blob: 339278ed36a9d82c5dd02b28768f3fe9813f7f74 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! { dg-options "-std=f2003" }
! TARGET actual to POINTER dummy with INTENT(IN)
program test
implicit none
integer, target :: a
a = 66
call foo(a) ! { dg-error "Fortran 2008: Non-pointer actual argument" }
if (a /= 647) STOP 1
subroutine foo(p)
integer, pointer, intent(in) :: p
if (a /= 66) STOP 2
if (p /= 66) STOP 3
p = 647
if (p /= 647) STOP 4
if (a /= 647) STOP 5
end subroutine foo
end program test