blob: fbbc1c0fa88a3c248ea3da56d65f301155d8cfc7 [file] [log] [blame]
REQUIRED_ARGS: -preview=dip1000
fail_compilation/test15191.d(34): Error: returning `&identity(x)` escapes a reference to local variable `x`
fail_compilation/test15191.d(40): Error: returning `&identityPtr(x)` escapes a reference to local variable `x`
fail_compilation/test15191.d(46): Error: returning `&identityPtr(x)` escapes a reference to local variable `x`
fail_compilation/test15191.d(67): Error: cannot take address of `scope` variable `x` since `scope` applies to first indirection only
fail_compilation/test15191.d(69): Error: cannot take address of `scope` variable `x` since `scope` applies to first indirection only
// Test taking the address of a `ref return` using & and [] operators
ref int foo(return ref int s)
return s;
int* bar(return ref int s)
return &foo(s);
ref int identity(ref return int x) {return x;}
ref int* identityPtr(ref return int* x) {return x;}
int* addrOfRefEscape()
int x;
return &identity(x);
int** addrOfRefSystem() @system
int* x;
return &identityPtr(x);
int** addrOfRefTransitive()
int* x;
return &identityPtr(x);
int gInt;
ref int getGlobalInt() {return gInt;}
int* addrOfRefGlobal()
return &getGlobalInt();
// Slice:
ref int*[1] identityArr(return ref scope int*[1] x)
return x;
int*[] sliceOfRefEscape()
int stackVar = 0xFF;
scope int*[1] x = [&stackVar];
auto y = identityArr(x)[]; // check transitive scope in assignment
cast(void) y;
return identityArr(x)[]; // check transitive scope in return statement
int** p;
ref int* get() @safe
return *p;
int** g1() @safe
return &get();