blob: 183b1e8b7969e3dcab83c81714a50adb2c6d1432 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! PR fortran/48820
! Handle type/class for assumed-rank arrays
! FIXME: Passing a CLASS to a CLASS has to be re-enabled.
implicit none
type t
integer :: i
end type
class(T), allocatable :: ac(:,:)
type(T), allocatable :: at(:,:)
integer :: i
i = 0
call foo(ac)
call foo(at)
call bar(ac)
call bar(at)
if (i /= 12) STOP 1
subroutine bar(x)
type(t) :: x(..)
if (lbound(x,1) /= 1 .or. lbound(x,2) /= 1) STOP 2
if (size(x) /= 6) STOP 3
if (size(x,1) /= 2 .or. size(x,2) /= 3) STOP 4
if (ubound(x,1) /= 2 .or. ubound(x,2) /= 3) STOP 5
i = i + 1
call foo(x)
call bar2(x)
end subroutine
subroutine bar2(x)
type(t) :: x(..)
if (lbound(x,1) /= 1 .or. lbound(x,2) /= 1) STOP 6
if (size(x) /= 6) STOP 7
if (size(x,1) /= 2 .or. size(x,2) /= 3) STOP 8
if (ubound(x,1) /= 2 .or. ubound(x,2) /= 3) STOP 9
i = i + 1
end subroutine
subroutine foo(x)
class(t) :: x(..)
if (lbound(x,1) /= 1 .or. lbound(x,2) /= 1) STOP 10
if (size(x) /= 6) STOP 11
if (size(x,1) /= 2 .or. size(x,2) /= 3) STOP 12
if (ubound(x,1) /= 2 .or. ubound(x,2) /= 3) STOP 13
i = i + 1
call foo2(x)
! call bar2(x) ! Passing a CLASS to a TYPE does not yet work
end subroutine
subroutine foo2(x)
class(t) :: x(..)
if (lbound(x,1) /= 1 .or. lbound(x,2) /= 1) STOP 14
if (size(x) /= 6) STOP 15
if (size(x,1) /= 2 .or. size(x,2) /= 3) STOP 16
if (ubound(x,1) /= 2 .or. ubound(x,2) /= 3) STOP 17
i = i + 1
end subroutine