blob: 24899ba973c52f43bf0f4fd751ddd20bd2aede91 [file] [log] [blame]
#objdump: -dr --prefix-addresses
#name: MIPS ELF jal
#source: jal.s
#as: -32
# Test the jal macro.
.*: +file format .*mips.*
Disassembly of section .text:
0+0000 <[^>]*> jalr t9
0+0004 <[^>]*> nop
0+0008 <[^>]*> jalr a0,t9
0+000c <[^>]*> nop
0+0010 <[^>]*> jal 0+ <text_label>
[ ]*10: R_MIPS_26 text_label
0+0014 <[^>]*> nop
0+0018 <[^>]*> jal 0+ <text_label>
[ ]*18: R_MIPS_26 external_text_label
0+001c <[^>]*> nop
0+0020 <[^>]*> j 0+ <text_label>
[ ]*20: R_MIPS_26 text_label
0+0024 <[^>]*> nop
0+0028 <[^>]*> j 0+ <text_label>
[ ]*28: R_MIPS_26 external_text_label
0+002c <[^>]*> nop