blob: de27b82d52fafcd7d90d3427a809df8d314e0030 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! { dg-options -std=f95 }
! PR fortran/45530, updated for PR78659
! Contributed by
program test
implicit none
type c_struct
type (g_struct), pointer :: g
end type
type g_struct
type (p_struct), pointer :: p
end type
type p_struct
type (region_struct), pointer :: r
end type
type region_struct
type (p_struct) plot
end type
type (c_struct) curve(10)
! The following is allowed with f2003.
namelist / params / curve ! { dg-error "ALLOCATABLE or POINTER components" }
end program