blob: 31770a0194675806c445b1651c9a7d035e323611 [file] [log] [blame]
* This module contains utilities for TypeInfo implementation.
* Copyright: Copyright Kenji Hara 2014-.
* License: <a href="">Boost License 1.0</a>.
* Authors: Kenji Hara
module rt.util.typeinfo;
static import core.internal.hash;
template Floating(T)
if (is(T == float) || is(T == double) || is(T == real))
pure nothrow @safe:
bool equals(T f1, T f2)
return f1 == f2;
int compare(T d1, T d2)
if (d1 != d1 || d2 != d2) // if either are NaN
if (d1 != d1)
if (d2 != d2)
return 0;
return -1;
return 1;
return (d1 == d2) ? 0 : ((d1 < d2) ? -1 : 1);
public alias hashOf = core.internal.hash.hashOf;
template Floating(T)
if (is(T == cfloat) || is(T == cdouble) || is(T == creal))
pure nothrow @safe:
bool equals(T f1, T f2)
return f1 == f2;
int compare(T f1, T f2)
int result;
if ( <
result = -1;
else if ( >
result = 1;
else if ( <
result = -1;
else if ( >
result = 1;
result = 0;
return result;
public alias hashOf = core.internal.hash.hashOf;
template Array(T)
if (is(T == float) || is(T == double) || is(T == real) ||
is(T == cfloat) || is(T == cdouble) || is(T == creal))
pure nothrow @safe:
bool equals(T[] s1, T[] s2)
size_t len = s1.length;
if (len != s2.length)
return false;
for (size_t u = 0; u < len; u++)
if (!Floating!T.equals(s1[u], s2[u]))
return false;
return true;
int compare(T[] s1, T[] s2)
size_t len = s1.length;
if (s2.length < len)
len = s2.length;
for (size_t u = 0; u < len; u++)
if (int c = Floating![u], s2[u]))
return c;
if (s1.length < s2.length)
return -1;
else if (s1.length > s2.length)
return 1;
return 0;
public alias hashOf = core.internal.hash.hashOf;
version (unittest)
alias TypeTuple(T...) = T;
// Bugzilla 13052
static struct SX(F) { F f; }
TypeInfo ti;
// real types
foreach (F; TypeTuple!(float, double, real))
(){ // workaround #2396
alias S = SX!F;
F f1 = +0.0,
f2 = -0.0;
assert(f1 == f2);
assert(f1 !is f2);
ti = typeid(F);
assert(ti.getHash(&f1) == ti.getHash(&f2));
F[] a1 = [f1, f1, f1];
F[] a2 = [f2, f2, f2];
assert(a1 == a2);
assert(a1 !is a2);
ti = typeid(F[]);
assert(ti.getHash(&a1) == ti.getHash(&a2));
F[][] aa1 = [a1, a1, a1];
F[][] aa2 = [a2, a2, a2];
assert(aa1 == aa2);
assert(aa1 !is aa2);
ti = typeid(F[][]);
assert(ti.getHash(&aa1) == ti.getHash(&aa2));
S s1 = {f1},
s2 = {f2};
assert(s1 == s2);
assert(s1 !is s2);
ti = typeid(S);
assert(ti.getHash(&s1) == ti.getHash(&s2));
S[] da1 = [S(f1), S(f1), S(f1)],
da2 = [S(f2), S(f2), S(f2)];
assert(da1 == da2);
assert(da1 !is da2);
ti = typeid(S[]);
assert(ti.getHash(&da1) == ti.getHash(&da2));
S[3] sa1 = {f1},
sa2 = {f2};
assert(sa1 == sa2);
assert(sa1[] !is sa2[]);
ti = typeid(S[3]);
assert(ti.getHash(&sa1) == ti.getHash(&sa2));
// imaginary types
foreach (F; TypeTuple!(ifloat, idouble, ireal))
(){ // workaround #2396
alias S = SX!F;
F f1 = +0.0i,
f2 = -0.0i;
assert(f1 == f2);
assert(f1 !is f2);
ti = typeid(F);
assert(ti.getHash(&f1) == ti.getHash(&f2));
F[] a1 = [f1, f1, f1];
F[] a2 = [f2, f2, f2];
assert(a1 == a2);
assert(a1 !is a2);
ti = typeid(F[]);
assert(ti.getHash(&a1) == ti.getHash(&a2));
F[][] aa1 = [a1, a1, a1];
F[][] aa2 = [a2, a2, a2];
assert(aa1 == aa2);
assert(aa1 !is aa2);
ti = typeid(F[][]);
assert(ti.getHash(&aa1) == ti.getHash(&aa2));
S s1 = {f1},
s2 = {f2};
assert(s1 == s2);
assert(s1 !is s2);
ti = typeid(S);
assert(ti.getHash(&s1) == ti.getHash(&s2));
S[] da1 = [S(f1), S(f1), S(f1)],
da2 = [S(f2), S(f2), S(f2)];
assert(da1 == da2);
assert(da1 !is da2);
ti = typeid(S[]);
assert(ti.getHash(&da1) == ti.getHash(&da2));
S[3] sa1 = {f1},
sa2 = {f2};
assert(sa1 == sa2);
assert(sa1[] !is sa2[]);
ti = typeid(S[3]);
assert(ti.getHash(&sa1) == ti.getHash(&sa2));
// complex types
foreach (F; TypeTuple!(cfloat, cdouble, creal))
(){ // workaround #2396
alias S = SX!F;
F[4] f = [+0.0 + 0.0i,
+0.0 - 0.0i,
-0.0 + 0.0i,
-0.0 - 0.0i];
foreach (i, f1; f) foreach (j, f2; f) if (i != j)
assert(f1 == 0 + 0i);
assert(f1 == f2);
assert(f1 !is f2);
ti = typeid(F);
assert(ti.getHash(&f1) == ti.getHash(&f2));
F[] a1 = [f1, f1, f1];
F[] a2 = [f2, f2, f2];
assert(a1 == a2);
assert(a1 !is a2);
ti = typeid(F[]);
assert(ti.getHash(&a1) == ti.getHash(&a2));
F[][] aa1 = [a1, a1, a1];
F[][] aa2 = [a2, a2, a2];
assert(aa1 == aa2);
assert(aa1 !is aa2);
ti = typeid(F[][]);
assert(ti.getHash(&aa1) == ti.getHash(&aa2));
S s1 = {f1},
s2 = {f2};
assert(s1 == s2);
assert(s1 !is s2);
ti = typeid(S);
assert(ti.getHash(&s1) == ti.getHash(&s2));
S[] da1 = [S(f1), S(f1), S(f1)],
da2 = [S(f2), S(f2), S(f2)];
assert(da1 == da2);
assert(da1 !is da2);
ti = typeid(S[]);
assert(ti.getHash(&da1) == ti.getHash(&da2));
S[3] sa1 = {f1},
sa2 = {f2};
assert(sa1 == sa2);
assert(sa1[] !is sa2[]);
ti = typeid(S[3]);
assert(ti.getHash(&sa1) == ti.getHash(&sa2));
// Reduces to `T` if `cond` is `true` or `U` otherwise.
private template Select(bool cond, T, U)
static if (cond) alias Select = T;
else alias Select = U;
TypeInfo information for built-in types.
A `Base` type may be specified, which must be a type with the same layout, alignment, hashing, and
equality comparison as type `T`. This saves on code size because parts of `Base` will be reused. Example:
`float` and `ifloat` or `char` and `ubyte`. The implementation assumes `Base` and `T` hash the same, swap
the same, have the same ABI flags, and compare the same for equality. For ordering comparisons, we detect
during compilation whether they have different signedness and override appropriately. For initializer, we
detect if we need to override. The overriding initializer should be nonzero.
private class TypeInfoGeneric(T, Base = T) : Select!(is(T == Base), TypeInfo, TypeInfoGeneric!Base)
if (T.sizeof == Base.sizeof && T.alignof == Base.alignof)
const: nothrow: pure: @trusted:
// Returns the type name.
override string toString() const pure nothrow @safe { return T.stringof; }
// `getHash` is the same for `Base` and `T`, introduce it just once.
static if (is(T == Base))
override size_t getHash(scope const void* p)
static if (__traits(isFloating, T))
return Floating!T.hashOf(*cast(T*)p);
return hashOf(*cast(const T *)p);
// `equals` is the same for `Base` and `T`, introduce it just once.
static if (is(T == Base))
override bool equals(in void* p1, in void* p2)
static if (__traits(isFloating, T))
return Floating!T.equals(*cast(T*)p1, *cast(T*)p2);
return *cast(T *)p1 == *cast(T *)p2;
// `T` and `Base` may have different signedness, so this function is introduced conditionally.
static if (is(T == Base) || (__traits(isIntegral, T) && T.max != Base.max))
override int compare(in void* p1, in void* p2)
static if (__traits(isFloating, T))
return Floating!*cast(T*)p1, *cast(T*)p2);
else static if (T.sizeof < int.sizeof)
// Taking the difference will always fit in an int.
return int(*cast(T *) p1) - int(*cast(T *) p2);
auto lhs = *cast(T *) p1, rhs = *cast(T *) p2;
return (lhs > rhs) - (lhs < rhs);
static if (is(T == Base))
override @property size_t tsize() nothrow pure
return T.sizeof;
static if (is(T == Base))
override @property size_t talign() nothrow pure
return T.alignof;
// Override initializer only if necessary.
static if (is(T == Base) || T.init != Base.init)
override const(void)[] initializer() @trusted
static if (__traits(isZeroInit, T))
return (cast(void *)null)[0 .. T.sizeof];
static immutable T[1] c;
return c;
// `swap` is the same for `Base` and `T`, so introduce only once.
static if (is(T == Base))
override void swap(void *p1, void *p2)
auto t = *cast(T *) p1;
*cast(T *)p1 = *cast(T *)p2;
*cast(T *)p2 = t;
static if (is(T == Base) || RTInfo!T != RTInfo!Base)
override @property immutable(void)* rtInfo() nothrow pure const @safe
return RTInfo!T;
static if (is(T == Base))
static if (__traits(isFloating, T) && T.mant_dig != 64)
// FP types except 80-bit X87 are passed in SIMD register.
override @property uint flags() const { return 2; }
assert(typeid(int).toString == "int");
with (typeid(double))
double a = 42, b = 43;
assert(equals(&a, &a));
assert(!equals(&a, &b));
assert(compare(&a, &a) == 0);
assert(compare(&a, &b) == -1);
assert(compare(&b, &a) == 1);
with (typeid(short))
short c = 42, d = 43;
assert(equals(&c, &c));
assert(!equals(&c, &d));
assert(compare(&c, &c) == 0);
assert(compare(&c, &d) == -1);
assert(compare(&d, &c) == 1);
assert(initializer.ptr is null);
assert(initializer.length == short.sizeof);
swap(&d, &c);
assert(c == 43 && d == 42);
TypeInfo information for arrays of built-in types.
A `Base` type may be specified, which must be a type with the same layout, alignment, hashing, and
equality comparison as type `T`. This saves on code size because parts of `Base` will be reused. Example:
`float` and `ifloat` or `char` and `ubyte`. The implementation assumes `Base` and `T` hash the same, swap
the same, have the same ABI flags, and compare the same for equality. For ordering comparisons, we detect
during compilation whether they have different signedness and override appropriately. For initializer, we
detect if we need to override. The overriding initializer should be nonzero.
private class TypeInfoArrayGeneric(T, Base = T) : Select!(is(T == Base), TypeInfo_Array, TypeInfoArrayGeneric!Base)
static if (is(T == Base))
override bool opEquals(Object o) { return TypeInfo.opEquals(o); }
override string toString() const { return (T[]).stringof; }
static if (is(T == Base))
override size_t getHash(scope const void* p) @trusted const
static if (__traits(isFloating, T))
return Array!T.hashOf(*cast(T[]*)p);
return hashOf(*cast(const T[]*) p);
static if (is(T == Base))
override bool equals(in void* p1, in void* p2) const
static if (__traits(isFloating, T))
return Array!T.equals(*cast(T[]*)p1, *cast(T[]*)p2);
import core.stdc.string;
auto s1 = *cast(T[]*)p1;
auto s2 = *cast(T[]*)p2;
return s1.length == s2.length &&
memcmp(s1.ptr, s2.ptr, s1.length) == 0;
static if (is(T == Base) || (__traits(isIntegral, T) && T.max != Base.max))
override int compare(in void* p1, in void* p2) const
static if (__traits(isFloating, T))
return Array!*cast(T[]*)p1, *cast(T[]*)p2);
auto s1 = *cast(T[]*)p1;
auto s2 = *cast(T[]*)p2;
auto len = s1.length;
if (s2.length < len)
len = s2.length;
for (size_t u = 0; u < len; u++)
if (int result = (s1[u] > s2[u]) - (s1[u] < s2[u]))
return result;
return (s1.length > s2.length) - (s1.length < s2.length);
override @property inout(TypeInfo) next() inout
return cast(inout) typeid(T);
assert(typeid(int[]) == typeid(int[]));
assert(typeid(int[]) != typeid(uint[]));
assert(typeid(int[]).toString == "int[]");
with (typeid(double[]))
double[] a = [ 1, 2, 3 ], b = [ 2, 3 ];
assert(equals(&a, &a));
assert(!equals(&a, &b));
assert(compare(&a, &a) == 0);
assert(compare(&a, &b) == -1);
assert(compare(&b, &a) == 1);
// Predefined TypeInfos
// void
class TypeInfo_v : TypeInfoGeneric!ubyte
const: nothrow: pure: @trusted:
override string toString() const pure nothrow @safe { return "void"; }
override size_t getHash(scope const void* p)
override @property uint flags() nothrow pure
return 1;
assert(typeid(void).toString == "void");
assert(typeid(void).flags == 1);
// All integrals.
class TypeInfo_h : TypeInfoGeneric!ubyte {}
class TypeInfo_b : TypeInfoGeneric!(bool, ubyte) {}
class TypeInfo_g : TypeInfoGeneric!(byte, ubyte) {}
class TypeInfo_a : TypeInfoGeneric!(char, ubyte) {}
class TypeInfo_t : TypeInfoGeneric!ushort {}
class TypeInfo_s : TypeInfoGeneric!(short, ushort) {}
class TypeInfo_u : TypeInfoGeneric!(wchar, ushort) {}
class TypeInfo_w : TypeInfoGeneric!(dchar, uint) {}
class TypeInfo_k : TypeInfoGeneric!uint {}
class TypeInfo_i : TypeInfoGeneric!(int, uint) {}
class TypeInfo_m : TypeInfoGeneric!ulong {}
class TypeInfo_l : TypeInfoGeneric!(long, ulong) {}
static if (is(cent)) class TypeInfo_zi : TypeInfoGeneric!cent {}
static if (is(ucent)) class TypeInfo_zk : TypeInfoGeneric!ucent {}
// All simple floating-point types.
class TypeInfo_f : TypeInfoGeneric!float {}
class TypeInfo_o : TypeInfoGeneric!(ifloat, float) {}
class TypeInfo_d : TypeInfoGeneric!double {}
class TypeInfo_p : TypeInfoGeneric!(idouble, double) {}
class TypeInfo_e : TypeInfoGeneric!real {}
class TypeInfo_j : TypeInfoGeneric!(ireal, real) {}
// All complex floating-point types.
// cfloat
class TypeInfo_q : TypeInfoGeneric!cfloat
const: nothrow: pure: @trusted:
static if (__traits(hasMember, TypeInfo, "argTypes"))
override int argTypes(out TypeInfo arg1, out TypeInfo arg2)
arg1 = typeid(double);
return 0;
// cdouble
class TypeInfo_r : TypeInfoGeneric!cdouble
const: nothrow: pure: @trusted:
static if (__traits(hasMember, TypeInfo, "argTypes"))
override int argTypes(out TypeInfo arg1, out TypeInfo arg2)
arg1 = typeid(double);
arg2 = typeid(double);
return 0;
// creal
class TypeInfo_c : TypeInfoGeneric!creal
const: nothrow: pure: @trusted:
static if (__traits(hasMember, TypeInfo, "argTypes"))
override int argTypes(out TypeInfo arg1, out TypeInfo arg2)
arg1 = typeid(real);
arg2 = typeid(real);
return 0;
static if (__traits(hasMember, TypeInfo, "argTypes"))
TypeInfo t1, t2;
assert(typeid(cfloat).argTypes(t1, t2) == 0 && t1 == typeid(double) &&
t2 is null);
assert(typeid(cdouble).argTypes(t1, t2) == 0 && t1 == typeid(double) &&
t2 == typeid(double));
assert(typeid(creal).argTypes(t1, t2) == 0 && t1 == typeid(real) &&
t2 == typeid(real));
// Arrays of all integrals.
class TypeInfo_Ah : TypeInfoArrayGeneric!ubyte {}
class TypeInfo_Ab : TypeInfoArrayGeneric!(bool, ubyte) {}
class TypeInfo_Ag : TypeInfoArrayGeneric!(byte, ubyte) {}
class TypeInfo_Aa : TypeInfoArrayGeneric!(char, ubyte) {}
class TypeInfo_Axa : TypeInfoArrayGeneric!(const char) {}
class TypeInfo_Aya : TypeInfoArrayGeneric!(immutable char)
// Must override this, otherwise "string" is returned.
override string toString() const { return "immutable(char)[]"; }
class TypeInfo_At : TypeInfoArrayGeneric!ushort {}
class TypeInfo_As : TypeInfoArrayGeneric!(short, ushort) {}
class TypeInfo_Au : TypeInfoArrayGeneric!(wchar, ushort) {}
class TypeInfo_Ak : TypeInfoArrayGeneric!uint {}
class TypeInfo_Ai : TypeInfoArrayGeneric!(int, uint) {}
class TypeInfo_Aw : TypeInfoArrayGeneric!(dchar, uint) {}
class TypeInfo_Am : TypeInfoArrayGeneric!ulong {}
class TypeInfo_Al : TypeInfoArrayGeneric!(long, ulong) {}
version (unittest)
private extern (C) void[] _adSort(void[] a, TypeInfo ti);
assert(typeid(string).toString() == "immutable(char)[]");
int[][] a = [[5,3,8,7], [2,5,3,8,7]];
_adSort(*cast(void[]*)&a, typeid(a[0]));
assert(a == [[2,5,3,8,7], [5,3,8,7]]);
a = [[5,3,8,7], [5,3,8]];
_adSort(*cast(void[]*)&a, typeid(a[0]));
assert(a == [[5,3,8], [5,3,8,7]]);
// original code uses int subtraction which is susceptible to
// integer overflow, causing the following case to fail.
int[] a = [int.max, int.max];
int[] b = [int.min, int.min];
assert(a > b);
assert(b < a);
// Original test case from issue 13073
uint x = 0x22_DF_FF_FF;
uint y = 0xA2_DF_FF_FF;
assert(!(x < y && y < x));
uint[] a = [x];
uint[] b = [y];
assert(!(a < b && b < a)); // Original failing case
uint[1] a1 = [x];
uint[1] b1 = [y];
assert(!(a1 < b1 && b1 < a1)); // Original failing case
// Arrays of all floating point types.
class TypeInfo_Af : TypeInfoArrayGeneric!float {}
class TypeInfo_Ao : TypeInfoArrayGeneric!(ifloat, float) {}
class TypeInfo_Ad : TypeInfoArrayGeneric!double {}
class TypeInfo_Ap : TypeInfoArrayGeneric!(idouble, double) {}
class TypeInfo_Ae : TypeInfoArrayGeneric!real {}
class TypeInfo_Aj : TypeInfoArrayGeneric!(ireal, real) {}
class TypeInfo_Aq : TypeInfoArrayGeneric!cfloat {}
class TypeInfo_Ar : TypeInfoArrayGeneric!cdouble {}
class TypeInfo_Ac : TypeInfoArrayGeneric!creal {}
// void[] is a bit different, behaves like ubyte[] for comparison purposes.
class TypeInfo_Av : TypeInfo_Ah
override string toString() const { return "void[]"; }
override @property inout(TypeInfo) next() inout
return cast(inout) typeid(void);
assert(typeid(void[]).toString == "void[]");
assert(typeid(void[]).next == typeid(void));
// all delegates
assert(typeid(void delegate(int)).flags == 1);
// typeof(null)
class TypeInfo_n : TypeInfo
override string toString() const @safe { return "typeof(null)"; }
override size_t getHash(scope const void* p) const
return 0;
override bool equals(in void* p1, in void* p2) const @trusted
return true;
override int compare(in void* p1, in void* p2) const @trusted
return 0;
override @property size_t tsize() const
return typeof(null).sizeof;
override const(void)[] initializer() const @trusted
__gshared immutable void[typeof(null).sizeof] init;
return init;
override void swap(void *p1, void *p2) const @trusted
override @property immutable(void)* rtInfo() nothrow pure const @safe { return rtinfoNoPointers; }
with (typeid(typeof(null)))
assert(toString == "typeof(null)");
assert(getHash(null) == 0);
assert(equals(null, null));
assert(compare(null, null) == 0);
assert(tsize == typeof(null).sizeof);
assert(initializer == new ubyte[(void*).sizeof]);
assert(rtInfo == rtinfoNoPointers);
// Test typeinfo for classes.
static class Bacon
int sizzle = 1;
override int opCmp(Object rhs) const
if (auto rhsb = cast(Bacon) rhs)
return (sizzle > rhsb.sizzle) - (sizzle < rhsb.sizzle);
return 0;
Object obj = new Bacon;
Bacon obj2 = new Bacon;
obj2.sizzle = 2;
auto dummy = new Object;
with (typeid(obj))
assert(toString[$ - 6 .. $] == ".Bacon");
assert(getHash(&obj) != 0);
assert(equals(&obj, &obj));
assert(!equals(&obj, &obj2));
assert(compare(&obj, &dummy) == 0);
assert(compare(&obj, &obj) == 0);
assert(compare(&obj, &obj2) == -1);
assert(compare(&obj2, &obj) == 1);
assert(tsize == Object.sizeof);
assert(rtInfo == RTInfo!Bacon);
assert(tsize == Object.sizeof);
assert(initializer.ptr !is null);
assert(initializer.length == __traits(classInstanceSize, Bacon));
assert(flags == 1);