blob: 3af3e84953f279c85c247b1e56412d6921d7775f [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! PR fortran/45451
! Contributed by Salvatore Filippone and Janus Weil
! Check that ALLOCATE with SOURCE= does a deep copy.
program bug23
implicit none
type :: psb_base_sparse_mat
integer, allocatable :: irp(:)
end type psb_base_sparse_mat
class(psb_base_sparse_mat), allocatable :: a
type(psb_base_sparse_mat) :: acsr
acsr%irp(1:4) = (/1,3,4,5/)
write(*,*) acsr%irp(:)
write(*,*) a%irp(:)
call move_alloc(acsr%irp, a%irp)
write(*,*) a%irp(:)
if (any (a%irp /= [1,3,4,5])) STOP 1
end program bug23