blob: 721c3154fde7e112f9723e6e5adeb1672661e869 [file] [log] [blame]
Contents of section \.data:
#------ 00010000: foo
#------ 00010004: contains f1 [R_ARM_IRELATIVE]
#------ 00010008: f2 [R_ARM_ABS32]
#------ 0001000c: contains f3 [R_ARM_IRELATIVE]
10000 44332211 00a00000 00000000 08a00000 .*
#------ 00010010: contains f1t [R_ARM_IRELATIVE]
#------ 00010014: f2t [R_ARM_ABS32]
#------ 00010018: contains f3t [R_ARM_IRELATIVE]
10010 0da00000 00000000 11a00000 80800000 .*
10020 80800000 .*
Contents of section \.got:
#------ 00011000: .got.plt
#------ 00011004: reserved .got.plt entry
#------ 00011008: reserved .got.plt entry
#------ 0001100c: .got entry for foo [R_ARM_RELATIVE]
11000 00200100 00000000 00000000 00000100 .*
#------ 00011010: .got entry for f1 [R_ARM_IRELATIVE]
#------ 00011014: .got entry for f1t [R_ARM_IRELATIVE]
#------ 00011018: .got entry for foo [R_ARM_RELATIVE]
#------ 0001101c: .got entry for f2t [R_ARM_GLOB_DAT]
11010 00a00000 0da00000 00000100 00000000 .*
#------ 00011020: .got entry for f3 [R_ARM_IRELATIVE]
#------ 00011024: .got entry for f2 [R_ARM_GLOB_DAT]
#------ 00011028: .got entry for f3t [R_ARM_IRELATIVE]
11020 08a00000 00000000 11a00000 .*