blob: 2d8a4c2d01808005f1b4ab9fa7e61b0fe25d6c45 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! Test the fix for PR83196 comment #4 (there by mistake)
! Contributed by Arjen Markus <>
! keyindex.f90 --
! Class implementing a straightforward keyword/index list
! The idea is to have a very simple implementation to
! store keywords (strings) and return the position in the
! list or vice versa.
module keyindices
implicit none
integer, parameter :: default_keylength = 40
type keyindex
integer :: keylength
integer :: lastindex = 0
character(len=:), dimension(:), allocatable :: keyword
procedure :: init => init_keyindex
procedure :: get_index => get_index_from_list
procedure :: get_key => get_keyword_from_list
procedure :: has_key => has_keyword_in_list
end type keyindex
public :: keyindex
! init_keyindex --
! Initialise the object
! Arguments:
! this Keyindex object
! initial_size Initial size of the list (optimisation)
! keylength Maximum length of a keyword (optional)
subroutine init_keyindex( this, initial_size, keylength )
class(keyindex), intent(inout) :: this
integer, intent(in) :: initial_size
integer, intent(in), optional :: keylength
integer :: keylength_
if ( present(keylength) ) then
keylength_ = keylength
keylength_ = default_keylength
! Allocate the list of keywords
if ( allocated(this%keyword) ) then
deallocate( this%keyword )
allocate( character(len=keylength_):: this%keyword(initial_size) )
this%lastindex = 0
this%keylength = keylength_
end subroutine init_keyindex
! get_index_from_list --
! Look up the keyword in the list and return its index
! Arguments:
! this Keyindex object
! keyword Keyword to be looked up
! Returns:
! Index in the list
! Note:
! If the keyword does not yet exist, add it to the list
integer function get_index_from_list( this, keyword )
class(keyindex), intent(inout) :: this
character(len=*), intent(in) :: keyword
integer :: i
character(len=this%keylength), dimension(:), allocatable :: newlist
if ( .not. allocated(this%keyword) ) then
call this%init( 50 )
get_index_from_list = 0
do i = 1,this%lastindex
if ( this%keyword(i) == keyword ) then
get_index_from_list = i
! Do we need to add it?
if ( get_index_from_list == 0 ) then
if ( size(this%keyword) <= this%lastindex ) then
! Allocate a larger list
allocate( character(len=this%keylength):: newlist(2*size(this%keyword)) )
newlist(1:size(this%keyword)) = this%keyword
call move_alloc( newlist, this%keyword )
get_index_from_list = this%lastindex + 1
this%lastindex = get_index_from_list
this%keyword(get_index_from_list) = keyword
end function get_index_from_list
! get_keyword_from_list --
! Look up the keyword in the list by the given index
! Arguments:
! this Keyindex object
! idx Index of the keyword
! Returns:
! Keyword as stored in the list
! Note:
! If the index does not exist, an empty string is returned
function get_keyword_from_list( this, idx )
class(keyindex), intent(inout) :: this
integer, intent(in) :: idx
character(len=this%keylength) :: get_keyword_from_list
get_keyword_from_list = ' '
if ( idx >= 1 .and. idx <= this%lastindex ) then
get_keyword_from_list = this%keyword(idx)
end function get_keyword_from_list
! has_keyword_in_list --
! Look up whether the keyword is stored in the list or not
! Arguments:
! this Keyindex object
! keyword Keyword to be looked up
! Returns:
! True if the keyword is in the list or false if not
logical function has_keyword_in_list( this, keyword )
class(keyindex), intent(inout) :: this
character(len=*), intent(in) :: keyword
integer :: i
has_keyword_in_list = .false.
do i = 1,this%lastindex
if ( this%keyword(i) == keyword ) then
has_keyword_in_list = .true.
end function has_keyword_in_list
end module keyindices
use keyindices
type(keyindex) :: idx
call idx%init (3, 8)
if (idx%get_index ("one") .ne. 1) stop 1
if (idx%get_index ("two") .ne. 2) stop 2
if (idx%get_index ("three") .ne. 3) stop 3
! Check that new span is generated as list is extended.
if (idx%get_index ("four") .ne. 4) stop 4
if (idx%get_index ("five") .ne. 5) stop 5
if (idx%get_index ("six") .ne. 6) stop 6
! Search by keyword
if (.not.idx%has_key ("four")) stop 7
if (idx%has_key ("seven")) stop 8
! Search by index
if (idx%get_key (4) .ne. "four") stop 9
if (idx%get_key (10) .ne. "") stop 10