blob: 030e085a82e491e8f99c169aba243c75160e2155 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Contributed by Kris Van Hees <> */
/* Expected errors for char16_t character constants. */
/* { dg-do compile { target c++11 } } */
const static char16_t c0 = u''; /* { dg-error "empty character" } */
const static char16_t c1 = u'ab'; /* { dg-error "constant too long" } */
const static char16_t c2 = u'\U00064321'; /* { dg-error "constant too long" } */
const static char16_t c3 = 'a';
const static char16_t c4 = U'a';
const static char16_t c5 = U'\u2029';
const static char16_t c6 = U'\U00064321'; /* { dg-warning "conversion from .char32_t. to .char16_t. changes value from .410401. to .17185." } */
const static char16_t c7 = L'a';
const static char16_t c8 = L'\u2029';
const static char16_t c9 = L'\U00064321'; /* { dg-warning "conversion from .wchar_t. to .char16_t. changes value from .410401. to .17185." "" { target { 4byte_wchar_t } } } */
/* { dg-warning "constant too long" "" { target { ! 4byte_wchar_t } } .-1 } */
int main () {}