| #source: lns-common-1.s |
| #readelf: -wl |
| #name: lns-common-1 |
| Raw dump of debug contents of section \.debug_line: |
| #... |
| Initial value of 'is_stmt': 1 |
| #... |
| Line Number Statements: |
| \[0x.*\] Extended opcode 2: set Address to .* |
| \[0x.*\] Copy( \(view 1\)|) |
| \[0x.*\] Set column to 3 |
| \[0x.*\] Advance Line by 1 to 2 |
| \[0x.*\] Advance PC by fixed size amount .* to .* |
| \[0x.*\] Copy( \(view 1\)|) |
| \[0x.*\] Set prologue_end to true |
| \[0x.*\] Advance Line by 1 to 3 |
| \[0x.*\] Advance PC by fixed size amount .* to .* |
| \[0x.*\] Copy( \(view 2\)|) |
| \[0x.*\] Set column to 0 |
| \[0x.*\] Set epilogue_begin to true |
| \[0x.*\] Advance Line by 1 to 4 |
| \[0x.*\] Advance PC by fixed size amount .* to .* |
| \[0x.*\] Copy( \(view 3\)|) |
| \[0x.*\] Set ISA to 1 |
| \[0x.*\] Set basic block |
| \[0x.*\] Advance Line by 1 to 5 |
| \[0x.*\] Advance PC by fixed size amount .* to .* |
| \[0x.*\] Copy( \(view 4\)|) |
| \[0x.*\] Set is_stmt to 0 |
| \[0x.*\] Advance Line by 1 to 6 |
| \[0x.*\] Advance PC by fixed size amount .* to .* |
| \[0x.*\] Copy( \(view 5\)|) |
| \[0x.*\] Set is_stmt to 1 |
| \[0x.*\] Advance Line by 1 to 7 |
| \[0x.*\] Advance PC by fixed size amount .* to .* |
| \[0x.*\] Copy( \(view 6\)|) |
| \[0x.*\] Extended opcode 4: set Discriminator to 1 |
| \[0x.*\] Advance Line by 0 to 7 |
| \[0x.*\] Advance PC by fixed size amount .* to .* |
| \[0x.*\] Copy( \(view 7\)|) |
| \[0x.*\] Advance PC by fixed size amount .* to .* |
| \[0x.*\] Extended opcode 1: End of Sequence |
| #... |