blob: 17fb1110c8e763a8b50f48c46f634ef90d4806b0 [file] [log] [blame]
/* This file isn't directly used by the test suite; it uses
elf_e_flags.s. However, I figured it would be nice to provide the
source code from which the .s file was generated.
It was compiled as follows:
mips64-elf-gcc -m4650 -S -O elf_e_flags.c
We use the -m4650 flag to get the 4650-specific 'mul' instruction
in there; the test suite wants to be sure that GAS's -m4650 flag
will indeed cause it to generate the 4650 mul instruction, and not
expand it as a macro. */
foo (int a, int b)
return (a * b) + 1;
main ()
return 0;