blob: 44de36e36082fd9c21dcb2f4b7de24e0bd902ccd [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Tests the fix for PR59414, comment #3, in which the allocate
! expressions were not correctly being stripped to provide the
! vpointer as an lhs to the pointer assignment of the vptr from
! the SOURCE expression.
! Contributed by Antony Lewis <>
module ObjectLists
implicit none
type :: t
integer :: i
end type
type Object_array_pointer
class(t), pointer :: p(:)
end type
subroutine AddArray1 (P, Pt)
class(t) :: P(:)
class(Object_array_pointer) :: Pt
select type (Pt)
class is (Object_array_pointer)
if (associated (Pt%P)) deallocate (Pt%P)
allocate(Pt%P(1:SIZE(P)), source=P)
end select
end subroutine
subroutine AddArray2 (P, Pt)
class(t) :: P(:)
class(Object_array_pointer) :: Pt
select type (Pt)
type is (Object_array_pointer)
if (associated (Pt%P)) deallocate (Pt%P)
allocate(Pt%P(1:SIZE(P)), source=P)
end select
end subroutine
subroutine AddArray3 (P, Pt)
class(t) :: P
class(Object_array_pointer) :: Pt
select type (Pt)
class is (Object_array_pointer)
if (associated (Pt%P)) deallocate (Pt%P)
allocate(Pt%P(1:4), source=P)
end select
end subroutine
subroutine AddArray4 (P, Pt)
type(t) :: P(:)
class(Object_array_pointer) :: Pt
select type (Pt)
class is (Object_array_pointer)
if (associated (Pt%P)) deallocate (Pt%P)
allocate(Pt%P(1:SIZE(P)), source=P)
end select
end subroutine
end module
use ObjectLists
type(Object_array_pointer), pointer :: Pt
class(t), pointer :: P(:)
allocate (P(2), source = [t(1),t(2)])
allocate (Pt, source = Object_array_pointer(NULL()))
call AddArray1 (P, Pt)
select type (x => Pt%p)
type is (t)
if (any (x%i .ne. [1,2])) STOP 1
end select
deallocate (P)
deallocate (pt)
allocate (P(3), source = [t(3),t(4),t(5)])
allocate (Pt, source = Object_array_pointer(NULL()))
call AddArray2 (P, Pt)
select type (x => Pt%p)
type is (t)
if (any (x%i .ne. [3,4,5])) STOP 2
end select
deallocate (P)
deallocate (pt)
allocate (Pt, source = Object_array_pointer(NULL()))
call AddArray3 (t(6), Pt)
select type (x => Pt%p)
type is (t)
if (any (x%i .ne. [6,6,6,6])) STOP 3
end select
deallocate (pt)
allocate (Pt, source = Object_array_pointer(NULL()))
call AddArray4 ([t(7), t(8)], Pt)
select type (x => Pt%p)
type is (t)
if (any (x%i .ne. [7,8])) STOP 4
end select
deallocate (pt)