blob: 2bff85ffecc21e05ef35fdbd25e8ab35e424761f [file] [log] [blame]
# Some ARM tests
proc run_errors_test { name opts tname} {
global srcdir subdir
set testname "$tname"
set file $srcdir/$subdir/$name
gas_run ${name}.s $opts ">&${name}.out"
if { [regexp_diff "${name}.out" "${file}.l"] } then {
fail $testname
verbose "output is [file_contents "${name}.out"]" 2
pass $testname
if {[istarget *arm*-*-*] || [istarget "xscale-*-*"]} then {
run_dump_test "inst"
run_dump_test "ldconst"
run_dump_test "armv1"
run_errors_test "armv1-bad" "-mcpu=arm7m" "ARM v1 errors"
gas_test "arm3.s" "-mcpu=arm3" $stdoptlist "Arm 3 instructions"
gas_test "arm6.s" "-mcpu=arm6" $stdoptlist "Arm 6 instructions"
gas_test "arm7dm.s" "-mcpu=arm7dm" $stdoptlist "Arm 7DM instructions"
run_dump_test "arm7t"
if {! [istarget arm*-*-aout]} then {
# The arm-aout port does not support Thumb mode.
gas_test "thumb.s" "-mcpu=arm7t" $stdoptlist "Thumb instructions"
gas_test "arch4t.s" "-march=armv4t" $stdoptlist "Arm architecture 4t instructions"
run_dump_test "arch5tej"
gas_test "copro.s" "" $stdoptlist "Co processor instructions"
gas_test "immed.s" "" $stdoptlist "immediate expressions"
gas_test "float.s" "" $stdoptlist "Core floating point instructions"
run_dump_test "fpa-monadic"
run_dump_test "fpa-dyadic"
run_dump_test "fpa-mem"
run_dump_test "vfp1xD"
run_dump_test "vfp1"
run_errors_test "vfp-bad" "-mfpu=vfp" "VFP errors"
run_dump_test "xscale"
run_dump_test "adrl"
if {[istarget *-*-elf*] || [istarget *-*-linux*]} then {
run_dump_test "pic"
# Not all arm targets are bi-endian, so only run this test on ones
# we know that are. FIXME: We should probably also key off armeb/armel.
if [istarget arm-*-pe] {
run_dump_test "le-fpconst"
# Since big-endian numbers have the normal format, this doesn't exist.
#run_dump_test "be-fpconst"
if [istarget arm9e-*] {
run_dump_test "maverick"