blob: 0dc81ce5b8ea08f271370ee0685266da98700487 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Test C2X support for empty initializers: invalid use cases. */
/* { dg-do compile } */
/* { dg-options "-std=c2x -pedantic-errors" } */
/* Empty initialization is invalid for arrays of unknown size. This is
diagnosed via the diagnostic for zero-size arrays. */
int x[] = {}; /* { dg-error "zero or negative size array" } */
f (int a)
int x1[] = {}; /* { dg-error "zero or negative size array" } */
int x2[][a] = {}; /* { dg-error "zero or negative size array" } */
/* Nonempty VLA initializers are still invalid. */
int x3[a] = { 0 }; /* { dg-error "variable-sized object may not be initialized except with an empty initializer" } */
/* Variable-size compound literals are still invalid. */
(void) (int [a]) {}; /* { dg-error "compound literal has variable size" } */