blob: 402838b19b5e4bd494cdcb464914ae7825c93bd6 [file] [log] [blame]
MULTILIB_OPTIONS = mabi=32/mabi=n32/mabi=64
MULTILIB_OSDIRNAMES = ../lib ../lib32 ../lib64
EXTRA_MULTILIB_PARTS=crtbegin.o crtend.o crtbeginS.o crtendS.o crtbeginT.o
LIB2FUNCS_EXTRA = $(srcdir)/config/mips/_tilib.c
TPBIT = tp-bit.c
tp-bit.c: $(srcdir)/config/fp-bit.c
echo '#ifdef __MIPSEL__' > tp-bit.c
echo '# define FLOAT_BIT_ORDER_MISMATCH' >> tp-bit.c
echo '#endif' >> tp-bit.c
echo '#if __LDBL_MANT_DIG__ == 113' >> tp-bit.c
echo '#define QUIET_NAN_NEGATED' >> dp-bit.c
echo '# define TFLOAT' >> tp-bit.c
cat $(srcdir)/config/fp-bit.c >> tp-bit.c
echo '#endif' >> tp-bit.c
# This arranges for us to extract the built-in specs of the compiler
# into specs.install. It's this file that we're going to install as
# specs. Howver, at toolchain build time, we must use specs that
# enforce the defaults that the compiler expects, namely, the o32 ABI,
# instead of n32, that we want to use as the default post install.
SPECS = specs.install
specs: specs.install
# Changing the build-time default ABI from n32 to o32
# The post-install default ABI will remain n32
@if test "x`grep '!mabi=\*:-mabi=n32' specs.install`" = \
"x%{!mabi=*:-mabi=n32}"; then \
sed 's,\(!mabi=\*:-mabi\)=n32,\1=32,' < specs.install > $@ ; \
else \
echo failed, gcc/config/mips/t-linux64 needs updating >&2; \
false; \
# This arranges for anyone who uses gcc -print-multi-lib post
# installation to get lists of options for each multilib to get
# options that actually work.
MULTILIB_EXTRA_OPTS = mabi-fake-default
CRTSTUFF_T_CFLAGS = -mabi-fake-default
CRTSTUFF_T_CFLAGS_S = -mabi-fake-default