blob: a8538440b02a7c8d06839a86e716914d9d94d2f2 [file] [log] [blame]
#as: -EL -I$srcdir/$subdir
#objdump: --syms --special-syms -d
#name: ARM Mapping Symbols for .arm/.thumb
# This test is only valid on EABI based ports.
#target: *-*-*eabi* *-*-symbianelf *-*-linux-* *-*-elf *-*-nacl*
#source: mapdir.s
.*: +file format .*arm.*
0+00 l d .text 00000000 .text
0+00 l d .data 00000000 .data
0+00 l d .bss 00000000 .bss
0+00 l d .fini_array 00000000 .fini_array
0+00 l .fini_array 00000000 \$d
0+00 l O .fini_array 00000000 __do_global_dtors_aux_fini_array_entry
0+00 l d .code 00000000 .code
0+00 l .code 00000000 \$a
0+00 l d .tcode 00000000 .tcode
0+00 l .tcode 00000000 \$t
0+00 l d .ARM.attributes 00000000 .ARM.attributes
0+00 \*UND\* 00000000 __do_global_dtors_aux
Disassembly of section .code:
00000000 <.code>:
0: e1a00000 nop ; \(mov r0, r0\)
Disassembly of section .tcode:
00000000 <.tcode>:
0: 46c0 nop ; \(mov r8, r8\)