blob: 5a992f4e8ed728954d1e943f39109c1f8db6a82d [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- X G N A T U G N --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- This utility is used to process the source of gnat_ugn.texi to make a
-- version suitable for running through standard Texinfo processor. It is
-- invoked as follows:
-- xgnatugn <target> <in-file> <word-list> [ <out-file> [ <warnings> ] ]
-- 1. <target> is the target type of the manual, which is one of:
-- unw Unix and Windows platforms
-- vms OpenVMS
-- 2. <in-file> is the file name of the Texinfo file to be
-- preprocessed.
-- 3. <word-list> is the name of the word list file. This file is used for
-- rewriting the VMS edition. Each line contains a word mapping: The source
-- word in the first column, the target word in the second column. The
-- columns are separated by a '^' character. When preprocessing for VMS, the
-- first word is replaced with the second. (Words consist of letters,
-- digits, and the four characters "?-_~". A sequence of multiple words can
-- be replaced if they are listed in the first column, separated by a single
-- space character. If multiple words are to be replaced, there must be a
-- replacement for each prefix.)
-- 4. <out-file> (optional) is the name of the output file. It defaults to
-- gnat_ugn_unw.texi or gnat_ugn_vms.texi, depending on the target.
-- 5. <warnings> (optional, and allowed only if <out-file> is explicit)
-- can be any string. If present, it indicates that warning messages are
-- to be output to Standard_Error. If absent, no warning messages are
-- generated.
-- The following steps are performed:
-- In VMS mode
-- Any occurrences of ^alpha^beta^ are replaced by beta. The sequence
-- must fit on a single line, and there can only be one occurrence on a
-- line.
-- Any occurrences of a word in the Ug_Words list are replaced by the
-- appropriate vms equivalents. Note that replacements do not occur
-- within ^alpha^beta^ sequences.
-- Any occurence of [filename].extension, where extension one of the
-- following:
-- "o", "ads", "adb", "ali", "ada", "atb", "ats", "adc", "c"
-- replaced by the appropriate VMS names (all upper case with .o
-- replaced .OBJ). Note that replacements do not occur within
-- ^alpha^beta^ sequences.
-- In UNW mode
-- Any occurrences of ^alpha^beta^ are replaced by alpha. The sequence
-- must fit on a single line.
-- In both modes
-- The sequence ^^^ is replaced by a single ^. This escape sequence
-- must be used if the literal character ^ is to appear in the
-- output. A line containing this escape sequence may not also contain
-- a ^alpha^beta^ sequence.
-- Recognize @ifset and @ifclear (this is because we have menu problems
-- if we let makeinfo handle the ifset/ifclear pairs
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
with Ada.Strings; use Ada.Strings;
with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
with Ada.Strings.Maps; use Ada.Strings.Maps;
with Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants; use Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with GNAT.Spitbol; use GNAT.Spitbol;
with GNAT.Spitbol.Table_VString; use GNAT.Spitbol.Table_VString;
procedure Xgnatugn is
procedure Usage;
-- Print usage information. Invoked if an invalid command line is
-- encountered.
Output_File : File_Type;
-- The preprocessed output is written to this file
type Input_File is record
Name : VString;
Data : File_Type;
Line : Natural := 0;
end record;
-- Records information on an input file. Name and Line are used
-- in error messages, Line is updated automatically by Get_Line.
function Get_Line (Input : access Input_File) return String;
-- Returns a line from Input and performs the necessary
-- line-oriented checks (length, character set, trailing spaces).
Number_Of_Warnings : Natural := 0;
Number_Of_Errors : Natural := 0;
Warnings_Enabled : Boolean;
procedure Error
(Input : Input_File;
At_Character : Natural;
Message : String);
procedure Error
(Input : Input_File;
Message : String);
-- Prints a message reporting an error on line Input.Line. If
-- At_Character is not 0, indicate the exact character at which
-- the error occurs.
procedure Warning
(Input : Input_File;
At_Character : Natural;
Message : String);
procedure Warning
(Input : Input_File;
Message : String);
-- Like Error, but just print a warning message.
Dictionary_File : aliased Input_File;
procedure Read_Dictionary_File;
-- Dictionary_File is opened using the name given on the command
-- line. It contains the replacements for the Ug_Words list.
-- Read_Dictionary_File reads Dictionary_File and fills the
-- Ug_Words table.
Source_File : aliased Input_File;
procedure Process_Source_File;
-- Source_File is opened using the name given on the command line.
-- It contains the Texinfo source code. Process_Source_File
-- performs the necessary replacements.
type Target_Type is (UNW, VMS);
Target : Target_Type;
-- The target for which preprocessing is performed:
-- UNW (Unix and Windows) or VMS
-- The Target variable is initialized using the command line.
Valid_Characters : constant Character_Set
:= To_Set (Span => (' ', '~'));
-- This array controls which characters are permitted in the input
-- file (after line breaks have been removed). Valid characters
-- are all printable ASCII characters and the space character.
Word_Characters : constant Character_Set :=
(To_Set (Ranges =>
(('0', '9'), ('a', 'z'), ('A', 'Z')))
or To_Set ("?-_~"));
-- The characters which are permitted in words. Other (valid)
-- characters are assumed to be delimiters between words. Note that
-- this set has to include all characters of the source words of the
-- Ug_Words dictionary.
Reject_Trailing_Spaces : constant Boolean := True;
-- Controls whether Xgnatug rejects superfluous space characters
-- at the end of lines.
Maximum_Line_Length : constant Positive := 79;
Fatal_Line_Length_Limit : constant Positive := 5000;
Fatal_Line_Length : exception;
-- If Maximum_Line_Length is exceeded in an input file, an error
-- message is printed. If Fatal_Line_Length is exceeded,
-- execution terminates with a Fatal_Line_Length exception.
VMS_Escape_Character : constant Character := '^';
-- The character used to mark VMS alternatives (^alpha^beta^).
Extensions : GNAT.Spitbol.Table_VString.Table (20);
procedure Initialize_Extensions;
-- This table records extensions and their replacement for
-- rewriting filenames in the VMS version of the manual.
function Is_Extension (Extension : String) return Boolean;
function Get_Replacement_Extension (Extension : String) return String;
-- These functions query the replacement table. Is_Extension
-- checks if the given string is a known extension.
-- Get_Replacement returns the replacement extension.
Ug_Words : GNAT.Spitbol.Table_VString.Table (200);
function Is_Known_Word (Word : String) return Boolean;
function Get_Replacement_Word (Word : String) return String;
-- The Ug_Words table lists replacement words for the VMS version
-- of the manual. Is_Known_Word and Get_Replacement_Word query
-- this table. The table is filled using Read_Dictionary_File.
function Rewrite_Source_Line (Line : String) return String;
-- This subprogram takes a line and rewrites it according to Target.
-- It relies on information in Source_File to generate error messages.
type Conditional is (Set, Clear);
procedure Push_Conditional (Cond : Conditional; Flag : Target_Type);
procedure Pop_Conditional (Cond : Conditional);
-- These subprograms deal with conditional processing (@ifset/@ifclear).
-- They rely on information in Source_File to generate error messages.
function Currently_Excluding return Boolean;
-- Returns true if conditional processing directives imply that the
-- current line should not be included in the output.
function VMS_Context_Determined return Boolean;
-- Returns true if, in the current conditional preprocessing context, we
-- always have a VMS or a non-VMS version, regardless of the value of
-- Target.
function In_VMS_Section return Boolean;
-- Returns True if in an "@ifset vms" section.
procedure Check_No_Pending_Conditional;
-- Checks that all preprocessing directives have been properly matched by
-- their @end counterpart. If this is not the case, print an error
-- message.
-- The following definitions implement a stack to track the conditional
-- preprocessing context.
type Conditional_Context is record
Starting_Line : Positive;
Cond : Conditional;
Flag : Target_Type;
Excluding : Boolean;
end record;
Conditional_Stack_Depth : constant := 3;
Conditional_Stack :
array (1 .. Conditional_Stack_Depth) of Conditional_Context;
Conditional_TOS : Natural := 0;
-- Pointer to the Top Of Stack for Conditional_Stack.
-- Usage --
procedure Usage is
Put_Line (Standard_Error,
Put_Line (Standard_Error, "TARGET is one of:");
for T in Target_Type'Range loop
Put_Line (Standard_Error, " " & Target_Type'Image (T));
end loop;
Put_Line (Standard_Error, "SOURCE is the source file to process.");
Put_Line (Standard_Error, "DICTIONARY is the name of a file "
& "that contains word replacements");
Put_Line (Standard_Error, "for the VMS version.");
Put_Line (Standard_Error,
"OUT-FILE, if present, is the output file to be created;");
Put_Line (Standard_Error,
"If OUT-FILE is absent, the output file is either " &
"gnat_ugn_unw.texi, ");
Put_Line (Standard_Error,
"or gnat_ugn_vms.texi, depending on TARGET.");
Put_Line (Standard_Error,
"WARNINGS, if present, is any string;");
Put_Line (Standard_Error,
"it will result in warning messages (e.g., line too long))");
Put_Line (Standard_Error,
"being output to Standard_Error.");
end Usage;
-- Get_Line --
function Get_Line (Input : access Input_File) return String is
Line_Buffer : String (1 .. Fatal_Line_Length_Limit);
Last : Natural;
Input.Line := Input.Line + 1;
Get_Line (Input.Data, Line_Buffer, Last);
if Last = Line_Buffer'Last then
Error (Input.all, "line exceeds fatal line length limit");
raise Fatal_Line_Length;
end if;
Line : String renames Line_Buffer (Line_Buffer'First .. Last);
for J in Line'Range loop
if not Is_In (Line (J), Valid_Characters) then
Error (Input.all, J, "invalid character");
end if;
end loop;
if Line'Length > Maximum_Line_Length then
Warning (Input.all, Maximum_Line_Length + 1, "line too long");
end if;
if Reject_Trailing_Spaces
and then Line'Length > 0
and then Line (Line'Last) = ' '
Error (Input.all, Line'Last, "trailing space character");
end if;
return Trim (Line, Right);
end Get_Line;
-- Error --
procedure Error
(Input : Input_File;
Message : String)
Error (Input, 0, Message);
end Error;
procedure Error
(Input : Input_File;
At_Character : Natural;
Message : String)
Line_Image : constant String := Integer'Image (Input.Line);
At_Character_Image : constant String := Integer'Image (At_Character);
-- These variables are required because we have to drop the leading
-- space character.
Number_Of_Errors := Number_Of_Errors + 1;
if At_Character > 0 then
Put_Line (Standard_Error,
S (Input.Name) & ':'
& Line_Image (Line_Image'First + 1 .. Line_Image'Last) & ':'
& At_Character_Image (At_Character_Image'First + 1
.. At_Character_Image'Last)
& ": "
& Message);
Put_Line (Standard_Error,
S (Input.Name) & ':'
& Line_Image (Line_Image'First + 1 .. Line_Image'Last)
& ": "
& Message);
end if;
end Error;
-- Warning --
procedure Warning
(Input : Input_File;
Message : String)
if Warnings_Enabled then
Warning (Input, 0, Message);
end if;
end Warning;
procedure Warning
(Input : Input_File;
At_Character : Natural;
Message : String)
Line_Image : constant String := Integer'Image (Input.Line);
At_Character_Image : constant String := Integer'Image (At_Character);
-- These variables are required because we have to drop the leading
-- space character.
if not Warnings_Enabled then
end if;
Number_Of_Warnings := Number_Of_Warnings + 1;
if At_Character > 0 then
Put_Line (Standard_Error,
S (Input.Name) & ':'
& Line_Image (Line_Image'First + 1 .. Line_Image'Last) & ':'
& At_Character_Image (At_Character_Image'First + 1
.. At_Character_Image'Last)
& ": warning: "
& Message);
Put_Line (Standard_Error,
S (Input.Name) & ':'
& Line_Image (Line_Image'First + 1 .. Line_Image'Last)
& ": warning: "
& Message);
end if;
end Warning;
-- Read_Dictionary_File --
procedure Read_Dictionary_File is
while not End_Of_File (Dictionary_File.Data) loop
Line : constant String :=
Get_Line (Dictionary_File'Access);
Split : constant Natural :=
Index (Line, (1 => VMS_Escape_Character));
if Line'Length = 0 then
Error (Dictionary_File, "empty line in dictionary file");
elsif Line (Line'First) = ' ' then
Error (Dictionary_File, 1, "line starts with space character");
elsif Split = 0 then
Error (Dictionary_File, "line does not contain "
& VMS_Escape_Character & " character");
Source : constant String :=
Trim (Line (1 .. Split - 1), Both);
Target : constant String :=
Trim (Line (Split + 1 .. Line'Last), Both);
Two_Spaces : constant Natural :=
Index (Source, " ");
Non_Word_Character : constant Natural :=
Index (Source,
Word_Characters or
To_Set (" "),
if Two_Spaces /= 0 then
Error (Dictionary_File, Two_Spaces,
"multiple space characters in source word");
end if;
if Non_Word_Character /= 0 then
Error (Dictionary_File, Non_Word_Character,
"illegal character in source word");
end if;
if Source'Length = 0 then
Error (Dictionary_File, "source is empty");
elsif Target'Length = 0 then
Error (Dictionary_File, "target is empty");
Set (Ug_Words, Source, V (Target));
-- Ensure that if Source is a sequence of words
-- "WORD1 WORD2 ...", we already have a mapping for
-- "WORD1".
for J in Source'Range loop
if Source (J) = ' ' then
Prefix : String renames
Source (Source'First .. J - 1);
if not Is_Known_Word (Prefix) then
Error (Dictionary_File,
"prefix '" & Prefix
& "' not known at this point");
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end Read_Dictionary_File;
-- Rewrite_Source_Line --
function Rewrite_Source_Line (Line : String) return String is
-- We use a simple lexer to split the line into tokens:
-- Word consisting entirely of Word_Characters
-- VMS_Alternative ^alpha^beta^ replacement (but not ^^^)
-- Space a space character
-- Other everything else (sequence of non-word characters)
-- VMS_Error incomplete VMS alternative
-- End_Of_Line no more characters on this line
-- A sequence of three VMS_Escape_Characters is automatically
-- collapsed to an Other token.
type Token_Span is record
First, Last : Positive;
end record;
-- The character range covered by a token in Line
type Token_Kind is (End_Of_Line, Word, Other,
VMS_Alternative, VMS_Error);
type Token_Record (Kind : Token_Kind := End_Of_Line) is record
First : Positive;
case Kind is
when Word | Other =>
Span : Token_Span;
when VMS_Alternative =>
Non_VMS, VMS : Token_Span;
when VMS_Error | End_Of_Line =>
end case;
end record;
Input_Position : Positive := Line'First;
Token : Token_Record;
-- The position of the next character to be processed by Next_Token
procedure Next_Token;
-- Returns the next token in Line, starting at Input_Position
Rewritten_Line : VString;
-- Collects the line as it is rewritten
procedure Rewrite_Word;
-- The current token is assumed to be a Word. When processing the VMS
-- version of the manual, additional tokens are gathered to check if
-- we have a file name or a sequence of known words.
procedure Maybe_Rewrite_Extension;
-- The current token is assumed to be Other. When processing the VMS
-- version of the manual and the token represents a single dot ".",
-- the following word is rewritten according to the rules for
-- extensions.
VMS_Token_Seen : Boolean := False;
-- This is set to true if a VMS_Alternative has been encountered, or a
-- ^^^ token.
-- Next_Token --
procedure Next_Token is
Remaining_Line : String renames Line (Input_Position .. Line'Last);
Last_Character : Natural;
if Remaining_Line'Length = 0 then
Token := (End_Of_Line, Remaining_Line'First);
end if;
-- ^alpha^beta^, the VMS_Alternative case.
if Remaining_Line (Remaining_Line'First) = VMS_Escape_Character then
VMS_Second_Character, VMS_Third_Character : Natural;
if VMS_Token_Seen then
Error (Source_File, Remaining_Line'First,
"multiple " & VMS_Escape_Character
& " characters on a single line");
VMS_Token_Seen := True;
end if;
-- Find the second and third escape character. If one of
-- them is not present, generate an error token.
VMS_Second_Character :=
Index (Remaining_Line (Remaining_Line'First + 1
.. Remaining_Line'Last),
(1 => VMS_Escape_Character));
if VMS_Second_Character = 0 then
Input_Position := Remaining_Line'Last + 1;
Token := (VMS_Error, Remaining_Line'First);
end if;
VMS_Third_Character :=
Index (Remaining_Line (VMS_Second_Character + 1
.. Remaining_Line'Last),
(1 => VMS_Escape_Character));
if VMS_Third_Character = 0 then
Input_Position := Remaining_Line'Last + 1;
Token := (VMS_Error, Remaining_Line'First);
end if;
-- Consume all the characters we are about to include in
-- the token.
Input_Position := VMS_Third_Character + 1;
-- Check if we are in a ^^^ situation, and return an Other
-- token in this case.
if Remaining_Line'First + 1 = VMS_Second_Character
and then Remaining_Line'First + 2 = VMS_Third_Character
Token := (Other, Remaining_Line'First,
(Remaining_Line'First, Remaining_Line'First));
end if;
Token := (VMS_Alternative, Remaining_Line'First,
(Remaining_Line'First + 1, VMS_Second_Character - 1),
(VMS_Second_Character + 1, VMS_Third_Character - 1));
end if; -- VMS_Alternative
-- The Word case. Search for characters not in Word_Characters.
-- We have found a word if the first non-word character is not
-- the first character in Remaining_Line, i.e. if Remaining_Line
-- starts with a word character.
Last_Character := Index (Remaining_Line, Word_Characters, Outside);
if Last_Character /= Remaining_Line'First then
-- If we haven't found a character which is not in
-- Word_Characters, all remaining characters are part of the
-- current Word token.
if Last_Character = 0 then
Last_Character := Remaining_Line'Last + 1;
end if;
Input_Position := Last_Character;
Token := (Word, Remaining_Line'First,
(Remaining_Line'First, Last_Character - 1));
end if;
-- Remaining characters are in the Other category. To speed
-- up processing, we collect them together if there are several
-- of them.
Input_Position := Last_Character + 1;
Token := (Other,
(Remaining_Line'First, Last_Character));
end Next_Token;
-- Rewrite_Word --
procedure Rewrite_Word is
First_Word : String
renames Line (Token.Span.First .. Token.Span.Last);
-- We do not perform any error checking below, so we can just skip
-- all processing for the non-VMS version.
if Target /= VMS then
Append (Rewritten_Line, First_Word);
end if;
if Is_Known_Word (First_Word) then
-- If we have a word from the dictionary, we look for the
-- longest possible sequence we can rewrite.
Seq : Token_Span := Token.Span;
Lost_Space : Boolean := False;
if Token.Kind = Other
and then Line (Token.Span.First .. Token.Span.Last) = " "
if Token.Kind /= Word
or else not Is_Known_Word (Line (Seq.First
.. Token.Span.Last))
-- When we reach this point, the following
-- conditions are true:
-- Seq is a known word.
-- The previous token was a space character.
-- Seq extended to the current token is not a
-- known word.
Lost_Space := True;
-- Extend Seq to cover the current (known) word.
Seq.Last := Token.Span.Last;
end if;
-- When we reach this point, the following conditions
-- are true:
-- Seq is a known word.
-- The previous token was a word.
-- The current token is not a space character.
end if;
end loop;
-- Rewrite Seq, and add the lost space if necessary
Append (Rewritten_Line,
Get_Replacement_Word (Line (Seq.First .. Seq.Last)));
if Lost_Space then
Append (Rewritten_Line, ' ');
end if;
-- The unknown token will be processed during the
-- next iteration of the main loop.
end if;
if Token.Kind = Other
and then Line (Token.Span.First .. Token.Span.Last) = "."
-- Deal with extensions
if Token.Kind = Word
and then Is_Extension (Line (Token.Span.First
.. Token.Span.Last))
-- We have discovered a file extension. Convert the file
-- name to upper case.
Append (Rewritten_Line,
Translate (First_Word, Upper_Case_Map) & '.');
Append (Rewritten_Line,
(Line (Token.Span.First .. Token.Span.Last)));
-- We already have: Word ".", followed by an unknown
-- token.
Append (Rewritten_Line, First_Word & '.');
-- The unknown token will be processed during the next
-- iteration of the main loop.
end if;
-- We have an unknown Word, followed by an unknown token.
-- The unknown token will be processed by the outer loop.
Append (Rewritten_Line, First_Word);
end if;
end Rewrite_Word;
-- Maybe_Rewrite_Extension --
procedure Maybe_Rewrite_Extension is
-- Again, we need no special processing in the non-VMS case
if Target = VMS
and then Line (Token.Span.First .. Token.Span.Last) = "."
-- This extension is not preceded by a word, otherwise
-- Rewrite_Word would have handled it.
if Token.Kind = Word
and then Is_Extension (Line (Token.Span.First
.. Token.Span.Last))
Append (Rewritten_Line, '.' & Get_Replacement_Extension
(Line (Token.Span.First .. Token.Span.Last)));
Append (Rewritten_Line, '.');
end if;
Append (Rewritten_Line, Line (Token.Span.First
.. Token.Span.Last));
end if;
end Maybe_Rewrite_Extension;
-- Start of processing for Process_Source_Line
-- The following parser recognizes the following special token
-- sequences:
-- Word "." Word rewrite as file name if second word is extension
-- Word " " Word rewrite as a single word using Ug_Words table
case Token.Kind is
when End_Of_Line =>
when Word =>
when Other =>
when VMS_Alternative =>
if VMS_Context_Determined then
if (not In_VMS_Section)
or else
Line (Token.VMS.First .. Token.VMS.Last) /=
Line (Token.Non_VMS.First .. Token.Non_VMS.Last)
Warning (Source_File, Token.First,
"VMS alternative already determined "
& "by conditionals");
end if;
end if;
if Target = VMS then
Append (Rewritten_Line, Line (Token.VMS.First
.. Token.VMS.Last));
Append (Rewritten_Line, Line (Token.Non_VMS.First
.. Token.Non_VMS.Last));
end if;
when VMS_Error =>
Error (Source_File, Token.First, "invalid VMS alternative");
end case;
end loop;
return S (Rewritten_Line);
end Rewrite_Source_Line;
-- Process_Source_File --
procedure Process_Source_File is
Ifset : constant String := "@ifset ";
Ifclear : constant String := "@ifclear ";
Endsetclear : constant String := "@end ";
-- Strings to be recognized for conditional processing.
while not End_Of_File (Source_File.Data) loop
Line : constant String := Get_Line (Source_File'Access);
Rewritten : constant String := Rewrite_Source_Line (Line);
-- We unconditionally rewrite the line so that we can check the
-- syntax of all lines, and not only those which are actually
-- included in the output.
Have_Conditional : Boolean := False;
-- True if we have encountered a conditional preprocessing
-- directive.
Cond : Conditional;
-- The kind of the directive.
Flag : Target_Type;
-- Its flag.
-- If the line starts with @ifset or @ifclear, we try to convert
-- the following flag to one of our target types. If we fail,
-- Have_Conditional remains False.
if Line'Length >= Ifset'Length
and then Line (1 .. Ifset'Length) = Ifset
Cond := Set;
Arg : constant String :=
Trim (Line (Ifset'Length + 1 .. Line'Last), Both);
Flag := Target_Type'Value (Arg);
if Translate (Target_Type'Image (Flag), Lower_Case_Map)
/= Arg
Error (Source_File, "flag has to be lowercase");
end if;
Have_Conditional := True;
when Constraint_Error =>
Error (Source_File, "unknown flag for '@ifset'");
elsif Line'Length >= Ifclear'Length
and then Line (1 .. Ifclear'Length) = Ifclear
Cond := Clear;
Arg : constant String :=
Trim (Line (Ifclear'Length + 1 .. Line'Last), Both);
Flag := Target_Type'Value (Arg);
if Translate (Target_Type'Image (Flag), Lower_Case_Map)
/= Arg
Error (Source_File, "flag has to be lowercase");
end if;
Have_Conditional := True;
when Constraint_Error =>
Error (Source_File, "unknown flag for '@ifclear'");
end if;
if Have_Conditional then
-- We create a new conditional context and suppress the
-- directive in the output.
Push_Conditional (Cond, Flag);
elsif Line'Length >= Endsetclear'Length
and then Line (1 .. Endsetclear'Length) = Endsetclear
-- The '@end ifset'/'@end ifclear' case is handled here. We
-- have to pop the conditional context.
First, Last : Natural;
Find_Token (Source => Line (Endsetclear'Length + 1
.. Line'Length),
Set => Letter_Set,
Test => Inside,
First => First,
Last => Last);
if Last = 0 then
Error (Source_File, "'@end' without argument");
if Line (First .. Last) = "ifset" then
Have_Conditional := True;
Cond := Set;
elsif Line (First .. Last) = "ifclear" then
Have_Conditional := True;
Cond := Clear;
end if;
if Have_Conditional then
Pop_Conditional (Cond);
end if;
-- We fall through to the ordinary case for other @end
-- directives.
end if; -- @end without argument
end if; -- Have_Conditional
if not Have_Conditional then
-- The ordinary case.
if not Currently_Excluding then
Put_Line (Output_File, Rewritten);
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end Process_Source_File;
-- Initialize_Extensions --
procedure Initialize_Extensions is
procedure Add (Extension : String);
-- Adds an extension which is replaced with itself (in upper
-- case).
procedure Add (Extension, Replacement : String);
-- Adds an extension with a custom replacement.
-- Add --
procedure Add (Extension : String) is
Add (Extension, Translate (Extension, Upper_Case_Map));
end Add;
procedure Add (Extension, Replacement : String) is
Set (Extensions, Extension, V (Replacement));
end Add;
-- Start of processing for Initialize_Extensions
-- To avoid performance degradation, increase the constant in the
-- definition of Extensions above if you add more extensions here.
Add ("o", "OBJ");
Add ("ads");
Add ("adb");
Add ("ali");
Add ("ada");
Add ("atb");
Add ("ats");
Add ("adc");
Add ("c");
end Initialize_Extensions;
-- Is_Extension --
function Is_Extension (Extension : String) return Boolean is
return Present (Extensions, Extension);
end Is_Extension;
-- Get_Replacement_Extension --
function Get_Replacement_Extension (Extension : String) return String is
return S (Get (Extensions, Extension));
end Get_Replacement_Extension;
-- Is_Known_Word --
function Is_Known_Word (Word : String) return Boolean is
return Present (Ug_Words, Word);
end Is_Known_Word;
-- Get_Replacement_Word --
function Get_Replacement_Word (Word : String) return String is
return S (Get (Ug_Words, Word));
end Get_Replacement_Word;
-- Push_Conditional --
procedure Push_Conditional (Cond : Conditional; Flag : Target_Type) is
Will_Exclude : Boolean;
-- If we are already in an excluding context, inherit this property,
-- otherwise calculate it from scratch.
if Conditional_TOS > 0
and then Conditional_Stack (Conditional_TOS).Excluding
Will_Exclude := True;
case Cond is
when Set =>
Will_Exclude := Flag /= Target;
when Clear =>
Will_Exclude := Flag = Target;
end case;
end if;
-- Check if the current directive is pointless because of a previous,
-- enclosing directive.
for J in 1 .. Conditional_TOS loop
if Conditional_Stack (J).Flag = Flag then
Warning (Source_File, "directive without effect because of line"
& Integer'Image (Conditional_Stack (J).Starting_Line));
end if;
end loop;
Conditional_TOS := Conditional_TOS + 1;
Conditional_Stack (Conditional_TOS) :=
(Starting_Line => Source_File.Line,
Cond => Cond,
Flag => Flag,
Excluding => Will_Exclude);
end Push_Conditional;
-- Pop_Conditional --
procedure Pop_Conditional (Cond : Conditional) is
if Conditional_TOS > 0 then
case Cond is
when Set =>
if Conditional_Stack (Conditional_TOS).Cond /= Set then
Error (Source_File,
"'@end ifset' does not match '@ifclear' at line"
& Integer'Image (Conditional_Stack
end if;
when Clear =>
if Conditional_Stack (Conditional_TOS).Cond /= Clear then
Error (Source_File,
"'@end ifclear' does not match '@ifset' at line"
& Integer'Image (Conditional_Stack
end if;
end case;
Conditional_TOS := Conditional_TOS - 1;
case Cond is
when Set =>
Error (Source_File,
"'@end ifset' without corresponding '@ifset'");
when Clear =>
Error (Source_File,
"'@end ifclear' without corresponding '@ifclear'");
end case;
end if;
end Pop_Conditional;
-- Currently_Excluding --
function Currently_Excluding return Boolean is
return Conditional_TOS > 0
and then Conditional_Stack (Conditional_TOS).Excluding;
end Currently_Excluding;
-- VMS_Context_Determined --
function VMS_Context_Determined return Boolean is
for J in 1 .. Conditional_TOS loop
if Conditional_Stack (J).Flag = VMS then
return True;
end if;
end loop;
return False;
end VMS_Context_Determined;
-- In_VMS_Section --
function In_VMS_Section return Boolean is
for J in 1 .. Conditional_TOS loop
if Conditional_Stack (J).Flag = VMS then
return Conditional_Stack (J).Cond = Set;
end if;
end loop;
return False;
end In_VMS_Section;
-- Check_No_Pending_Conditional --
procedure Check_No_Pending_Conditional is
for J in 1 .. Conditional_TOS loop
case Conditional_Stack (J).Cond is
when Set =>
Error (Source_File, "Missing '@end ifset' for '@ifset' at line"
& Integer'Image (Conditional_Stack (J).Starting_Line));
when Clear =>
Error (Source_File,
"Missing '@end ifclear' for '@ifclear' at line"
& Integer'Image (Conditional_Stack (J).Starting_Line));
end case;
end loop;
end Check_No_Pending_Conditional;
-- Main Program --
Valid_Command_Line : Boolean;
Output_File_Name : VString;
Valid_Command_Line := Argument_Count in 3 .. 5;
-- First argument: Target.
if Valid_Command_Line then
Target := Target_Type'Value (Argument (1));
when Constraint_Error =>
Valid_Command_Line := False;
end if;
-- Second argument: Source_File.
if Valid_Command_Line then
Source_File.Name := V (Argument (2));
Open (Source_File.Data, In_File, Argument (2));
when Name_Error =>
Valid_Command_Line := False;
end if;
-- Third argument: Dictionary_File.
if Valid_Command_Line then
Dictionary_File.Name := V (Argument (3));
Open (Dictionary_File.Data, In_File, Argument (3));
when Name_Error =>
Valid_Command_Line := False;
end if;
-- Fourth argument: Output_File.
if Valid_Command_Line then
if Argument_Count in 4 .. 5 then
Output_File_Name := V (Argument (4));
case Target is
when UNW =>
Output_File_Name := V ("gnat_ugn_unw.texi");
when VMS =>
Output_File_Name := V ("gnat_ugn_vms.texi");
end case;
end if;
Warnings_Enabled := Argument_Count = 5;
Create (Output_File, Out_File, S (Output_File_Name));
when Name_Error | Use_Error =>
Valid_Command_Line := False;
end if;
if not Valid_Command_Line then
Set_Exit_Status (Failure);
Close (Dictionary_File.Data);
-- Main processing starts here.
Close (Output_File);
Close (Source_File.Data);
New_Line (Standard_Error);
if Number_Of_Warnings = 0 then
Put_Line (Standard_Error, " NO Warnings");
Put (Standard_Error, Integer'Image (Number_Of_Warnings));
Put (Standard_Error, " Warning");
if Number_Of_Warnings > 1 then
Put (Standard_Error, "s");
end if;
New_Line (Standard_Error);
end if;
if Number_Of_Errors = 0 then
Put_Line (Standard_Error, " NO Errors");
Put (Standard_Error, Integer'Image (Number_Of_Errors));
Put (Standard_Error, " Error");
if Number_Of_Errors > 1 then
Put (Standard_Error, "s");
end if;
New_Line (Standard_Error);
end if;
if Number_Of_Errors /= 0 then
Set_Exit_Status (Failure);
Set_Exit_Status (Success);
end if;
end if;
end Xgnatugn;