blob: 64e52e8126267d76c47df580d0832df71afc6fe2 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Test to warn on protocol mismatch in a variety of initializations. */
/* { dg-do compile } */
typedef struct objc_class *Class;
typedef struct objc_object {
Class isa;
} *id;
@protocol NSObject
@interface NSObject <NSObject>
@protocol NSCopying
- (void)copyWithZone;
@interface Foo:NSObject <NSCopying>
extern id <NSObject> NSCopyObject();
@implementation Foo
- (void)copyWithZone {
Foo *copy = NSCopyObject(); /* { dg-warning "type \\'id <NSObject>\\' does not conform to the \\'NSCopying\\' protocol" } */
Foo<NSObject,NSCopying> *g = NSCopyObject(); /* { dg-warning "type \\'id <NSObject>\\' does not conform to the \\'NSCopying\\' protocol" } */
id<NSObject,NSCopying> h = NSCopyObject(); /* { dg-warning "type \\'id <NSObject>\\' does not conform to the \\'NSCopying\\' protocol" } */