blob: 1cd033005e0c34090a473a5b3b733be32d6b2091 [file] [log] [blame]
// { dg-do run }
// prms-id: 5840
class Signal {
int Name(void) { return 1; }
class Derived : public Signal {
int Name(void) { return 2; }
template <class Foo , int (Foo::*Id)(void)>
class Bar
int value (Foo* a) { return (a->*Id)(); }
/* The following line is illegal under the new rules for non-type
template arguments in the standard, so it is commented out. */
/* template class Bar <Derived, &Signal::Name>; */
template class Bar <Signal, &Signal::Name>;
template class Bar <Derived, &Derived::Name>;
Derived a;
/* Bar<Derived, &Signal::Name> dispatcher1; */
Bar<Derived, &Derived::Name> dispatcher2;
int main() {
/* int i1 = dispatcher1.value(&a); */
int i2 = dispatcher2.value(&a);
return /* i1 != 1 || */ i2 != 2;