blob: 404cd2124c045d3ce348e04a28c26d69f09cd2c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Test case for the dumb plugin.
// { dg-do compile }
// { dg-options "-O -fplugin-arg-dumb_plugin-ref-pass-name=ccp -fplugin-arg-dumb_plugin-ref-pass-instance-num=1" }
class Foo {
int a_;
Foo() : a_(a_) {} // { dg-warning "Before genericizing function" }
void setA(int a) {
a_ = a_;
} // { dg-warning "Before genericizing function" }
void operator=(Foo& rhs) {
this->a_ = rhs.a_;
} // { dg-warning "Before genericizing function" }
}; // { dg-warning "Process struct Foo" }
struct Bar {
int b_;
int c_;
}; // { dg-warning "Process struct Bar" }
int g = g;
Foo foo = foo;
void func()
Bar *bar1, bar2;
Foo local_foo;
int x = x;
static int y = y;
float *f;
Bar bar_array[5];
char n;
int overflow;
*f = *f;
bar1->b_ = bar1->b_;
bar2.c_ = bar2.c_;
local_foo = local_foo;
foo = foo;
bar_array[3].c_ = bar_array[3].c_;
bar_array[x+g].b_ = bar_array[x+g].b_;
y = x;
x = y;
} // { dg-warning "Before genericizing function" }
// { dg-warning "Analyze function" "" { target *-*-* } 50 }
// { dg-warning "End of compilation unit" "" { target *-*-* } 50 }