blob: c663a12df4507dbba2b0a92a91da6895adcc6055 [file] [log] [blame]
.*: Assembler messages:
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[ ]*1[ ]+\.text
[ ]*2[ ]+\# All the following should be illegal for x86-64
[ ]*3[ ]+aaa \# illegal
[ ]*4[ ]+aad \# illegal
[ ]*5[ ]+aam \# illegal
[ ]*6[ ]+aas \# illegal
[ ]*7[ ]+arpl %ax,%ax \# illegal
[ ]*8[ ]+bound %eax,\(%rax\) \# illegal
[ ]*9[ ]+calll \*%eax \# 32-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*10[ ]+calll \*\(%ax\) \# 32-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*11[ ]+calll \*\(%eax\) \# 32-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*12[ ]+calll \*\(%r8\) \# 32-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*13[ ]+calll \*\(%rax\) \# 32-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*14[ ]+callw \*%ax \# 16-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*15[ ]+callw \*\(%ax\) \# 16-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*16[ ]+callw \*\(%eax\) \# 16-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*17[ ]+callw \*\(%r8\) \# 16-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*18[ ]+callw \*\(%rax\) \# 16-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*19[ ]+callq \*\(%ax\) \# no 16-bit addressing
[ ]*20[ ]+daa \# illegal
[ ]*21[ ]+das \# illegal
[ ]*22[ ]+enterl \$0,\$0 \# can't have 32-bit stack operands
[ ]*23[ ]+into \# illegal
[ ]*24[ ]+foo: jcxz foo \# No prefix exists to select CX as a counter
[ ]*25[ ]+jmpl \*%eax \# 32-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*26[ ]+jmpl \*\(%ax\) \# 32-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*27[ ]+jmpl \*\(%eax\) \# 32-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*28[ ]+jmpl \*\(%r8\) \# 32-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*29[ ]+jmpl \*\(%rax\) \# 32-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*30[ ]+jmpw \*%ax \# 16-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*31[ ]+jmpw \*\(%ax\) \# 16-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*32[ ]+jmpw \*\(%eax\) \# 16-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*33[ ]+jmpw \*\(%r8\) \# 16-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*34[ ]+jmpw \*\(%rax\) \# 16-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*35[ ]+jmpq \*\(%ax\) \# no 16-bit addressing
[ ]*36[ ]+lcalll \$0,\$0 \# illegal
[ ]*37[ ]+lcallq \$0,\$0 \# illegal
[ ]*38[ ]+ldsl %eax,\(%rax\) \# illegal
[ ]*39[ ]+ldsq %rax,\(%rax\) \# illegal
[ ]*40[ ]+lesl %eax,\(%rax\) \# illegal
[ ]*41[ ]+lesq %rax,\(%rax\) \# illegal
[ ]*42[ ]+ljmpl \$0,\$0 \# illegal
[ ]*43[ ]+ljmpq \$0,\$0 \# illegal
[ ]*44[ ]+ljmpq \*\(%rax\) \# 64-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*45[ ]+loopw foo \# No prefix exists to select CX as a counter
[ ]*46[ ]+loopew foo \# No prefix exists to select CX as a counter
[ ]*47[ ]+loopnew foo \# No prefix exists to select CX as a counter
[ ]*48[ ]+loopnzw foo \# No prefix exists to select CX as a counter
[ ]*49[ ]+loopzw foo \# No prefix exists to select CX as a counter
[ ]*50[ ]+leavel \# can't have 32-bit stack operands
[ ]*51[ ]+pop %ds \# illegal
[ ]*52[ ]+pop %es \# illegal
[ ]*53[ ]+pop %ss \# illegal
[ ]*54[ ]+popa \# illegal
[ ]*55[ ]+popl %eax \# can't have 32-bit stack operands
[ ]*56[ ]+push %cs \# illegal
[ ]*57[ ]+push %ds \# illegal
[ ]*58[ ]+push %es \# illegal
[ ]*59[ ]+push %ss \# illegal
[ ]*60[ ]+pusha \# illegal
[ ]*61[ ]+pushl %eax \# can't have 32-bit stack operands
[ ]*62[ ]+pushfl \# can't have 32-bit stack operands
[ ]*63[ ]+popfl \# can't have 32-bit stack operands
[ ]*64[ ]+retl \# can't have 32-bit stack operands
[ ]*65[ ]+insertq \$4,\$2,%xmm2,%ebx \# The last operand must be XMM register\.
[ ]*66[ ]+fnstsw %eax
[ ]*67[ ]+fnstsw %al
[ ]*68[ ]+fstsw %eax
[ ]*69[ ]+fstsw %al
[ ]*70[ ]+in \$8,%rax
[ ]*71[ ]+out %rax,\$8
[ ]*72[ ]+movzxl \(%rax\),%rax
[ ]*73[ ]+movnti %ax, \(%rax\)
[ ]*74[ ]+movntiw %ax, \(%rax\)
[ ]*75[ ]+
[ ]*76[ ]+\.intel_syntax noprefix
[ ]*77[ ]+cmpxchg16b dword ptr \[rax\] \# Must be oword
[ ]*78[ ]+movq xmm1, XMMWORD PTR \[rsp\]
[ ]*79[ ]+movq xmm1, DWORD PTR \[rsp\]
[ ]*80[ ]+movq xmm1, WORD PTR \[rsp\]
[ ]*81[ ]+movq xmm1, BYTE PTR \[rsp\]
[ ]*82[ ]+movq XMMWORD PTR \[rsp\],xmm1
[ ]*83[ ]+movq DWORD PTR \[rsp\],xmm1
[ ]*84[ ]+movq WORD PTR \[rsp\],xmm1
[ ]*85[ ]+movq BYTE PTR \[rsp\],xmm1
[ ]*86[ ]+fnstsw eax
[ ]*87[ ]+fnstsw al
[ ]*88[ ]+fstsw eax
[ ]*89[ ]+fstsw al
[ ]*90[ ]+in rax,8
[ ]*91[ ]+out 8,rax
[ ]*92[ ]+movsx ax, \[rax\]
[ ]*93[ ]+movsx eax, \[rax\]
[ ]*94[ ]+movsx rax, \[rax\]
[ ]*95[ ]+movzx ax, \[rax\]
[ ]*96[ ]+movzx eax, \[rax\]
[ ]*97[ ]+movzx rax, \[rax\]
[ ]*98[ ]+movnti word ptr \[rax\], ax
[ ]*99[ ]+calld eax \# 32-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*100[ ]+calld \[ax\] \# 32-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*101[ ]+calld \[eax\] \# 32-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*102[ ]+calld \[r8\] \# 32-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*103[ ]+calld \[rax\] \# 32-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*104[ ]+callw ax \# 16-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*105[ ]+callw \[ax\] \# 16-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*106[ ]+callw \[eax\] \# 16-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*107[ ]+callw \[r8\] \# 16-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*108[ ]+callw \[rax\] \# 16-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*109[ ]+callq \[ax\] \# no 16-bit addressing
[ ]*110[ ]+jmpd eax \# 32-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*111[ ]+jmpd \[ax\] \# 32-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*112[ ]+jmpd \[eax\] \# 32-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*113[ ]+jmpd \[r8\] \# 32-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*114[ ]+jmpd \[rax\] \# 32-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*115[ ]+jmpw ax \# 16-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*116[ ]+jmpw \[ax\] \# 16-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*117[ ]+jmpw \[eax\] \# 16-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*118[ ]+jmpw \[r8\] \# 16-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*119[ ]+jmpw \[rax\] \# 16-bit data size not allowed
[ ]*120[ ]+jmpq \[ax\] \# no 16-bit addressing