blob: ecee94d44118b7def7be3fb192c2781e8565b21e [file] [log] [blame]
#objdump: -dr --prefix-addresses --show-raw-insn
#name: NIOS2 align_fill
# Test the and macro.
.*: +file format elf32-littlenios2
Disassembly of section .text:
0+0000 <[^>]*> defffe04 addi sp,sp,-8
0+0004 <[^>]*> df000115 stw fp,4\(sp\)
0+0008 <[^>]*> d839883a mov fp,sp
0+000c <[^>]*> 0007883a mov r3,zero
0+0010 <[^>]*> 0001883a nop
0+0014 <[^>]*> 0001883a nop
0+0018 <[^>]*> 0001883a nop
0+001c <[^>]*> 0001883a nop
0+0020 <[^>]*> 18c00044 addi r3,r3,1
0+0024 <[^>]*> 18801910 cmplti r2,r3,100
0+0028 <[^>]*> 103ffd1e bne r2,zero,00000020 <[^>]*>
0+002c <[^>]*> df000117 ldw fp,4\(sp\)
0+0030 <[^>]*> dec00204 addi sp,sp,8
0+0034 <[^>]*> f800283a ret