blob: 54906c9f99aa3a6aaeebc9878f7ed2b6dfbe6e81 [file] [log] [blame]
// P1401R5: Narrowing contextual conversions to bool
// { dg-do compile { target c++11 } }
void f() noexcept(sizeof(char[2])); // { dg-error "narrowing" } conversion of value 2 to type bool
void g() noexcept(sizeof(char)); // OK, conversion of value 1 to type bool is non-narrowing
#if __cpp_conditional_explicit
struct S {
explicit(sizeof(char[2])) S(char); // { dg-error "narrowing" "" { target c++20 } }
explicit(sizeof(char)) S(bool); // OK, conversion of value 1 to type bool is non-narrowing
static_assert(sizeof(int[2]), ""); // OK, narrowing allowed
#if __cpp_if_constexpr
int main()
if constexpr (sizeof(int[2])) // OK, narrowing allowed