blob: 8414bf12845481547afb22c0cb2d5e58edc47cc9 [file] [log] [blame]
fail_compilation/opapplyscope.d(113): Error: function `opapplyscope.S.opApply(scope int delegate(scope int* ptr) @safe dg)` is not callable using argument types `(int delegate(int* x) nothrow @nogc @safe)`
fail_compilation/opapplyscope.d(113): cannot pass argument `__foreachbody3` of type `int delegate(int* x) nothrow @nogc @safe` to parameter `scope int delegate(scope int* ptr) @safe dg`
#line 100
struct S
int opApply(scope int delegate (scope int* ptr) @safe dg) @safe
return 0;
void test() @safe
static int* global;
S s;
foreach (/*scope*/ int* x; s)
global = x;