blob: c1b2149bb719ea8313dd7b621a4858e2749bc459 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Test FORALL and WHERE with derived types with allocatable components (PR 20541).
! Contributed by Erik Edelmann <>
! and Paul Thomas <>
type :: a
integer, allocatable :: i(:)
end type a
type :: b
type (a), allocatable :: at(:)
end type b
type(a) :: x(2)
type(b) :: y(2), z(2)
integer i, m(4)
! Start with scalar and array element assignments in FORALL.
x(1) = a ((/1, 2, 3, 4/))
x(2) = a ((/1, 2, 3, 4/) + 10)
forall (j = 1:2, i = 1:4, x(j)%i(i) > 2 + (j-1)*10) x(j)%i(i) = j*4-i
if (any ((/((x(i)%i(j), j = 1,4), i = 1,2)/) .ne. &
(/1, 2, 1, 0, 11, 12, 5, 4/))) STOP 1
y(1) = b ((/x(1),x(2)/))
y(2) = b ((/x(2),x(1)/))
forall (k = 1:2, j=1:2, i = 1:4, y(k)%at(j)%i(i) <= 10)
y(k)%at(j)%i(i) = j*4-i+k
end forall
if (any ((/(((y(k)%at(i)%i(j), j = 1,4), i = 1,2), k = 1,2)/) .ne. &
(/4,3,2,1,11,12,6,5,11,12,3,2,9,8,7,6/))) STOP 2
! Now simple assignments in WHERE.
where (y(1)%at(1)%i > 2) y(1)%at(1)%i = 0
if (any( (/(((y(k)%at(i)%i(j), j = 1,4), i = 1,2), k = 1,2)/) .ne. &
(/0,0,2,1,11,12,6,5,11,12,3,2,9,8,7,6/))) STOP 3
! Check that temporaries and full array alloctable component assignments
! are correctly handled in FORALL.
x = (/a ((/1,2,3,4/)),a ((/5,6,7,8/))/)
forall (i=1:2) y(i) = b ((/x(i)/))
forall (i=1:2) y(i) = y(3-i) ! This needs a temporary.
forall (i=1:2) z(i) = y(i)
if (any ((/(((z(k)%at(i)%i(j), j = 1,4), i = 1,1), k = 1,2)/) .ne. &
(/(/5,6,7,8/),(/1,2,3,4/)/))) STOP 4