blob: 9f0977e6e995f13c138dd2e1eebfa2ce1be09b5a [file] [log] [blame]
.LEVEL 2.0
.align 4
; PA2.0 multimedia (halfword) instruction tests
; We could/should test some of the corner cases for register and
; immediate fields. We should also check the assorted field
; selectors to make sure they're handled correctly.
hadd %r7,%r11,%r12
hadd,ss %r7,%r11,%r12
hadd,us %r7,%r11,%r12
havg %r7,%r11,%r12
hshl %r7,13,%r11
hshladd %r7,1,%r11,%r12
hshladd %r7,2,%r11,%r12
hshladd %r7,3,%r11,%r12
hshr %r7,13,%r11
hshr,s %r7,13,%r11
hshr,u %r7,13,%r11
hshradd %r7,1,%r11,%r12
hshradd %r7,2,%r11,%r12
hshradd %r7,3,%r11,%r12
hsub %r14,%r22,%r9
hsub,ss %r14,%r22,%r9
hsub,us %r14,%r22,%r9
mixh,l %r14,%r22,%r9
mixh,r %r14,%r22,%r9
mixw,l %r14,%r22,%r9
mixw,r %r14,%r22,%r9
permh,0321 %r22,%r9
permh,2222 %r22,%r9
permh,3030 %r22,%r9