blob: 0129b7140aa29bcc605b51bd87af2c1182e844d2 [file] [log] [blame]
#objdump: -D
#source: instruction_packing-005.s
#as: -O
.*: file format elf32-d10v
Disassembly of section .text:
00000000 <foo>:
0: 36 df de 00 st r13, @-sp || nop
4: f0 0e 00 00 ld r0, @\(0x0, r14\)
8: e4 80 00 02 bl.l 10 <func_a>
c: 70 df cc 1a ld r13, @sp\+ -> jmp r13
00000010 <func_a>:
10: 20 20 40 61 mv r2, r0 || ldi.s r3, 0x0
14: c6 12 80 00 and3 r1, r2, -0x8000
18: 01 31 a2 43 addi r3, 0x1 || slli r2, 0x1
1c: c2 10 80 00 cmpeqi.l r1, -0x8000
20: 60 02 0a 1f mv r0, r2 -> bnoti r0, 0xf
24: 22 20 de 00 mvf0t r2, r0 || nop
28: e3 30 00 08 cmpui r3, 0x8
2c: 65 fd 40 04 brf0t.s 14 <func_a\+0x4> -> mv r0, r2
30: 26 0d 5e 00 jmp r13 || nop
Disassembly of section .data:
00000000 <in_data>:
0: Address 0x0+ is out of bounds.