blob: ae1017866db9f906f60ae83c947a8a68ff2f056f [file] [log] [blame]
/* Test gcov block mode. As the example does jump to a statement
that is on a line with different ones, we must calculate such jump
just once. */
/* { dg-options "-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage" } */
/* { dg-do run { target native } } */
int a = 0;
void foo() /* count(1) */
a = 1;
void bar() /* count(1) */
int main() /* count(1) */
foo (); goto baz; lab: bar (); /* count(2) */
if (a == 1) /* count(2) */
goto lab; /* count(1) */
/* { dg-final { run-gcov { gcov-18.c } } } */