blob: c782997530dff5aedf7ae7e74c9e2a442d9b1755 [file] [log] [blame]
#mach: crisv10
#output: Basic clock cycles, total @: 31\n
#output: Memory source stall cycles: 0\n
#output: Memory read-after-write stall cycles: 0\n
#output: Movem source stall cycles: 0\n
#output: Movem destination stall cycles: 0\n
#output: Movem address stall cycles: 0\n
#output: Multiplication source stall cycles: 0\n
#output: Jump source stall cycles: 0\n
#output: Branch misprediction stall cycles: 0\n
#output: Jump target stall cycles: 0\n
#sim: --cris-cycles=basic
; Check that movem to memory basically looks ok cycle-wise.
; Nothing deep.
.include ""
move.d 0f,r4
moveq 0,r0
moveq 1,r3
moveq 2,r1
moveq 1,r2
movem r3,[r4] ; 2 cycles penalty for v32
movem r3,[r4] ; 0 cycles penalty for v32
moveq 1,r3
movem r3,[r4] ; 1 cycle penalty for v32
moveq 1,r3
movem r3,[r4] ; 0 cycles penalty for v32
break 15
.dword 0
.dword 0
.dword 0
.dword 0