res);
delete arg2;
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getUserExpId"))
Vector<int> *arg = (Vector<int>*)readArray (req);
ipc_log (" expIds = %lld\n", VSIZE (arg));
Vector<int> *res = dbeGetUserExpId (arg);
writeArray (res, req);
delete res;
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getFounderExpId"))
Vector<int> *arg = (Vector<int>*)readArray (req);
ipc_log (" expIds = %lld\n", VSIZE (arg));
Vector<int> *res = dbeGetFounderExpId (arg);
writeArray (res, req);
delete res;
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getExpGroupId"))
Vector<int> *arg = (Vector<int>*)readArray (req);
ipc_log (" expIds = %lld\n", VSIZE (arg));
Vector<int> *res = dbeGetExpGroupId (arg);
writeArray (res, req);
delete res;
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getExpsProperty"))
String arg = readString (req);
Vector<String> *res = dbeGetExpsProperty (arg);
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getExpName"))
// XXX add argument == DbeView index
Vector<String> *res = dbeGetExpName (0);
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getExpState"))
// XXX add argument == DbeView index
Vector<int> *res = dbeGetExpState (0);
writeArray (res, req);
delete res;
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getExpEnable"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" arg1 = %d\n", arg1);
Vector<bool> *res = dbeGetExpEnable (arg1);
writeArray (res, req);
delete res;
else if (!strcmp (inp, "setExpEnable"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
Vector<bool> *arg2 = (Vector<bool>*)readArray (req);
ipc_log (" arg1=%d\n", arg1);
ipc_dump ("arg2", arg2);
bool b = dbeSetExpEnable (arg1, arg2);
writeBoolean (b, req);
ipc_log (" dbeSetExpEnable returns %s\n", bool2str (b));
delete arg2;
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getExpInfo"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d\n", arg1);
Vector<String> *res = dbeGetExpInfo (arg1);
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getViewModeEnable"))
bool res = dbeGetViewModeEnable ();
writeBoolean (res, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getJavaEnable"))
bool res = dbeGetJavaEnable ();
writeBoolean (res, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "updateNotes"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
int arg2 = readInt (req);
int arg3 = readInt (req);
String arg4 = readString (req);
bool arg5 = readBoolean (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %d\n", arg1, arg2);
int i = dbeUpdateNotes (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
writeInt (i, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getLoadObjectList"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" arg = %d\n", arg1);
Vector<void *> *res = dbeGetLoadObjectList (arg1);
if (res == NULL)
ipc_log (" returning = NULL for LoadObjectList\n");
Vector<char*> *s = (Vector<char*> *) res->fetch (0);
ipc_log (" returning = %lld vectors for %lld LoadObjects\n",
VSIZE (res), VSIZE (s));
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getLoadObjectName"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" arg = %d\n", arg1);
Vector<String> *res = dbeGetLoadObjectName (arg1);
ipc_log (" returning = %lld strings\n", VSIZE (res));
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getTabListInfo"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" arg = %d\n", arg1);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetTabListInfo (arg1);
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getSearchPath"))
// XXX add argument == DbeView index
ipc_log (" no args\n");
Vector<String> *res = dbeGetSearchPath (0);
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "setSearchPath"))
// XXX add another argument == DbeView index
Vector<String> *res = (Vector<String>*)readArray (req);
ipc_log (" %lld strings\n", VSIZE (res));
dbeSetSearchPath (0, res);
writeString (NULL, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getPathmaps"))
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetPathmaps (0);
ipc_log (" returns = %lld objects, number of pathmaps = %lld\n",
VSIZE (res), VSIZE ((Vector<int>*)res->fetch (0)));
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "setPathmaps"))
Vector<String> *from = (Vector<String>*)readArray (req);
Vector<String> *to = (Vector<String>*)readArray (req);
char *res = dbeSetPathmaps (from, to);
writeString (res, req);
free (res);
if (from)
from->destroy ();
delete from;
if (to)
to->destroy ();
delete to;
else if (!strcmp (inp, "addPathmap"))
// XXX add another argument == DbeView index
String arg1 = readString (req);
String arg2 = readString (req);
ipc_log (" args = '%s', '%s'\n", arg1 ? arg1 : "NULL", arg2 ? arg2 : "NULL");
char *res = dbeAddPathmap (0, arg1, arg2);
ipc_log (" returns = '%s'\n", (res != NULL ? res : "NULL"));
writeString (res, req);
free (arg1);
free (arg2);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getMsg"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
int arg2 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %d\n", arg1, arg2);
String res = dbeGetMsg (arg1, arg2);
ipc_log (" returns = '%s'\n", (res != NULL ? res : "<NULL>"));
writeString (res, req);
free (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "initView"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
int arg2 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" new view = %d; clone of view %d\n", arg1, arg2);
dbeInitView (arg1, arg2);
writeString (NULL, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "disposeWindow"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d\n", arg1);
dbeDeleteView (arg1);
writeString (NULL, req);
#if 0
else if (!strcmp (inp, "createMapfile"))
int arg1 = readInt ();
String arg2 = readString ();
int arg3 = readInt ();
ipc_log (" args = %d, %s, %d\n", arg1, arg2, arg3);
String res = dbeCreateMapfile (arg1, arg2, arg3);
writeString (res);
free (arg2);
free (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "setCompareModeV2"))
int dbevindex = readInt (req);
int cmp_mode = readInt (req);
getView (dbevindex)->set_compare_mode (cmp_mode);
writeResponseGeneric (RESPONSE_STATUS_SUCCESS, req->getRequestID (), req->getChannelID ());
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getCompareModeV2"))
int dbevindex = readInt (req);
int res = CMP_DISABLE;
if (dbeSession->expGroups && dbeSession->expGroups->size () > 1)
res = getView (dbevindex)->get_compare_mode ();
ipc_log (" %s: %d returns %d\n", inp, dbevindex, res);
writeInt (res, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getRefMetricsV2"))
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetRefMetricsV2 ();
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "setCurMetricsV2"))
int dbevindex = readInt (req);
int cmp_mode = readInt (req);
MetricList *mlist = readMetricListV2 (dbevindex, req);
getView (dbevindex)->reset_metric_list (mlist, cmp_mode);
writeResponseGeneric (RESPONSE_STATUS_SUCCESS, req->getRequestID (), req->getChannelID ());
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getCurMetricsV2"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
MetricType arg2 = (MetricType) readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %d\n", arg1, arg2);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetCurMetricsV2 (arg1, arg2);
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getRefMetricTree"))
int dbevindex = readInt (req);
bool include_unregistered = readBoolean (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %d\n", dbevindex, include_unregistered);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetRefMetricTree (dbevindex, include_unregistered);
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getRefMetricTreeValues"))
int dbevindex = readInt (req);
Vector<String> *metcmds = (Vector<String>*)readArray (req);
Vector<String> *nonmetcmds = (Vector<String>*)readArray (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, metcmds->size()=%lld, nonmetcmds->size()=%lld\n",
dbevindex, VSIZE (metcmds), VSIZE (nonmetcmds));
ipc_dump ("metcmds", metcmds);
ipc_dump ("nonmetcmds", nonmetcmds);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetRefMetricTreeValues (dbevindex, metcmds, nonmetcmds);
#ifdef IPC_LOG
if (res != NULL)
ipc_log (" returns = %lld objects, length = %lld\n",
VSIZE (res), VSIZE (((Vector<int>*)res->fetch (0))));
ipc_log (" returns NULL\n");
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getOverviewText"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d\n", arg1);
Vector<char*> *res = dbeGetOverviewText (arg1);
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "setSort"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
int arg2 = readInt (req);
MetricType arg3 = (MetricType) readInt (req);
bool arg4 = readBoolean (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %d, %d, %c\n", arg1, arg2, arg3, (arg4 ? 'T' : 'F'));
dbeSetSort (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
writeString (NULL, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getAnoValue"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d\n", arg1);
Vector<int> *res = dbeGetAnoValue (arg1);
writeArray (res, req);
delete res;
else if (!strcmp (inp, "setAnoValue"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, array\n", arg1);
Vector<int> *arg2 = (Vector<int>*)readArray (req);
dbeSetAnoValue (arg1, arg2);
writeString (NULL, req);
delete arg2;
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getNameFormat"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d\n", arg1);
int b = dbeGetNameFormat (arg1);
writeInt (b, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getSoName"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d\n", arg1);
bool b = dbeGetSoName (arg1);
writeBoolean (b, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "setNameFormat"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
int arg2 = readInt (req);
bool arg3 = readBoolean (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %d, %d\n", arg1, arg2, arg3);
dbeSetNameFormat (arg1, arg2, arg3);
writeString (NULL, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getViewMode"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d\n", arg1);
int i = dbeGetViewMode (arg1);
ipc_log (" returns = %d\n", i);
writeInt (i, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "setViewMode"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
int arg2 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %d\n", arg1, arg2);
dbeSetViewMode (arg1, arg2);
writeString (NULL, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getTLValue"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d\n", arg1);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetTLValue (arg1);
ipc_log (" returns = %lld void*'s\n", VSIZE (res));
writeArray (res, req);
delete res;
else if (!strcmp (inp, "setTLValue"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d\n", arg1);
String tldata_cmd = readString (req);
int entity_prop_id = readInt (req);
int align = readInt (req);
int depth = readInt (req);
dbeSetTLValue (arg1, tldata_cmd, entity_prop_id, align, depth);
writeString (NULL, req);
free (tldata_cmd);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getExpFounderDescendants"))
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetExpFounderDescendants ();
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getExpSelection"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d\n", arg1);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetExpSelection (arg1);
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "setFilterStr"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
String arg2 = readString (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %s\n", arg1, arg2);
String res = dbeSetFilterStr (arg1, arg2);
ipc_log (" returns = '%s'\n", res ? res : "NULL");
writeString (res, req);
free (arg2);
free (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getFilterStr"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d\n", arg1);
String res = dbeGetFilterStr (arg1);
ipc_log (" returns = '%s'\n", res ? res : "NULL");
writeString (res, req);
free (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "validateFilterExpression"))
String arg1 = readString (req);
int res = dbeValidateFilterExpression (arg1);
ipc_log (" validateFilterExpression('%s') returned %d\n", str2str (arg1), res);
free (arg1);
writeInt (res, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getFilterKeywords"))
int dbevindex = readInt (req);
Vector<void*>*res = dbeGetFilterKeywords (dbevindex);
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getFilters"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
int arg2 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args: view = %d, experiment = %d\n", arg1, arg2);
Vector<void*>*res = dbeGetFilters (arg1, arg2);
ipc_log (" -- returned %lld Filters\n", VSIZE (res));
writeArray (res, req);
delete res;
else if (!strcmp (inp, "updateFilters"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
Vector<bool> *arg2 = (Vector<bool>*)readArray (req);
Vector<String> *arg3 = (Vector<String>*)readArray (req);
ipc_log ("arg1=%d arg2->size()=%lld arg3->size()=%lld\n",
arg1, VSIZE (arg2), VSIZE (arg3));
ipc_dump ("arg2", arg2);
ipc_dump ("arg3", arg3);
bool b = dbeUpdateFilters (arg1, arg2, arg3);
writeBoolean (b, req);
ipc_log (" returns %s\n", (b == true ? "true" : "false"));
delete arg2;
delete arg3;
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getLoadObjectState"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d \n", arg1);
Vector<int> *res = dbeGetLoadObjectState (arg1);
ipc_log (" returning = %lld int's\n", VSIZE (res));
writeArray (res, req);
delete res;
else if (!strcmp (inp, "setLoadObjectState"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
Vector<int> *arg2 = (Vector<int>*)readArray (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %lld objects\n", arg1, VSIZE (arg2));
dbeSetLoadObjectState (arg1, arg2);
writeString (NULL, req);
delete arg2;
else if (!strcmp (inp, "setLoadObjectDefaults"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d\n", arg1);
dbeSetLoadObjectDefaults (arg1);
writeString (NULL, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getMemTabSelectionState"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" arg = %d\n", arg1);
Vector<bool> *res = dbeGetMemTabSelectionState (arg1);
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "setMemTabSelectionState"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
Vector<bool> *arg2 = (Vector<bool> *)readArray (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d\n arg2 = %lld objects\n", arg1, VSIZE (arg2));
dbeSetMemTabSelectionState (arg1, arg2);
writeString (NULL, req);
destroy (arg2);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getIndxTabSelectionState"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" arg = %d\n", arg1);
Vector<bool> *res = dbeGetIndxTabSelectionState (arg1);
ipc_log (" -- returned %lld-vector [bool]\n", VSIZE (res));
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "setIndxTabSelectionState"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
Vector<bool> *arg2 = (Vector<bool> *)readArray (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d\n arg2 = %lld objects\n", arg1, VSIZE (arg2));
dbeSetIndxTabSelectionState (arg1, arg2);
writeString (NULL, req);
destroy (arg2);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getTabSelectionState"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d\n", arg1);
Vector<bool> *res = dbeGetTabSelectionState (arg1);
writeArray (res, req);
delete res;
else if (!strcmp (inp, "setTabSelectionState"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
Vector<bool> *arg2 = (Vector<bool>*)readArray (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d\n arg2 = %lld objects\n", arg1, VSIZE (arg2));
dbeSetTabSelectionState (arg1, arg2);
writeString (NULL, req);
delete arg2;
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getMemObjects"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d\n", arg1);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetMemObjects (arg1);
#ifdef IPC_LOG
if (res == NULL)
ipc_log (" -- returned NULL\n");
Vector<int> *mo_types = (Vector<int> *)res->fetch (0);
ipc_log (" -- returned %lld-vector [ %lld-vectors]\n",
VSIZE (res), VSIZE (mo_types));
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "loadMachineModel"))
String arg1 = readString (req);
#ifdef IPC_LOG
ipc_log (" arg = `%s'\n", arg1);
String sts = dbeLoadMachineModel (arg1);
#ifdef IPC_LOG
ipc_log (" returns '%s'\n", sts ? sts : "NULL");
writeString (sts, req);
free (arg1);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getMachineModel"))
String sts = dbeGetMachineModel ();
#ifdef IPC_LOG
ipc_log (" returns '%s'\n", sts ? sts : "NULL");
writeString (sts, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getCPUVerMachineModel"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d\n", arg1);
Vector<char*> *res = dbeGetCPUVerMachineModel (arg1);
writeArray (res, req);
ipc_log (" returns %lld char*'s\n", VSIZE (res));
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "listMachineModels"))
Vector<String> *res = dbeListMachineModels ();
#ifdef IPC_LOG
if (res != NULL)
ipc_log (" returns = %lld strings\n", VSIZE (res));
ipc_log (" returns NULL\n");
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "defineMemObj"))
String arg1 = readString (req);
String arg2 = readString (req);
String arg3 = readString (req);
String arg4 = readString (req);
#ifdef IPC_LOG
ipc_log (" args = %s, %s, %s, %s\n", arg1, arg2, arg3 == NULL ? "NULL" : arg3, arg4 == NULL ? "NULL" : arg4);
String sts = dbeDefineMemObj (arg1, arg2, NULL, arg3, arg4);
#ifdef IPC_LOG
ipc_log (" returns '%s'\n", sts ? sts : "NULL");
writeString (sts, req);
free (arg1);
free (arg2);
free (arg3);
free (arg4);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "deleteMemObj"))
String arg1 = readString (req);
#ifdef IPC_LOG
ipc_log (" args = %s\n", arg1);
String sts = dbeDeleteMemObj (arg1);
#ifdef IPC_LOG
ipc_log (" returns '%s'\n", sts ? sts : "NULL");
writeString (sts, req);
free (arg1);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getIndxObjDescriptions"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d\n", arg1);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetIndxObjDescriptions (arg1);
#ifdef IPC_LOG
if (res == NULL)
ipc_log (" -- returned NULL\n");
Vector<int> *indxo_types = (Vector<int> *)res->fetch (0);
ipc_log (" -- returned %lld-vector [ %lld-vectors]\n",
VSIZE (res), VSIZE (indxo_types));
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getCustomIndxObjects"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d\n", arg1);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetCustomIndxObjects (arg1);
#ifdef IPC_LOG
if (res == NULL)
ipc_log (" -- returned NULL\n");
Vector<char *> *indxo_names = (Vector<char *> *)res->fetch (0);
ipc_log (" -- returned %lld-vector [ %lld-vectors]\n",
VSIZE (res), VSIZE (indxo_names));
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "defineIndxObj"))
String arg1 = readString (req);
String arg2 = readString (req);
String arg3 = readString (req);
String arg4 = readString (req);
ipc_log (" args = %s, %s, %s, %s\n", arg1, arg2, arg3 == NULL ? "NULL" : arg3, arg4 == NULL ? "NULL" : arg4);
String sts = dbeDefineIndxObj (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
ipc_log (" returns '%s'\n", sts ? sts : "NULL");
writeString (sts, req);
free (arg1);
free (arg2);
free (arg3);
free (arg4);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "setSelObj"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
Obj arg2 = readObject (req);
int arg3 = readInt (req);
int arg4 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %ld, %s, %d\n", arg1, (long) arg2, table_name (arg3), arg4);
dbeSetSelObj (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
writeString (NULL, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "setSelObjV2"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
uint64_t arg2 = readLong (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %lld\n", arg1, (long long) arg2);
dbeSetSelObjV2 (arg1, arg2);
writeString (NULL, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getSelObj"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
int arg2 = readInt (req);
int arg3 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %s, %d\n", arg1, table_name (arg2), arg3);
Obj i = dbeGetSelObj (arg1, arg2, arg3);
ipc_log (" returns = %ld (0x%08lx)\n", (long) i, (long) i);
writeObject (i, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getSelObjV2"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
String arg2 = readString (req);
ipc_log (" arg1 = %d agr2 = %s\n", arg1, arg2 ? arg2 : "NULL");
Obj res = dbeGetSelObjV2 (arg1, arg2);
ipc_log (" returns = %lld\n", (long long) res);
writeObject (res, req);
free (arg2);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getSelObjIO"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
uint64_t arg2 = readLong (req);
int arg3 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" arg1 = %d, arg2 = %lld, arg3 = %d\n", arg1, (long long) arg2, arg3);
Vector<uint64_t> *res = dbeGetSelObjIO (arg1, arg2, arg3);
writeArray (res, req);
delete res;
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getSelObjsIO"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
Vector<uint64_t> *arg2 = (Vector<uint64_t>*)readArray (req);
int arg3 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" arg1 = %d, arg2 size = %lld, arg3 = %d\n",
arg1, VSIZE (arg2), arg3);
Vector<uint64_t> *res = dbeGetSelObjsIO (arg1, arg2, arg3);
writeArray (res, req);
delete res;
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getSelObjHeapTimestamp"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
uint64_t arg2 = readLong (req);
ipc_log (" arg1 = %d, arg2 = %llu\n", arg1, (unsigned long long) arg2);
uint64_t st = dbeGetSelObjHeapTimestamp (arg1, arg2);
ipc_log (" returns = %llu\n", (unsigned long long) st);
writeLong (st, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getSelObjHeapUserExpId"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
uint64_t arg2 = readLong (req);
ipc_log (" arg1 = %d, arg2 = %llu\n", arg1, (unsigned long long) arg2);
int userExpId = dbeGetSelObjHeapUserExpId (arg1, arg2);
ipc_log (" returns = %d\n", userExpId);
writeInt (userExpId, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getSelIndex"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
Obj arg2 = readObject (req);
int arg3 = readInt (req);
int arg4 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, 0x%08lx, %s, %d\n", arg1, (long) arg2, table_name (arg3), arg4);
int i = dbeGetSelIndex (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
ipc_log (" returns = %d\n", i);
writeInt (i, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "printData"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
int arg2 = readInt (req);
int arg3 = readInt (req);
String arg4 = readString (req);
String arg5 = readString (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %s, %d, `%s', `%s'\n",
arg1, table_name (arg2), arg3,
(arg4 == NULL ? "NULL" : arg4),
(arg5 == NULL ? "NULL" : arg5));
String res = dbePrintData (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, NULL);
writeString (res, req);
free (arg4);
free (arg5);
free (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getPrintLimit"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d\n", arg1);
int i = dbeGetPrintLimit (arg1);
ipc_log (" returns = %d\n", i);
writeInt (i, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "setPrintLimit"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
int arg2 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %d\n", arg1, arg2);
String res = dbeSetPrintLimit (arg1, arg2);
writeString (res, req);
free (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getPrintMode"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d\n", arg1);
int i = dbeGetPrintMode (arg1);
ipc_log (" returns = %d\n", i);
writeInt (i, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "setPrintMode"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
String arg2 = readString (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %s\n", arg1, arg2);
String res = dbeSetPrintMode (arg1, arg2);
writeString (res, req);
free (arg2);
free (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getPrintDelim"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d\n", arg1);
char i = dbeGetPrintDelim (arg1);
ipc_log (" returns = %c\n", i);
writeInt ((int) i, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getHotMarks"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
int arg2 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %s (%d) \n", arg1, table_name (arg2), arg2);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetHotMarks (arg1, arg2);
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getHotMarksInc"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
int arg2 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %s (%d) \n", arg1, table_name (arg2), arg2);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetHotMarksInc (arg1, arg2);
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getSummaryHotMarks"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
Vector<Obj> *arg2 = (Vector<Obj>*)readArray (req);
int arg3 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, 0x%llx, %s (%d)\n", arg1, (long long) arg2, table_name (arg3), arg3);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetSummaryHotMarks (arg1, arg2, arg3);
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getFuncId"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
int arg2 = readInt (req);
int arg3 = readInt (req);
int arg4 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %s, %d, %d\n", arg1, table_name (arg2), arg3, arg4);
Vector<uint64_t> *res = dbeGetFuncId (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
writeArray (res, req);
delete res;
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getFuncCalleeInfo"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
int arg2 = readInt (req);
Vector<int> *arg3 = (Vector<int>*)readArray (req);
int arg4 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %s, %lld, %d\n", arg1, table_name (arg2), VSIZE (arg3), arg4);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetFuncCalleeInfo (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getFuncCallerInfo"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
int arg2 = readInt (req);
Vector<int> *arg3 = (Vector<int>*)readArray (req);
int arg4 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %s, %lld, %d\n", arg1, table_name (arg2), VSIZE (arg3), arg4);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetFuncCallerInfo (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "setFuncData"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
Obj arg2 = readObject (req);
int arg3 = readInt (req);
int arg4 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %ld, %s, %d\n", arg1, (long) arg2, table_name (arg3), arg4);
int i = dbeSetFuncData (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
ipc_log (" returns = %d\n", i);
writeInt (i, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "setFuncDataV2"))
int dbevindex = readInt (req);
Obj sel_obj = readObject (req);
int type = readInt (req);
int subtype = readInt (req);
Vector<long long> *longs = new Vector<long long>(2);
Vector<char *> *strings = new Vector<char *>(2);
longs->append (dbeSetFuncData (dbevindex, sel_obj, type, subtype));
strings->append (dbeGetMsg (dbevindex, ERROR_MSG));
String sf_name = NULL;
long long sf_id = 0;
switch (type)
Histable *obj = (Histable *) sel_obj;
if (obj)
Histable *sf = obj->convertto (Histable::SOURCEFILE);
if (sf)
sf_id = sf->id;
sf_name = dbe_strdup (sf->get_name ());
longs->append (sf_id);
strings->append (sf_name);
ipc_log (" setFuncData(%d, %ld, %s, %d) returns (%lld, %lld)\n (%s, %s)\n",
dbevindex, (long) sel_obj, table_name (type), subtype, longs->get (0), longs->get (1),
STR (strings->get (0)), STR (strings->get (1)));
Vector<void *> *res = new Vector<void *>(2);
res->append (longs);
res->append (strings);
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getFuncList"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
int arg2 = readInt (req);
int arg3 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %s, %d\n", arg1, table_name (arg2), arg3);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetFuncList (arg1, arg2, arg3);
#ifdef IPC_LOG
if (res != NULL)
ipc_log (" returns = %lld objects, length = %lld\n",
VSIZE (res), VSIZE ((Vector<int>*)res->fetch (0)));
ipc_log (" returns NULL\n");
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getFuncListV2"))
int dbevindex = readInt (req);
int mtype = readInt (req);
Obj sel_obj = readObject (req);
int type = readInt (req);
int subtype = readInt (req);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetFuncListV2 (dbevindex, mtype, sel_obj, type, subtype);
ipc_log (" args = %d 0x%x %ld, %s, %d returns = %d objects, length = %d\n",
dbevindex, mtype, (long) sel_obj, table_name (type), subtype,
(int) (res ? res->size () : 0),
(int) (res ? ((Vector<int>*)res->fetch (0))->size () : 0));
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getFuncListMini"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
int arg2 = readInt (req);
int arg3 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %s, %d\n", arg1, table_name (arg2), arg3);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetFuncListMini (arg1, arg2, arg3);
#ifdef IPC_LOG
if (res != NULL)
ipc_log (" returns = %lld objects, length = %lld\n",
VSIZE (res), VSIZE ((Vector<int>*)res->fetch (0)));
ipc_log (" returns NULL\n");
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "dbeGetTotals"))
int dbevindex = readInt (req);
int dsptype = readInt (req);
int subtype = readInt (req);
Vector<void *> *res = dbeGetTotals (dbevindex, dsptype, subtype);
ipc_log (" dbeGetTotals(%d, %d, %d) returns %lld objects\n",
dbevindex, dsptype, subtype, VSIZE (res));
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getComparableObjsV2"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
Obj arg2 = readObject (req);
int arg3 = readInt (req);
Vector<Obj> *res = dbeGetComparableObjsV2 (arg1, arg2, arg3);
ipc_log (" args = %d 0x%lx %d\n", arg1, (long) arg2, arg3);
ipc_dump ("getComparableObjsV2:res", res);
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "dbeConvertSelObj"))
Obj obj = readObject (req);
int type = readInt (req);
Obj res = dbeConvertSelObj (obj, type);
ipc_log (" args = %lld %d res=%lld \n", (long long) obj, type,
(long long) res);
writeObject (res, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getTableDataV2"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
String arg2 = readString (req);
String arg3 = readString (req);
String arg4 = readString (req);
String arg5 = readString (req);
Vector<uint64_t> *arg6 = (Vector<uint64_t>*)readArray (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %s, %s, %s, %s, %lld\n", arg1, STR (arg2),
STR (arg3), STR (arg4), STR (arg5), VSIZE (arg6));
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetTableDataV2 (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6);
#ifdef IPC_LOG
if (res != NULL)
ipc_log (" returns = %lld objects, length = %lld\n",
VSIZE (res), VSIZE ((Vector<int>*)res->fetch (0)));
ipc_log (" returns NULL\n");
writeArray (res, req);
//destroy( arg6 );
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getCallTreeNumLevels"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d\n", arg1);
int res = dbeGetCallTreeNumLevels (arg1);
#ifdef IPC_LOG
ipc_log (" returns = %d\n", res);
writeInt (res, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getCallTreeLevel"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
String arg2 = readString (req);
int arg3 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %s, %d\n", arg1, arg2, arg3);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetCallTreeLevel (arg1, arg2, arg3);
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getCallTreeChildren"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
String arg2 = readString (req);
Vector<int> *arg3 = (Vector<int> *) readArray (req); /*NodeIdx array*/
ipc_log (" args = %d, %s, vec_size=%lld\n", arg1, arg2, (long long) (arg3 ? arg3->size () : 0));
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetCallTreeChildren (arg1, arg2, arg3);
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getCallTreeLevels"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
String arg2 = readString (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %s\n", arg1, arg2);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetCallTreeLevels (arg1, arg2);
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getCallTreeLevelFuncs"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
int arg2 = readInt (req);
int arg3 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %d, %d\n", arg1, arg2, arg3);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetCallTreeLevelFuncs (arg1, arg2, arg3);
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getCallTreeFuncs"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d\n", arg1);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetCallTreeFuncs (arg1);
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getGroupIds"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
Vector<int> *res = dbeGetGroupIds (arg1);
writeArray (res, req);
delete res;
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getNames"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
int arg2 = readInt (req);
Obj arg3 = readObject (req);
#ifdef IPC_LOG
ipc_log (" args = %d, %s 0x%lx\n", arg1, table_name (arg2), (long) arg3);
Vector<String> *res = dbeGetNames (arg1, arg2, arg3);
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getTotalMax"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
int arg2 = readInt (req);
int arg3 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %s, %d\n", arg1, table_name (arg2), arg3);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetTotalMax (arg1, arg2, arg3);
#ifdef IPC_LOG
if (res != NULL)
ipc_log (" returns = %lld vectors, length %lld\n",
VSIZE (res), VSIZE ((Vector<void*>*)res->fetch (0)));
ipc_log (" returns NULL\n");
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "composeFilterClause"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
int arg2 = readInt (req);
int arg3 = readInt (req);
Vector<int> *arg4 = (Vector<int>*)readArray (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %s, %d, %lld selections\n",
arg1, table_name (arg2), arg3, VSIZE (arg4));
String s = dbeComposeFilterClause (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
ipc_log (" returns %s\n", (s == NULL ? "<NULL>" : s));
writeString (s, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getStatisOverviewList"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d\n", arg1);
Vector<Object> *res = dbeGetStatisOverviewList (arg1);
ipc_log (" dbeStatisGetOverviewList returns = %lld objects\n", VSIZE (res));
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getStatisList"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d\n", arg1);
Vector<Object> *res = dbeGetStatisList (arg1);
ipc_log (" returns = %lld objects\n", VSIZE (res));
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getSummary"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
Vector<Obj> *arg2 = (Vector<Obj>*)readArray (req);
int arg3 = readInt (req);
int arg4 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, 0x%llx, %s (%d), %d\n", arg1, (long long) arg2, table_name (arg3), arg3, arg4);
Vector<Object> *res = dbeGetSummary (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
ipc_log (" dbeGetSummary returns = %lld objects\n", VSIZE (res));
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getSummaryV2"))
int dbevindex = readInt (req);
Vector<Obj> *sel_objs = (Vector<Obj>*)readArray (req);
int type = readInt (req);
int subtype = readInt (req);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetSummaryV2 (dbevindex, sel_objs, type, subtype);
ipc_log (" args = %d, [%lld], %s (%d), %d res=[%lld] 0x%llx \n",
dbevindex, VSIZE (sel_objs), table_name (type), type, subtype,
VSIZE (res), (unsigned long long) res);
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getExpName1"))
// XXX add an argument = DbeView index
String arg1 = readString (req);
ipc_log (" arg = `%s'\n", arg1 ? arg1 : "NULL");
String res = dbeGetExpName (0, arg1);
writeString (res, req);
ipc_log (" returns `%s'\n", res ? res : "NULL");
free (arg1);
free (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getHwcHelp"))
// XXX add an argument = DbeView index
bool forKernel = readBoolean (req);
Vector<String> *res = dbeGetHwcHelp (0, forKernel);
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getHwcSets"))
// XXX add an argument = DbeView index
bool forKernel = readBoolean (req);
Vector<Vector<char*>*> *res = dbeGetHwcSets (0, forKernel);
writeArray (res, req);
ipc_log (" returns %lld char*'s\n", VSIZE (res));
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getHwcsAll"))
// XXX add an argument = DbeView index
bool forKernel = readBoolean (req);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetHwcsAll (0, forKernel);
writeArray (res, req);
ipc_log (" returns %lld char*'s\n", VSIZE (res));
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getHwcAttrList"))
// XXX add an argument = DbeView index
bool forKernel = readBoolean (req);
Vector<char*> *res = dbeGetHwcAttrList (0, forKernel);
ipc_log (" returns %lld char*'s\n", VSIZE (res));
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getHwcMaxConcurrent"))
// XXX add an argument = DbeView index
bool forKernel = readBoolean (req);
int res = dbeGetHwcMaxConcurrent (0, forKernel);
writeInt (res, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getIfreqData"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d\n", arg1);
Vector<char*> *res = dbeGetIfreqData (arg1);
ipc_log (" returns %lld char*'s\n", VSIZE (res));
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getNewLeakListInfo"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
bool arg2 = readBoolean (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %d\n", arg1, arg2);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetLeakListInfo (arg1, arg2);
ipc_log (" returns %lld void*'s\n", VSIZE (res));
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getObject"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
Obj arg2 = readObject (req);
Obj arg3 = readObject (req);
Obj i = dbeGetObject (arg1, arg2, arg3);
writeObject (i, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getExpVerboseName"))
Vector<int> *arg = (Vector<int>*)readArray (req);
ipc_log (" expIds = %lld\n", VSIZE (arg));
Vector<String> *res = dbeGetExpVerboseName (arg);
ipc_log (" returns = %lld objects\n", VSIZE (res));
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getName"))
// XXX add an argument = DbeView index
int arg1 = readInt (req);
String res = dbeGetName (0, arg1);
writeString (res, req);
free (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getStartTime"))
// XXX add an argument = DbeView index
int arg1 = readInt (req);
long long l = dbeGetStartTime (0, arg1);
ipc_log (" returns = %llu\n", l);
writeLong (l, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getRelativeStartTime"))
// XXX add an argument = DbeView index
int arg1 = readInt (req);
long long l = dbeGetRelativeStartTime (0, arg1);
ipc_log (" returns = %llu\n", l);
writeLong (l, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getEndTime"))
// XXX add an argument = DbeView index
int arg1 = readInt (req);
long long l = dbeGetEndTime (0, arg1);
ipc_log (" returns = %llu\n", l);
writeLong (l, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getClock"))
// XXX add an argument = DbeView index
int arg1 = readInt (req);
int i = dbeGetClock (0, arg1);
writeInt (i, req);
else if ( !strcmp( inp, "getFounderExpId" ) ) {
// XXX add an argument = DbeView index
int arg1 = readInt(req);
int i = dbeGetFounderExpId(0, arg1 );
writeInt( i, req );
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getEntityProps"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d\n", arg1);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetEntityProps (arg1);
writeArray (res, req);
ipc_log (" returns = %lld objects\n", VSIZE (res));
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getEntities"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
int arg2 = readInt (req);
int arg3 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %d, %d\n", arg1, arg2, arg3);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetEntities (arg1, arg2, arg3);
writeArray (res, req);
ipc_log (" returns = %lld objects\n", VSIZE (res));
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getEntitiesV2"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
Vector<int> *arg2 = (Vector<int>*)readArray (req);
int arg3 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %lld, %d\n", arg1, VSIZE (arg2), arg3);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetEntitiesV2 (arg1, arg2, arg3);
writeArray (res, req);
ipc_log (" returns = %lld objects\n", VSIZE (res));
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getTLDetails"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
int arg2 = readInt (req);
int arg3 = readInt (req);
int arg4 = readInt (req);
long long arg5 = readLong (req);
ipc_log (" dbevindex= %d, exp_id = %d, data_id = %d, "
"entity_prop_id = %d, event_id = %lld\n",
arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetTLDetails (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
ipc_log (" returns = %lld objects\n", VSIZE (res));
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getStackNames"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
Obj arg2 = readObject (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d, %ld\n", arg1, (long) arg2);
Vector<String> *res = dbeGetStackNames (arg1, arg2);
ipc_log (" returns = %lld objects\n", VSIZE (res));
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getStackFunctions"))
// XXX add an argument = DbeView index
Obj arg1 = readObject (req);
ipc_log (" args = %ld\n", (long) arg1);
Vector<Obj> *res = dbeGetStackFunctions (0, arg1);
ipc_log (" returns = %lld objects\n", VSIZE (res));
writeArray (res, req);
delete res;
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getStacksFunctions"))
// XXX add an argument = DbeView index
Vector<Obj> *arg1 = (Vector<Obj>*)readArray (req);
ipc_log (" argc = %ld\n", (long) arg1->size ());
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetStacksFunctions (0, arg1);
ipc_log (" returns = %lld objects\n", VSIZE (res));
writeArray (res, req);
delete res;
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getStackPCs"))
// XXX add an argument = DbeView index
Obj arg1 = readObject (req);
ipc_log (" args = %ld\n", (long) arg1);
Vector<Obj> *res = dbeGetStackPCs (0, arg1);
ipc_log (" returns = %lld objects\n", VSIZE (res));
writeArray (res, req);
delete res;
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getIOStatistics"))
int dbevindex = readInt (req);
Vector<Vector<char*>*> *res = dbeGetIOStatistics (dbevindex);
writeArray (res, req);
ipc_log (" returns %lld char*'s\n", VSIZE (res));
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getHeapStatistics"))
int dbevindex = readInt (req);
Vector<Vector<char*>*> *res = dbeGetHeapStatistics (dbevindex);
writeArray (res, req);
ipc_log (" returns %lld char*'s\n", VSIZE (res));
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getSamples"))
int dbev_id = readInt (req);
int exp_id = readInt (req);
int64_t lo = readLong (req);
int64_t hi = readLong (req);
ipc_log (" dbevindex= %d, exp_id = %d, lo_idx:%lld, hi_idx:%lld\n",
dbev_id, exp_id, (long long) lo, (long long) hi);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetSamples (dbev_id, exp_id, lo, hi);
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getGCEvents"))
int dbev_id = readInt (req);
int exp_id = readInt (req);
int64_t lo = readLong (req);
int64_t hi = readLong (req);
ipc_log (" dbevindex= %d, exp_id = %d, lo_idx:%lld, hi_idx:%lld\n",
dbev_id, exp_id, (long long) lo, (long long) hi);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetGCEvents (dbev_id, exp_id, lo, hi);
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getFuncNames"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
Vector<Obj> *arg2 = (Vector<Obj>*)readArray (req);
ipc_log (" arg1 = %d, arg2 absent, size = %lld\n", arg1, VSIZE (arg2));
Vector<String> *res = dbeGetFuncNames (arg1, arg2);
writeArray (res, req);
delete arg2;
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getFuncIds"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
Vector<Obj> *arg2 = (Vector<Obj>*)readArray (req);
ipc_log (" arg1 = %d, arg2 absent, size = %lld\n", arg1, VSIZE (arg2));
Vector<uint64_t> *res = dbeGetFuncIds (arg1, arg2);
writeArray (res, req);
delete arg2;
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getObjNamesV2"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
Vector<uint64_t> *arg2 = (Vector<uint64_t>*)readArray (req);
ipc_log (" arg1 = %d, arg2 absent, size = %lld\n", arg1, VSIZE (arg2));
Vector<String> *res = dbeGetObjNamesV2 (arg1, arg2);
writeArray (res, req);
delete arg2;
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getFuncName"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
Obj arg2 = readObject (req);
ipc_log (" arg1 = %d, arg2 = %lld\n", arg1, (long long) arg2);
String res = dbeGetFuncName (arg1, arg2);
ipc_log (" returning = %s\n", res ? res : "NULL");
writeString (res, req);
free (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getObjNameV2"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
uint64_t arg2 = readLong (req);
ipc_log (" arg1 = %d, arg2 = %llu\n", arg1, (unsigned long long) arg2);
String res = dbeGetObjNameV2 (arg1, arg2);
ipc_log (" returning = %s\n", res ? res : "NULL");
writeString (res, req);
free (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getDataspaceTypeDesc"))
// XXX add an argument = DbeView index
Obj arg1 = readObject (req);
ipc_log (" arg1 absent, index = %ld\n", (long) arg1);
String res = dbeGetDataspaceTypeDesc (0, arg1);
ipc_log (" returning = %s\n", res ? res : "NULL");
writeString (res, req);
free (res);
* New Interface with Timeline
#if 0 //YXXX TBR
else if (!strcmp (inp, "dbeInit"))
dbeInit ();
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getDefaultExperimentName"))
String res = dbeGetDefaultExperimentName ();
ipc_log (" returning = %s\n", res);
writeString (res);
free (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getExperimentState"))
String res = dbeGetExperimentState ();
ipc_log (" returning = %s\n", res);
writeString (res);
free (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getExpStartTime"))
long long l = dbeGetExpStartTime ();
ipc_log (" returns = %llu\n", l);
writeLong (l);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getExpEndTime"))
long long l = dbeGetExpEndTime ();
ipc_log (" returns = %llu\n", l);
writeLong (l);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getDataDescriptorsV2"))
int exp_id = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" exp_id = %d\n", exp_id);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetDataDescriptorsV2 (exp_id);
ipc_log (" returns = %lld objects\n", VSIZE (res));
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getDataPropertiesV2"))
int exp_id = readInt (req);
int arg2 = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" exp_id = %d, data_idx = %d\n", exp_id, arg2);
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetDataPropertiesV2 (exp_id, arg2);
ipc_log (" returns = %lld objects\n", VSIZE (res));
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getExperimentTimeInfo"))
Vector<int> *exp_ids = (Vector<int>*)readArray (req);
ipc_log (" cnt = %lld\n", VSIZE (exp_ids));
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetExperimentTimeInfo (exp_ids);
ipc_log (" returns = %lld objects\n", VSIZE (res));
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getExperimentDataDescriptors"))
Vector<int> *exp_ids = (Vector<int>*)readArray (req);
ipc_log (" cnt = %lld\n", VSIZE (exp_ids));
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetExperimentDataDescriptors (exp_ids);
ipc_log (" returns = %lld objects\n", VSIZE (res));
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
#if 0 //YXXX TBR?
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getExprValues"))
int arg1 = readInt ();
String arg2 = readString ();
ipc_log (" data_idx = %d expr = %s\n", arg1, arg2 ? arg2 : "NULL");
Vector<long long> *res = dbeGetExprValues (arg1, arg2);
ipc_log (" returns = %d objects\n", res ? res->size () : 0);
writeArray (res);
delete res;
free (arg2);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "hasTLData"))
int dbevindex = readInt (req);
Vector<int> *exp_ids = (Vector<int>*)readArray (req);
Vector<int> *data_ids = (Vector<int>*)readArray (req);
Vector<int> *eprop_ids = (Vector<int>*)readArray (req);
Vector<int> *eprop_vals = (Vector<int>*)readArray (req);
Vector<int> *auxs = (Vector<int>*)readArray (req);
ipc_log (" dbev_id = %d, cnt = %lld\n", dbevindex, VSIZE (exp_ids));
Vector<bool> *res = dbeHasTLData (dbevindex,
exp_ids, data_ids, eprop_ids, eprop_vals, auxs);
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getTLData"))
int dbevindex = readInt (req);
int exp_id = readInt (req);
int tldata_type = readInt (req);
int entity_prop_id = readInt (req);
int entity_prop_val = readInt (req);
int aux = readInt (req);
long long arg5 = readLong (req);
long long arg6 = readLong (req);
int arg7 = readInt (req);
bool getReps = readBoolean (req);
Vector<String> *secondaryProps = (Vector<String>*)readArray (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d:%d; tldata_type=%d entity_prop_id=%d ent=%d aux=%d"
"\n tstart=%lld delta=%lld ndeltas=%d getReps=%d nProps=%lld\n",
dbevindex, exp_id,
tldata_type, entity_prop_id, entity_prop_val, aux,
arg5, arg6, arg7, (int) getReps, VSIZE (secondaryProps));
Vector<void*> *res = dbeGetTLData (dbevindex, exp_id,
tldata_type, entity_prop_id, entity_prop_val, aux,
arg5, arg6, arg7, getReps, secondaryProps);
#ifdef IPC_LOG
if (res)
Vector<Obj> *reps = (Vector<Obj>*)res->fetch (0);
Vector<Obj> *props = (Vector<Obj>*)res->fetch (1);
if (reps)
Vector <long long> *fids = (Vector <long long> *)reps->fetch (2);
int sz = fids ? fids->size () : 0;
ipc_log (" returning TL reps (dDscrs); nreps=%d:", sz);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < sz && i < 7; i++)
ipc_log (" %lld", fids->fetch (i));
if (i < sz)
ipc_log (" ... %lld", fids->fetch (sz - 1));
ipc_log ("\n");
if (props)
int nprops = props->size ();
ipc_log (" returning values for %d properties:\n", nprops);
assert (secondaryProps->size () == nprops);
ipc_log (" returning NULL\n");
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
destroy (secondaryProps);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getTLEventCenterTime"))
int dbevindex = readInt (req);
int exp_id = readInt (req);
int tldata_type = readInt (req);
int entity_prop_id = readInt (req);
int entity_prop_val = readInt (req);
int aux = readInt (req);
long long event_id = readLong (req);
long long move_count = readLong (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d:%d; tldata_type = %d entity_prop_id = %d "
"ent = %d aux = %d idx = %lld move=%lld\n",
dbevindex, exp_id,
tldata_type, entity_prop_id, entity_prop_val, aux, event_id, move_count);
Vector<long long> * res = dbeGetTLEventCenterTime (dbevindex, exp_id,
tldata_type, entity_prop_id, entity_prop_val, aux, event_id, move_count);
ipc_log (" returning idx = %lld, time = %lld\n",
res ? res->fetch (0) : -1, res ? res->fetch (1) : -1);
writeArray (res, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getTLEventIdxNearTime"))
int dbevindex = readInt (req);
int exp_id = readInt (req);
int tldata_type = readInt (req);
int entity_prop_id = readInt (req);
int entity_prop_val = readInt (req);
int aux = readInt (req);
int searchDirection = readInt (req);
long long value = readLong (req);
ipc_log (" args = %d:%d; tldata_type = %d entity_prop_id = %d "
"ent = %d aux = %d direction = %d value = %lld(0x%llx)\n",
dbevindex, exp_id,
tldata_type, entity_prop_id, entity_prop_val, aux,
searchDirection, value, value);
long long res = dbeGetTLEventIdxNearTime (dbevindex, exp_id,
tldata_type, entity_prop_id, entity_prop_val, aux,
searchDirection, value);
ipc_log (" returning = %lld\n", res);
writeLong (res, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getAggregatedValue"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
String arg2 = readString (req);
String arg3 = readString (req);
String arg4 = readString (req);
long long arg5 = readLong (req);
long long arg6 = readLong (req);
int arg7 = readInt (req);
String arg8 = readString (req);
String arg9 = readString (req);
ipc_log (" data_idx = %d lfilter = \"%s\" fexpr = \"%s\" "
"time = \"%s\" tstart = %lld delta = %lld "
"num = %d key = \"%s\" aggr = \"%s\"\n",
arg1, arg2 ? arg2 : "NULL", arg3 ? arg3 : "NULL",
arg4 ? arg4 : "NULL", arg5, arg6,
arg7, arg8 ? arg8 : "NULL", arg9 ? arg9 : "NULL");
Vector<long long> *res = dbeGetAggregatedValue (arg1, arg2, arg3,
arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9);
#ifdef IPC_LOG
if (res)
int sz = res->size ();
ipc_log (" returning = %d values:", sz);
if (sz > 10)
sz = 10;
for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++)
ipc_log (" %lld", res->fetch (i));
ipc_log ("\n");
ipc_log (" returning NULL\n");
writeArray (res, req);
delete res;
free (arg2);
free (arg3);
free (arg4);
free (arg8);
free (arg9);
#if 0//YXXX TBR
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getExprValue"))
int exp_id = readInt ();
int arg1 = readInt ();
int arg2 = readInt ();
String arg3 = readString ();
ipc_log (" exp_id %d, data_id = %d, event_id = %d, expr = %s\n",
exp_id, arg1, arg2, arg3 ? arg3 : "NULL");
String res = dbeGetExprValue (exp_id, arg1, arg2, arg3);
ipc_log (" returning = %s\n", res ? res : "");
writeString (res);
free (res);
free (arg3);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getListValues"))
Obj arg1 = readObject ();
ipc_log (" stack = %lu\n", (long) arg1);
Vector<Obj> *res = dbeGetListValues (arg1);
ipc_log (" returns = %d objects\n", res ? res->size () : 0);
writeArray (res);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getListNames"))
Obj arg1 = readObject ();
ipc_log (" stack = %lu\n", (long) arg1);
Vector<String> *res = dbeGetListNames (arg1);
ipc_log (" returns = %d objects\n", res ? res->size () : 0);
writeArray (res);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getLineInfo"))
Obj arg1 = readObject (req);
ipc_log (" pc = %lu\n", (long) arg1);
Vector<String> *res = dbeGetLineInfo (arg1);
ipc_log (" returning File name: '%s'\n", res ? res->fetch (0) : "");
ipc_log (" returning Lineno: '%s'\n", res ? res->fetch (1) : "");
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "setAlias"))
String arg1 = readString (req);
String arg2 = readString (req);
String arg3 = readString (req);
ipc_log (" name=\"%s\" uname=\"%s\" expr=\"%s\"\n",
arg1 ? arg1 : "", arg2 ? arg2 : "", arg3 ? arg3 : "");
int res = dbeSetAlias (arg1, arg2, arg3);
ipc_log (" returning = %d\n", res);
writeInt (res, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getAlias"))
String arg1 = readString (req);
ipc_log (" name=\"%s\"\n", arg1 ? arg1 : "");
Vector<char*> *res = dbeGetAlias (arg1);
ipc_log (" returning uname: '%s'\n", res && res->fetch (0) ? res->fetch (0) : "");
ipc_log (" returning expr: '%s'\n", res && res->fetch (1) ? res->fetch (0) : "");
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getXYPlotData"))
int arg1 = readInt (req);
String arg2 = readString (req);
String arg3 = readString (req);
String arg4 = readString (req);
String arg5 = readString (req);
String arg6 = readString (req);
String arg7 = readString (req);
String arg8 = readString (req);
String arg9 = readString (req);
ipc_log (" data_idx = %d lfilter = \"%s\" arg = \"%s\" "
"func1 = \"%s\" aggr1 = \"%s\" "
"func2 = \"%s\" aggr2 = \"%s\" "
"func3 = \"%s\" aggr3 = \"%s\" \n",
arg1, arg2 ? arg2 : "NULL", arg3 ? arg3 : "NULL",
arg4 ? arg4 : "NULL", arg5 ? arg5 : "NULL", arg6 ? arg6 : "NULL",
arg7 ? arg7 : "NULL", arg8 ? arg8 : "NULL", arg9 ? arg9 : "NULL");
Vector<Vector<long long>*> *res = dbeGetXYPlotData (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9);
#ifdef IPC_LOG
if (res)
long nvals = res->size ();
for (long i = 0; i < nvals; ++i)
Vector<long long> *vals = res->fetch (i);
long long sz = VSIZE (vals);
ipc_log (" returning = %lld values:", sz);
if (sz > 10)
sz = 10;
for (long j = 0; j < sz; j++)
ipc_log (" %lld", vals->fetch (j));
ipc_log ("\n");
ipc_log (" returning NULL\n");
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (strcmp (inp, "dbe_archive") == 0)
Vector<long long> *ids = (Vector<long long> *) readArray (req);
Vector<const char*> *locations = (Vector<const char*> *) readArray (req);
dbe_archive (ids, locations);
delete ids;
destroy (locations);
writeResponseGeneric (RESPONSE_STATUS_SUCCESS, req->getRequestID (), req->getChannelID ());
else if (strcmp (inp, "dbeSetLocations") == 0)
Vector<const char*> *fnames = (Vector<const char*> *) readArray (req);
Vector<const char*> *locations = (Vector<const char*> *) readArray (req);
dbeSetLocations (fnames, locations);
destroy (fnames);
destroy (locations);
writeResponseGeneric (RESPONSE_STATUS_SUCCESS, req->getRequestID (), req->getChannelID ());
else if (strcmp (inp, "dbeResolvedWith_setpath") == 0)
char *path = readString (req);
Vector<void *> *res = dbeResolvedWith_setpath (path);
free (path);
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (strcmp (inp, "dbeResolvedWith_pathmap") == 0)
char *old_prefix = readString (req);
char *new_prefix = readString (req);
Vector<void *> *res = dbeResolvedWith_pathmap (old_prefix, new_prefix);
free (old_prefix);
free (new_prefix);
writeArray (res, req);
destroy (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getCollectorControlValue"))
/* int dbevindex =*/ readInt (req);
char *control = readString (req);
ipc_log (" args = %s\n", control);
char *ret = dbeGetCollectorControlValue (control);
ipc_log (" returning %s\n", STR (ret));
writeString (ret, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "setCollectorControlValue"))
/* int dbevindex =*/ readInt (req);
char *control = readString (req);
char *value = readString (req);
#ifdef IPC_LOG
ipc_log (" args = %s %s\n", control, value);
char *ret = dbeSetCollectorControlValue (control, value);
#ifdef IPC_LOG
if (ret)
ipc_log (" returning %s\n", ret);
ipc_log (" returning NULL\n");
writeString (ret, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "unsetCollectorControlValue"))
/* int dbevindex =*/ readInt (req);
char *control = readString (req);
ipc_log (" args = %s\n", control);
char *ret = dbeUnsetCollectorControlValue (control);
ipc_log (" returning %s\n", STR (ret));
writeString (ret, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "getSignalValue"))
String arg1 = readString (req);
ipc_log (" arg1=\"%s\"\n", arg1 ? arg1 : "");
int res = dbeGetSignalValue (arg1);
ipc_log (" returning = %d\n", res);
writeInt (res, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "sendSignal"))
long long p = readLong (req);
int signum = readInt (req);
ipc_log (" args = %llu, %d\n", (long long) p, signum);
char * ret = dbeSendSignal ((pid_t) p, signum);
#ifdef IPC_LOG
if (ret)
ipc_log (" returning %s\n", ret);
ipc_log (" returning NULL\n");
writeString (ret, req);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "checkConnection"))
String arg1 = readString (req);
ipc_log (" arg = `%s'\n", arg1 ? arg1 : "NULL");
String res = dbeCheckConnection (arg1);
writeString (res, req);
ipc_log (" returns `%s'\n", res ? res : "NULL");
free (arg1);
free (res);
else if (!strcmp (inp, "QUIT"))
#ifdef IPC_LOG
ipc_log (" %s\n", inp);
exit (0);
ipc_log ("Unrecognized input cmd \"%s\"; Aborting.\n", inp);
return 1;
ipc_log (" processing IPC command %s complete\n", inp);
free (inp);
fflush (stdout);
if (req->getStatus () != CANCELLED_IMMEDIATE)
// wake up the main working thread, let it take care of delete
req->setStatus (COMPLETED);
delete req;
return 0;
check_env_args (int argc, char *argv[])
int indx = 2; // Skip "-IPC"
const char *MINUS_E = "-E";
const char SEPARATOR = '=';
char *cmd_env_var = NULL;
while (argc - indx >= 2)
char *option = argv[indx++];
if (!streq (option, MINUS_E))
cmd_env_var = argv[indx++];
char *separator = strchr (cmd_env_var, SEPARATOR);
if (!separator)
// Unrecognized option. Fatal error?
char *cmd_env_var_val = separator + 1;
if (!strncmp (cmd_env_var, SP_ER_PRINT_TRACE_LEVEL,
if (streq (cmd_env_var_val, "1"))
ipc_trace_level = TRACE_LVL_1;
else if (streq (cmd_env_var_val, "2"))
ipc_trace_level = TRACE_LVL_2;
else if (streq (cmd_env_var_val, "3"))
ipc_trace_level = TRACE_LVL_3;
else if (streq (cmd_env_var_val, "4"))
ipc_trace_level = TRACE_LVL_4;
if (!strncmp (cmd_env_var, SP_IPC_PROTOCOL, strlen (SP_IPC_PROTOCOL)))
if (streq (cmd_env_var_val, IPC_PROTOCOL_CURR))
// Only one protocol is currently supported
ipc_protocol = IPC_PROTOCOL_CURR;
ipc_protocol = IPC_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN;
// Unrecognized option. Fatal error?
print_ipc_protocol_confirmation ()
if (NULL != ipc_protocol)
fprintf (stdout, "ER_IPC: %s\n", ipc_protocol);
fflush (stdout);
ipc_mainLoop (int argc, char *argv[])
if (getenv ("GPROFNG_DBE_DELAY"))
sleep (20);
#ifdef IPC_LOG
ipc_flags = 1;
// check_env_args(argc, argv);
char *er_print_trace_level = getenv ("SP_ER_PRINT_TRACE_LEVEL");
if (er_print_trace_level != NULL)
if (streq (er_print_trace_level, "1"))
ipc_trace_level = TRACE_LVL_1;
else if (streq (er_print_trace_level, "2"))
ipc_trace_level = TRACE_LVL_2;
else if (streq (er_print_trace_level, "3"))
ipc_trace_level = TRACE_LVL_3;
else if (streq (er_print_trace_level, "4"))
ipc_trace_level = TRACE_LVL_4;
check_env_args (argc, argv);
print_ipc_protocol_confirmation ();
if (ipc_flags || getenv ("SP_ER_PRINT_IPC_FLAG") || ipc_trace_level > TRACE_LVL_0)
ipc_flags = 1;
if (ipc_trace_level == TRACE_LVL_0)
ipc_trace_level = TRACE_LVL_1;
// reopen stderr as file "ipc_log"
ipc_log_name = getenv ("SP_ER_PRINT_IPC_LOG");
if (ipc_log_name == NULL)
ipc_log_name = "ipc_log";
freopen (ipc_log_name, "w", stderr);
if (ipc_trace_level >= TRACE_LVL_2)
ipc_request_log_name = "ipc_request_log";
ipc_response_log_name = "ipc_response_log";
requestLogFileP = fopen (ipc_request_log_name, "w");
responseLogFileP = fopen (ipc_response_log_name, "w");
ipc_request_log_name = "ipc_log";
ipc_response_log_name = "ipc_log";
begin_time = gethrtime ();
// Reopen stderr as /dev/null
freopen ("/dev/null", "w", stderr);
struct sigaction act;