blob: 37bf66e54affbfd1b9c0dd50136799326859f383 [file] [log] [blame]
#source: start.s
#source: bpo-1.s
#as: -linker-allocated-gregs
#ld: -m mmo --oformat elf64-mmix
#objdump: -st
# This weird combination of format and emulation options caused hiccups in
# the reloc accounting machinery.
.*: file format elf64-mmix
0000000000000000 l d \.text 0+ (|\.text)
2000000000000000 l d \.data 0+ (|\.data)
2000000000000000 l d \.bss 0+ (|\.bss)
0+7f0 l d \.MMIX\.reg_contents 0+ (|\.MMIX\.reg_contents)
0+ l d \*ABS\* 0+ (|\.shstrtab)
0+ l d \*ABS\* 0+ (|\.symtab)
0+ l d \*ABS\* 0+ (|\.strtab)
0+4 l \.text 0+ x
0+ g \.text 0+ Main
0+ g \.text 0+ _start
Contents of section \.text:
0000 e3fd0001 232afe00 .*
Contents of section \.MMIX\.reg_contents:
07f0 00000000 0000002e .*