blob: 3bc3c7d50285de8bd5e23187e05ce0e048e93c3b [file] [log] [blame]
fail_compilation/ice10624.d(38): Error: need member function `opCmp()` for struct `Tuple!(Msg)` to compare
fail_compilation/ice10624.d(48): Error: template instance `ice10624.Variant.handler!(Tuple!(Msg))` error instantiating
fail_compilation/ice10624.d(21): instantiated from here: `opAssign!(Tuple!(Msg))`
struct Msg {}
struct Tuple(Specs...)
Specs expand;
alias expand this;
void main()
Variant data;
data = Tuple!Msg();
struct Variant
ptrdiff_t function() fptr = &handler!(void);
static ptrdiff_t handler(A : void)()
return 0;
static ptrdiff_t handler(A)()
A* zis;
A* rhsPA;
return *zis < *rhsPA ? -1 : 1;
// Tuple!(Msg) < Tuple!(Msg)
// Tuple!(Msg).expand < Tuple!(Msg).expand
// -> should be error
return 0;
Variant opAssign(T)(T rhs)
fptr = &handler!(T);
return this;