blob: fc37f412b7eeffcb91791795c4ac61a917d73a88 [file] [log] [blame]
// { dg-do compile }
// Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// Contributed by Nathan Sidwell 12 Feb 2001 <>
// More from bug 1617. The resolution of DR 214 implies that the below
// call to Foo is ambiguous.
// The type transformation (on the function parameter of Foo) allowed
// in the context of partial ordering of the Foo template overloads is
// the following ([temp.deduct.partial]/5):
// Before the partial ordering is done, certain transformations
// are performed on the types used for partial ordering:
// - If P is a reference type, P is replaced by the type
// referred to.
// - If A is a reference type, A is replaced by the type
// referred to.
// It follows that we are not allowed to apply array-to-pointer
// decay conversion to the type of the function parameter
// 'char const (&)[I]'. So the two Foo specializations should
// be considered unrelated. Thus the partial ordering of the two
// Foo specializations should fail.
template <typename T> int Foo (T const *) {return 1;}
template <unsigned I> int Foo (char const (&)[I]) {return 2;}
int main ()
return Foo ("a") != 2; // { dg-error "call of overloaded \[^\n\r\]* is ambiguous" }