blob: e874d50bee3ab3f5800b87b45588fb0880803379 [file] [log] [blame]
;; This test is meant to exercise every unusual reloc supported
;; by the mrisc port. (Ok, so there's only one so far. :P)
.global _start
add R1,R1,R3
; Make sure local fixups work.
jmp (dummy2-dummy1)
; Test the PC16 reloc.
or R0,R0,R0 ;nop to conform to scheduling restrictions
jmp local
; Test the %hi16 and %lo16 relocs
addui R1,R2,#%hi16(d2)
addui R1,R2,#%lo16(d2)
addui R1,R2,#%hi16(65536)
addui R1,R2,#%lo16(65536)
addui R1,R2,#%hi16($FFFFEEEE)
addui R1,R2,#%lo16($FFFFEEEE)
dummy1: addui R1, R2, #5
dummy2: addui R1, R2, #6
d1: .byte $f