blob: b1530201b4a94ce2209de9b25ad675cd7e3f3984 [file] [log] [blame]
// { dg-do run }
// PRMS Id: 2139
// Bug: g++ tries to instantiate the template with types on the function
// obstack and fails.
template<class T>
class X {
X(int) { }
T x;
class A { };
int main()
int i;
X<int> xi(i);
X<double> xd(i);
X<int (*)(int, void *)> fp0(i);
X<int (*)(int, char, double)> fp1(i);
X<int (*)(int, double**, void *)> fp2(i);
X<int (A::*)()> mp0 (i);
X<int A::*> mp1 (i);