blob: 170a55a89857f44579aea4466a067a47169411ee [file] [log] [blame]
#as: -march=score3 -I${srcdir}/${subdir}
#objdump: -d
#source: logical_32.s
.*: file format .*
Disassembly of section .text:
00000000 <.text>:
0: 4b0f and! r0, r15
2: 4b0f and! r0, r15
4: 4b0f and! r0, r15
6: 4b0f and! r0, r15
8: 4b0f and! r0, r15
a: 4b0f and! r0, r15
c: 4b0f and! r0, r15
e: 4b0f and! r0, r15
10: 4b0f and! r0, r15
12: 8000 3c21 and.c r0, r0, r15
16: 8000 4020 and r0, r0, r16
1a: 8210 0020 and r16, r16, r0
1e: 8210 4420 and r16, r16, r17
22: 8001 0820 and r0, r1, r2
26: 4a0f or! r0, r15
28: 4a0f or! r0, r15
2a: 4a0f or! r0, r15
2c: 4a0f or! r0, r15
2e: 4a0f or! r0, r15
30: 4a0f or! r0, r15
32: 4a0f or! r0, r15
34: 4a0f or! r0, r15
36: 4a0f or! r0, r15
38: 8000 3c23 or.c r0, r0, r15
3c: 8000 4022 or r0, r0, r16
40: 8210 0022 or r16, r16, r0
44: 8210 4422 or r16, r16, r17
48: 8001 0822 or r0, r1, r2