blob: f2cafe3e892682182c481b2296eda47f426631fd [file] [log] [blame]
#objdump: -D
#source: instruction_packing-007.s
.*: file format elf32-d10v
Disassembly of section .text:
00000000 <foo>:
0: e0 00 00 00 ldi.l r0, 0x0
4: e0 10 10 00 ldi.l r1, 0x1000
8: 60 22 c0 67 ldi.s r2, 0x2 -> ldi.s r3, 0x3
c: e0 40 40 00 ldi.l r4, 0x4000
10: 60 55 cc 1a ldi.s r5, 0x5 -> jmp r13
Disassembly of section .data: