blob: f895e644c449a392735f98dfd0126b445a86485c [file] [log] [blame]
fail_compilation/lexer2.d(16): Error: semicolon expected following auto declaration, not `"123"`
fail_compilation/lexer2.d(16): Error: declaration expected, not `"123"`
fail_compilation/lexer2.d(17): Error: semicolon expected following auto declaration, not `"123G"`
fail_compilation/lexer2.d(17): Error: declaration expected, not `"123G"`
fail_compilation/lexer2.d(18): Error: heredoc rest of line should be blank
fail_compilation/lexer2.d(20): Error: unterminated delimited string constant starting at fail_compilation/lexer2.d(20)
fail_compilation/lexer2.d(22): Error: semicolon expected following auto declaration, not `End of File`
static s1 = x"123";
static s2 = x"123G";
static s4 = q"here notblank
static s5 = q"here