blob: b1ad830578b7fd4a71f7ddd68e99a7953df5ac8e [file] [log] [blame]
# Support macros for the assembly test cases.
.macro start
.global start
# Perform a single to double precision floating point conversion.
.macro _s2d fpr dpr
flds \fpr, fpul
fcnvsd fpul, \dpr
# Set the PR (PRecision) bit in the FPSCR.
.macro _setpr
sts fpscr, r7
mov #8, r8
shll16 r8
or r8, r7
lds r7, fpscr
# Clear the PR bit.
.macro _clrpr
sts fpscr, r7
mov #8, r8
shll16 r8
not r8, r8
and r8, r7
lds r7, fpscr
# nb: this macro clobbers R7.
.macro assert reg value
mov \value, r7
cmp/eq \reg, r7
bf wrong
.macro pass
trapa #253
.macro fail
trapa #254