blob: f6b49d6bd134c477e552cc970e37d0238280a938 [file] [log] [blame]
fail_compilation/diag4596.d(15): Error: `this` is not an lvalue and cannot be modified
fail_compilation/diag4596.d(16): Error: conditional expression `1 ? this : this` is not a modifiable lvalue
fail_compilation/diag4596.d(18): Error: `super` is not an lvalue and cannot be modified
fail_compilation/diag4596.d(19): Error: conditional expression `1 ? super : super` is not a modifiable lvalue
class NoGo4596
void fun()
this = new NoGo4596;
(1?this:this) = new NoGo4596;
super = new Object;
(1?super:super) = new Object;