blob: 9186c6a242e0643b97c1c5b7c8178f3ee9c9b6d2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Check that "naked" comments are accepted and ignored on all different
# mnemonic types and pseudos. The goal is to use all combinations of
# operands where varying number of operands are allowed. If any
# combinations are missing, for simplicity, add them to another file.
Main TRAP 123 ignore; x y z
TRAP 1,23 all; x y z
TRAP 1,2,3 these; x y z
FCMP $3,$2,$1 comments; x y z
FLOT $5,6 and; x y z
FLOT $7,ROUND_UP,8 do; x y z
FIX $9,$10 nothing; x y z
FIX $11,ROUND_DOWN,$12 that; x y z
ADDU $15,$16,17 would make; x y z
LDA $18,$19 a; x y z
LDA $20,$21,22 difference; x y z
NEG $23,$24 in; x y z
NEG $25,26,$27 the; x y z
bn $28,target + 44 generated; x y z
SYNCD 29,$30,31 code; x y z
PUSHGO 32,$33,34 so; x y z
SET $35,$36 it; x y z
SETH $37,target2 + 48 is; x y z
JMP target3 + 56 as; x y z
POP 38,39 if; x y z
RESUME 40 it; x y z
PUSHJ $41,target3 had; x y z
SAVE $42,0 never; x y z
UNSAVE 0,$43 been; x y z
PUT rJ,$44 there; x y z
GET $45,rJ at all.; x y z
LOC @+4 likewise; x y z
PREFIX : with; x y z
BYTE 3,2,1,0+4 the; x y z
WYDE 7,4+8 different; x y z
TETRA 8+12 pseudo; x y z
OCTA 12+16 ops,; x y z
LOCAL 48 they; x y z
BSPEC 49 too; x y z
# Specifying an operand field (although ignored) is necessary for a comment
# with a ';' to be ignorable and not interpreted as eoln, both for GAS and
# mmixal.
ESPEC 0 ignore; x y z
GREG 50 + 1 naked; x y z
z IS 9 + 8 + 7 comments; x y z
x SWYM 34,21,56