| #!/bin/sh |
| |
| # Script to add some local git customizations suitable for working |
| # with the GCC git repository |
| |
| ask () { |
| question=$1 |
| default=$2 |
| var=$3 |
| echo -n $question "["$default"]? " |
| read answer |
| if [ "x$answer" = "x" ] |
| then |
| eval $var=\$default |
| else |
| eval $var=\$answer |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| # Add a git command to find the git commit equivalent to legacy SVN revision NNN |
| git config alias.svn-rev '!f() { rev=$1; shift; git log --all --grep="^From-SVN: r\\?$rev\\b" "${@}"; } ; f' |
| |
| # Add git commands to convert git commit to monotonically increasing revision number |
| # and vice versa |
| git config alias.gcc-descr \!"f() { if test \${1:-no} = --full; then c=\${2:-master}; r=\$(git describe --all --abbrev=40 --match 'basepoints/gcc-[0-9]*' \$c | sed -n 's,^\\(tags/\\)\\?basepoints/gcc-,r,p'); expr match \${r:-no} '^r[0-9]\\+\$' >/dev/null && r=\${r}-0-g\$(git rev-parse \${2:-master}); else c=\${1:-master}; r=\$(git describe --all --match 'basepoints/gcc-[0-9]*' \$c | sed -n 's,^\\(tags/\\)\\?basepoints/gcc-\\([0-9]\\+\\)-\\([0-9]\\+\\)-g[0-9a-f]*\$,r\\2-\\3,p;s,^\\(tags/\\)\\?basepoints/gcc-\\([0-9]\\+\\)\$,r\\2-0,p'); fi; if test -n \$r; then o=\$(git config --get gcc-config.upstream); rr=\$(echo \$r | sed -n 's,^r\\([0-9]\\+\\)-[0-9]\\+\\(-g[0-9a-f]\\+\\)\\?\$,\\1,p'); if git rev-parse --verify --quiet \${o:-origin}/releases/gcc-\$rr >/dev/null; then m=releases/gcc-\$rr; else m=master; fi; git merge-base --is-ancestor \$c \${o:-origin}/\$m && \echo \${r}; fi; }; f" |
| git config alias.gcc-undescr \!"f() { o=\$(git config --get gcc-config.upstream); r=\$(echo \$1 | sed -n 's,^r\\([0-9]\\+\\)-[0-9]\\+\$,\\1,p'); n=\$(echo \$1 | sed -n 's,^r[0-9]\\+-\\([0-9]\\+\\)\$,\\1,p'); test -z \$r && echo Invalid id \$1 && exit 1; h=\$(git rev-parse --verify --quiet \${o:-origin}/releases/gcc-\$r); test -z \$h && h=\$(git rev-parse --verify --quiet \${o:-origin}/master); p=\$(git describe --all --match 'basepoints/gcc-'\$r \$h | sed -n 's,^\\(tags/\\)\\?basepoints/gcc-[0-9]\\+-\\([0-9]\\+\\)-g[0-9a-f]*\$,\\2,p;s,^\\(tags/\\)\\?basepoints/gcc-[0-9]\\+\$,0,p'); git rev-parse --verify \$h~\$(expr \$p - \$n); }; f" |
| |
| git config alias.gcc-verify '!f() { "`git rev-parse --show-toplevel`/contrib/gcc-changelog/git_check_commit.py" $@; } ; f' |
| git config alias.gcc-backport '!f() { "`git rev-parse --show-toplevel`/contrib/git-backport.py" $@; } ; f' |
| git config alias.gcc-mklog '!f() { "`git rev-parse --show-toplevel`/contrib/mklog.py" $@; } ; f' |
| git config alias.gcc-commit-mklog '!f() { GCC_FORCE_MKLOG=1 git commit "$@"; }; f' |
| |
| # Make diff on MD files use "(define" as a function marker. |
| # Use this in conjunction with a .gitattributes file containing |
| # *.md diff=md |
| git config diff.md.xfuncname '^\(define.*$' |
| |
| set_user=$(git config --get "user.name") |
| set_email=$(git config --get "user.email") |
| |
| if [ "x$set_user" = "x" ] |
| then |
| # Try to guess the user's name by looking it up in the password file |
| new_user=$(getent passwd $(whoami) | awk -F: '{ print $5 }') |
| if [ "x$new_user" = "x" ] |
| then |
| new_user="(no default)" |
| fi |
| else |
| new_user=$set_user |
| fi |
| ask "Your name" "${new_user}" new_user |
| if [ "x$new_user" = "x(no default)" ] |
| then |
| echo "Cannot continue, git needs to record your name against commits" |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| if [ "x$set_email" = "x" ] |
| then |
| new_email="(no_default)" |
| else |
| new_email=$set_email |
| fi |
| |
| ask "Your email address (for git commits)" "${new_email}" new_email |
| if [ "x$new_email" = "x(no default)" ] |
| then |
| echo "Cannot continue, git needs to record your email address against commits" |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| if [ "x$set_user" != "x$new_user" ] |
| then |
| git config "user.name" "$new_user" |
| fi |
| |
| if [ "x$set_email" != "x$new_email" ] |
| then |
| git config "user.email" "$new_email" |
| fi |
| |
| upstream=$(git config --get "gcc-config.upstream") |
| if [ "x$upstream" = "x" ] |
| then |
| upstream="origin" |
| fi |
| ask "Local name for upstream repository" "origin" upstream |
| |
| v=$(git config --get-all "remote.${upstream}.fetch") |
| if [ "x$v" = "x" ] |
| then |
| echo "Remote $upstream does not seem to exist as a remote" |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| git config "gcc-config.upstream" "$upstream" |
| |
| remote_id=$(git config --get "gcc-config.user") |
| if [ "x$remote_id" = "x" ] |
| then |
| # See if the url specifies the remote user name. |
| url=$(git config --get "remote.$upstream.url") |
| if [ "x$url" = "x" ] |
| then |
| # This is a pure guess, but for many people it might be OK. |
| remote_id=$(whoami) |
| else |
| remote_id=$(echo $url | sed -r "s|^.*ssh://(.+)@gcc.gnu.org.*$|\1|") |
| if [ x$remote_id = x$url ] |
| then |
| remote_id=$(whoami) |
| fi |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| ask "Account name on gcc.gnu.org (for your personal branches area)" $remote_id remote_id |
| git config "gcc-config.user" "$remote_id" |
| |
| old_pfx=$(git config --get "gcc-config.userpfx") |
| if [ "x$old_pfx" = "x" ] |
| then |
| old_pfx="me" |
| fi |
| echo |
| echo "Local branch prefix for personal branches you want to share" |
| echo "(local branches starting <prefix>/ can be pushed directly to your" |
| ask "personal area on the gcc server)" $old_pfx new_pfx |
| git config "gcc-config.userpfx" "$new_pfx" |
| |
| echo |
| ask "Install prepare-commit-msg git hook for 'git commit-mklog' alias" yes dohook |
| if [ "x$dohook" = xyes ]; then |
| hookdir=`git rev-parse --git-path hooks` |
| if [ -f "$hookdir/prepare-commit-msg" ]; then |
| echo " Moving existing prepare-commit-msg hook to prepare-commit-msg.bak" |
| mv "$hookdir/prepare-commit-msg" "$hookdir/prepare-commit-msg.bak" |
| fi |
| install -c "`git rev-parse --show-toplevel`/contrib/prepare-commit-msg" "$hookdir" |
| fi |
| |
| # Scan the existing settings to see if there are any we need to rewrite. |
| vendors=$(git config --get-all "remote.${upstream}.fetch" "refs/vendors/" | sed -r "s:.*refs/vendors/([^/]+)/.*:\1:" | sort | uniq) |
| url=$(git config --get "remote.${upstream}.url") |
| pushurl=$(git config --get "remote.${upstream}.pushurl") |
| for v in $vendors |
| do |
| echo "Migrating vendor \"$v\" to new remote \"vendors/$v\"" |
| git config --unset-all "remote.${upstream}.fetch" "refs/vendors/$v/" |
| git config --unset-all "remote.${upstream}.push" "refs/vendors/$v/" |
| git config "remote.vendors/${v}.url" "${url}" |
| if [ "x$pushurl" != "x" ] |
| then |
| git config "remote.vendors/${v}.pushurl" "${pushurl}" |
| fi |
| git config --add "remote.vendors/${v}.fetch" "+refs/vendors/$v/heads/*:refs/remotes/vendors/${v}/*" |
| git config --add "remote.vendors/${v}.fetch" "+refs/vendors/$v/tags/*:refs/tags/vendors/${v}/*" |
| done |
| |
| # Convert the remote 'pfx' to users/pfx to avoid problems with ambiguous refs |
| # on user branches |
| old_remote=$(git config --get "remote.${old_pfx}.url") |
| if [ -n "${old_remote}" ] |
| then |
| echo "Migrating remote \"${old_pfx}\" to new remote \"users/${new_pfx}\"" |
| # Create a dummy fetch rule that will cause the subsequent prune to remove the old remote refs. |
| git config --replace-all "remote.${old_pfx}.fetch" "+refs/empty/*:refs/remotes/${old_pfx}/*" |
| # Remove any remotes |
| git remote prune ${old_pfx} |
| git config --remove-section "remote.${old_pfx}" |
| for br in $(git branch --list "${old_pfx}/*") |
| do |
| old_remote=$(git config --get "branch.${br}.remote") |
| if [ "${old_remote}" = "${old_pfx}" ] |
| then |
| git config "branch.${br}.remote" "users/${new_pfx}" |
| fi |
| done |
| fi |
| |
| echo "Setting up tracking for personal namespace $remote_id in remotes/users/${new_pfx}" |
| git config "remote.users/${new_pfx}.url" "${url}" |
| if [ "x$pushurl" != "x" ] |
| then |
| git config "remote.users/${new_pfx}.pushurl" "${pushurl}" |
| fi |
| git config --replace-all "remote.users/${new_pfx}.fetch" "+refs/users/${remote_id}/heads/*:refs/remotes/users/${new_pfx}/*" "refs/users/${remote_id}/heads/" |
| git config --replace-all "remote.users/${new_pfx}.fetch" "+refs/users/${remote_id}/tags/*:refs/tags/users/${new_pfx}/*" "refs/users/${remote_id}/tags/" |
| git config --replace-all "remote.users/${new_pfx}.push" "refs/heads/${new_pfx}/*:refs/users/${remote_id}/heads/*" "refs/users/${remote_id}" |
| |
| if [ "$old_pfx" != "$new_pfx" -a "$old_pfx" != "${upstream}" ] |
| then |
| git config --remove-section "remote.${old_pfx}" |
| fi |
| |
| git config --unset-all "remote.${upstream}.fetch" "refs/users/${remote_id}/" |
| git config --unset-all "remote.${upstream}.push" "refs/users/${remote_id}/" |
| |
| git fetch "users/${new_pfx}" |